D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Ussal had a look at the door that they had come in. It had taken the triangle key to unlock, and though no one had noticed it at the time, the door had locked behind them while they were investigating the glass cylinder. Ussal was both startled and relieved when he realized that the key on this side of the door was shaped like their new version of the triangle key - this meant that had they failed to solve the glass cylinder's contraption, that they would have been locked in this room with no way out.

In the end, he concluded that there was no reason to think that the hags (or anyone else) would be able to open this door from the other side. It seemed safe enough to rest.

OOC: Theoretically you could stay in this room forever. Which is good, because it's probably only been a few hours since the last long rest, so we're looking at staying here for something like 18 hours. I've long since lost track of time, but then, you've all probably lost track of time, too!

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Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 6/7
Spell Slots:
1st [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
2nd [] [ ] [ ]
[] [ ] [ ]
4th [X]
Wild shape: 1/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 0/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st ? Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd ?, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , ?, *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, ?
4th: Conjure Woodland being, ?, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

When they realized the door was locked, Qawasha plunked himself down next to Weed.

"Feel free to look through my bags. Perhaps you will get more use out of the Red Wizard's crystal than I. I refuse to use the tools of those that animate the dead. And while we wait, let me make supper."

He prayed to Ubtao (sp?) and 10 magical berries appeared in his hand. He passed 3 Imogen and Ussal and fed one to Weed. He ate one himself and then kept the last 2 in his pocket.

Lastly, he summoned water and filled everyone's water-skins.1

He relaxed for a while until sleep overcame him.

When he woke, he felt refreshed. Looking around, he saw the others were still asleep. He quietly did his devotions and, when he was done, removed a small coconut that he'd taken from the jungle along with a small crust of bread. He cracked open the coconut and, ripping the bread into eight small parts and dipped each one into the coconut milk. He arranged this strange meal in a circle around him and then began to chant in his strange druidic language.

When his spell was done, eight chawingas appeared in front of each piece of bread.2 In Chultan, he invited the creatures to eat. Qawasha, himself, tore a piece of bread and dipped it into the coconut as he discussed with the little chawingas. They clapped excitedly but became very serious as the conversation went on. Finally, Qawasha started dolling out jobs for them to do, some of them raising their hands to volunteer for the more dangerous or fearful tasks.

When the conversation was done, Qawasha opened the door and seven of the small fey disappeared from sight as they left. One stayed behind and stood in front of Kapula. The creature rubbed its tiny chin and seemed to consider something very seriously. Making up its mind,l it jumped up and slapped the vegypygmy on the nose. Instantly, Weed began to change.3

After this display, the last lone chawinga ran off to join the others.

"They will spy for us while we rest a bit longer. I asked them to listen in to the Hag's and the doll's conversations and I sent some of them off to look for our friends. I told them to keep an eye out for the strangely shaped skeletons heads. They know it will be dangerous but they are at no risk of dying. Their spirits will be returned to nature and reform again. In any case, they will return in no longer than an hour to report what they have found. I have given them a secret knock to come back inside."

So, the curse only allows us to regain 1 HD. We also need to use our HD to recover HP.

I'll 'placeholder' spells in this post but may change them up before the next post. I'm busy this weekend and am trying to get a post out before I leave.

1. I cast Create Water and Good Berry. That gives us water and food for the next 2 days, at least.

2. Casting Summon Woodland Being to summon some 8 'chawingas' As per my DM to Fitz.

3. The 'chawinga' will cast Polymorph on Weed. I'm hoping that it gives him a freebie to change back (best case) or another chance to save (worse case).

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen takes the berry and nods thanks. Her lips are chapped and feel like they will crack, and the bitter juice from the single berry she eats stings her mouth. Nevertheless, she feels full, and so puts the other two away for later.

"Ssso, are we resssting here? The door ssseemss sssafe enough. We don't know what happened to tabacssssi."
Ussal looks at the key again
"Fighting the hagsss is risssky. And we cannot count on them now knowing we're here. The dollsss might give usss away. But we cannot just stay here."

OOC: Do we have alternate exit? Or we have to go through the same door? And we also cannot assume these doors are the same, when we unlock them we might not be in the hag lair anymore :)


The hours passed with no interruptions. It was tediously boring, and the room was unusually cold for Chult - which had been nearly always unbearably hot. It was very difficult to find any comfort whatsoever, but eventually the time passed.

The most thrilling thing that occurred, which raised everyone's spirits, was when Kupalue's pot finally cracked and turned to dust and the vegepygmy squeaked in delight as it shook the dust off of its root-legs, standing free once more.

OOC: Sorry for missing the part about resting :) No alternate exits?

"OK, everyone ready to confront the hagsss? We can try ssstealth firsssst. Are we taking the dollsss with usss?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen is overjoyed when Kapalue returned to its former self. She gives the vegpygmy a hug, and pours some water for it, since its fronds appeated to be drying out. She looks over to Myrral, and calls for a reassuring tune.

Once they are packed up, and ready to proceed, she acknowledges Ussal.

"Aye -- avoiding conflict would be ideal."

OOC: Miss Imogen is at 48/51 HP. I wasn't going to spend any dice. @Neurotic do you have a song of rest? if so: +1d6=4 she'd be at full..
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Sorry for missing the part about resting :) No alternate exits?
OOC: No, there is only the one way in and out.

From Post 3231 Above: "Ussal had a look at the door that they had come in. It had taken the triangle key to unlock, and though no one had noticed it at the time, the door had locked behind them while they were investigating the glass cylinder. Ussal was both startled and relieved when he realized that the key on this side of the door was shaped like their new version of the triangle key - this meant that had they failed to solve the glass cylinder's contraption, that they would have been locked in this room with no way out."

Race: Human
HP: 49/52
AC: 12
Pass Perc:17
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 14
HD: 7/7
Spell Slots:
1st [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
2nd [] [ ] [ ]
[] [ ] [ ]
4th [X]
Wild shape: 2/2Initiative: +2Spell Save DC: 15
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14+2(+5)
WIS: 18 +4(+7)
CHA:11 +0
Medicine: 7
Nature: 5
Perception: 7
Natural Recovery: 1/1
Druidcraft, Shillelagh,
control flames, Produce Flame, Guidance
Memorized spells
1st Healing Word Create Water, Goodberry, Entangle
2nd Pass Without Trace, *Barkskin, *Spider Climb, L.Restoration, Spike Growth
3rd , Flame arrows , *Call lightning, *Plant Growth, Dispel Magic
4th: Conjure Woodland being, *Divination, *Freedom of Movement

Qawasha quietly opened the door a crack, listening carefully. He opened it only far enough to peek through the crack and let the small fey out to do their mission. One went out ahead to make sure the coast was clear and to report back what was in the next room.

Sleepy & Happy & Grumpy: spy on each of the hags
Grumpy: Stay in the green smoke room, spy on dolls/relay messages to us.
Sneezy & Bashful & Doc & Matchichinew: look for the other team

Door access = secret knock

3/3 goodberries
Chawinga (pixie) stats (1 hour) (1hp each)

[]Sleepy: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Happy: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Grumpy: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Dopey: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Sneezy confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Bashful: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Doc: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
[]Matchichinew: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep
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Voidrunner's Codex

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