D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
As she squeezes her eyes, the wool that is her belly. twists and churns. She feels like she is throwing up, and her wrists cracking back, and for a moment she feels warm -- maybe for the first time in months.

And then...

OOC: DC 15 Con save: 1d20+3=5.
But! Miss Imogen has been Lucky since level 6. 1d20+3=16. Woo?

1/3 luck points used.


She held on to the feeling inside and she felt it grow. Her button eyes shut tight. (How was that possible? No, they were her real eyes! They had to be!) The seams on the little doll split open, and Imogen grew out of the fluff until she returned to her full height and lifted her bow. Happily herself again.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen opened her eyes, and her wrists snapped back into place, and they were hewr wrists. A wave of relief shot through her, as she broke into a sweat, which instantly froze, frosting over he shoulders and down her back.

She's crying, briefly, as she composes herself. "It can be done. Qawasha. It can be done."

She has no idea how or why this is happening, but she reaches down (and it is down, now, and picks up Kapalue. "Now to get you sorted," she says. And then louder. "Everyone. We can do this."

She is now in a position to appraise her surroundings. To look for a way out, or a way forward.

Ussal watches the tranformation and thinks long and hard about advantages of flight. But he has no sense if this small body is weaker than his armored form, can he cast spells
<he tries Thorn Whip, attacking the device they just broke>
Finally, he conludes that the risks are too high, if the small dolls are afraid, it may not be just physical might that makes the dolls so afraid, it may be some inherent power of the witches over homunculi.

He focuses on his form, trying to snap back into his normal self. He overanalyzes the process as it is happening instead of letting go. When it seems he will not change back, he realizes he cannot change his form from soft to hard without intermediate steps. While his body in his doll form is one whole snake, his real body...really isn't. Armor makes good part of it.

Refocusing on the transformation in steps he would do to transform wool into armor, hardening, even burning he finally gets his normal form to re-establish itself and the small flying snake transforms into 20-foot behemot that thumps solidly on the floor, his upper torso swaying as he regains his balance.

"Let'sss not do thisss again."

Con save: 1d20+8=[7]+8 = 15

Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 5/7
Spell Slots:
1st [X ] [X][X] [ ]
2nd [X] [X ] [ ]
[X] [ X] [ ]
4th [X ]
Wild shape: 1/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 0/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st Speak with Animals, Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd Animal Messenger, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , Water Breathing, *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, Daylight
4th: Conjure Woodland being, Stone Shape, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

Qawasha clapped with joy but quickly stopped, looking to the door, worried he might draw the attention of one of the hags. Whispering in their Native tongue, he said with excitement,

"Wonderful! Come, Kapalue, you can do it too!"

Then remembering Whizbang,

"Come on, happy little lizard, why don't you try as well!"

Looking again, nervously to the door where they entered,

"And perhaps someone should check to make sure we have not been heard."

I will "Aid Another" by providing wonderful positive and happy druid vibes to my friends. (if that works)


Whizbang twisted his lizard head to look at his shining glass-mosaic skin and said, "Nah. I like it this way."

But Weed, who desperately wanted its feet free of the pot (it wasn't enough to just unbury them, they had become inanimate roots), scrunched its little plant-face tightly and tried to force them free. To no avail. Even with Qawasha's words of encouragement, Weed could not turn itself back to normal.

Weed dc15 CON Save (with Help!): 2D20.HIGH(1)+1 = [5, 9]+1 = 10

Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 5/7
Spell Slots:
1st [X ] [X][X] [ ]
2nd [X] [X ] [ ]
[X] [ X] [ ]
4th [X ]
Wild shape: 1/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 0/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st Speak with Animals, Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd Animal Messenger, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , Water Breathing, *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, Daylight
4th: Conjure Woodland being, Stone Shape, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

Qawasha gently put his hand on Kapulae,

"It is ok, we will find a way to fix you. For now, I will carry you. I will never leave you behind."

He picked up the potted vegepygmy.

"Let us see if there are more doors we can get in - or perhaps listen to what those creatures have to say. I wonder...if we close the door, perhaps we can sleep? Surely they would not suspect the door is unlocked? And time may cure us of our ailments."

Qawasha looks at the door to see if the lock changed at all when they unlocked it or if it was possible to close it without it locking.

"What do you think, Miss Imogen?"

If you need a stealth check, it's
stealth: 1D20+2 = [3]+2 = 5

I'll aid Miss Imogen investigate the door. @Kobold Stew she's a rogue, right???

Voidrunner's Codex

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