D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen is disoriented, not only because there was woolen stuffing coming out of the wound she sustained on her thigh that had not yet fully healed. Her head hurt, and every sight seemed to her unlike anything she had seen before... not only new, but foreign, like she had been transported to another place, another time. She tried to puzzle it, but could not get beyond the shape of her hands.

"It makes no sense," she said to Qawasha. "There is nothing to fight, nothing to stop." Her voice cracks in a panic. "I can go in, or try, and see what this vessel does, if that helps."

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"Let me check the mechanisssm. Thisss might be a gateway, a transporter; or it might be disintegration device, or polymorphing, healing any number of thingsss. I'm an artifisser, buy me sssome time."
He flies up, inspecting the keyhole first and then the lever and the energy.

OOC: roll skill check as appropriate. Arcana? Investigation? Pure Int check? :)


Ussal flew on his little felted wings up to the triangular hole. There wasn't much to figure out - he fit through it, so he went inside - carefully in case the light burned. It did not. It seemed that it was simply a form of magically-generated sunlight. It warmed his woolly form as he fluttered down to the lever.

OOC: There's not much to think about here either. It just looks like a metal lever that will turn the pipe and cause something to happen, with no way really of knowing what that will be. Do you want to pull it?

OOC: Yet another dilemma of the kind Acererak is fond of. Do I die or do I get thrown somewhere else where I die :)
Of course I pull it.

I was considering pulling it from the outside, but that way we may not see what happens...that may still be the case if he doesn't have required strength in this form

Ussal looks quickly around, looks back at the group and shrugs his shoulders. Activating his force-field just in case, he pulls the lever.


The lever was heavy for a little woolen snake, but Ussal was able to get it all the way down to a spot where it clicked. The glass rotated, the light shone brighter for a moment and then vanished, along with the glass, which cracked into little triangles before disappearing. The only thing that remained of the cylinder was the triangular hole that he had flown through, now a crystal triangle that rotated near the ceiling, making a tiny high-pitched crackling noise.

Ussal had been concerned for his safety, naturally in a place such as this, but he was unharmed.

Ussal flies back "I don't like crystals ringing with high tones, we should move back in case it explodes. Qawasha, how did you return to you normal form?"

Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 5/7
Spell Slots:
1st [X ] [X][X] [ ]
2nd [X] [X ] [ ]
[X] [ X] [ ]
4th [X ]
Wild shape: 1/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 0/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st Speak with Animals, Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd Animal Messenger, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , Water Breathing, *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, Daylight
4th: Conjure Woodland being, Stone Shape, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

Qawasha wasn't so sure.

"The keys must be here for the lich to access the centre of the tomb. He entombed the Pretender Gods here and used them to defend the way to unlock it. I will risk myself to find out if it will help to destroy this filthy curse!"

To Ussal,

"But first, I was able to change because my physical form is malleable. This physical world can no longer make my soul conform to one shape. Unless this crystal ball advises that I do not touch this, I will see if this thing leads us to the curse."

Qawasha paused looking into the crystal ball (giving the others time to advise him) then, as he clung to the ceiling, touched the floating triangle with the key.

In my last post, Qawasha had climbed up to the ceiling and removed the crystal ball to ask the RWST (Red Wizard Search Tool - pronounce 'Worst') about the cylinder. If it has any ideas about the flashing triangle, hopefully it will answer before Qawasha does something he regrets.
He's also holding the triangle key, if that makes a difference.
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OOC: I nearly forgot about Whizbang, who was last seen on Weed's shoulder.

Imogen looked to Weed, who was still looking droopy and depressed for having no access to its legs, which were not only stuck in a pot, but were immobile roots (it would not do, she concluded, to simply break the pot). This was when she noticed that Whizbang had survived the teleportation. At first she thought that he was unchanged, but then she noticed that he was now made from a mosaic of brightly coloured glass. He was silently hiding under some of Weed's leaves.


Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 5/7
Spell Slots:
1st [X ] [X][X] [ ]
2nd [X] [X ] [ ]
[X] [ X] [ ]
4th [X ]
Wild shape: 1/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 0/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st Speak with Animals, Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd Animal Messenger, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , Water Breathing, *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, Daylight
4th: Conjure Woodland being, Stone Shape, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

“What is this floating shard that we unleashed with the key?”


Voidrunner's Codex

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