D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich

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Prickly Pear

After having lit up his child with the light of Lathander, Sesto carefully secures it on his arm. There... extra protection never hurts when dealing with dragons, he thought and gracefully jumped down to the next level, where the minions were awaiting further orders. Loklafd would follow shortly. The old ice-hunter wouldn't need any help.
Follow me, he ordered the minions, and protect me. Sesto set off towards Oggsbruff. He couldn't quite see the big troll but it was noisy enough to follow. In the light of his shield, Sesto came up to a icy pillar that was glittering with ice-crusted treasure. Sesto knew better than grabbing treasure in a dragons lair... he had heard too many stories about how protective dragons were of their treasure. And they always seemed to sense when it had been disturbed! There is always time to grab the treasure later, Sesto thought. ...if I survive this, he added as an afterthought.
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Primus peers into the fog, unable to see much further, even with his Darkvision. He keeps with the group, but as he could not see the trolls, he could not enter and disrupt their minds. That’s fine. He wanted to be ready to fight the Dragon, when the time came.

He scanned the ceiling, just in case.


Eastern Lair

The Easter Lair was alive with activity as the trolls and drowned trolls bit, tore, and thumped with clubs at each other. Oogabooga took a chunk out of the undead troll on his side of the ice-pillar, as Mord struck it with an eldritch blast. Mord's troll scratched away at it as well, but weakly. So far, Mord had been disappointed by their performance, but he hoped that they would have time to do better. The drowned troll bit and scratched at Oogabooga in turn, tearing deeply into the bearded troll's flesh.

On the other side of the ice-pillar, Sargloth thumped the undead troll there with his club, and defended himself with his shield and seal-skin helmet. He was proud of his superior gear, but he had expected it to flatten all opponents, and this thing seemed to barely notice. Mord's other troll skelton rushed in from behind, but the undead troll did not seem to notice.

Mord's skeleton had passed by a Dragon Cultist, who came through the fog into the range of Mord's darkvision. He called out in a version of the giant tongue, using inflections that the trolls found strange, "You trolls, there! Why do you invade Arauthator's Sanctum? You will invite the wrath of the Dragon upon yourselves if you do not stop now!"

OOC: Let's see how my new Resolve-block looks to you all (feedback welcome):

Oogabooga stayed & did 12 (bite) & 9 (claw) dmg (resisted) to Skragg5;
Sargloth stayed & did 8 & 9 (club) dmg (resisted) to Skragg6;
MordTroll1 stayed & missed Sk5;
MordTroll2 dashed to (CZ41);
Mord stayed & did 5 (EB) force dmg to Sk5;
Skragg6 stayed & missed Sargloth
stayed & did 6 (bite) & 12 & 8 (claw) dmg to Oogabooga;
Cultist DW1 arrived at (CX38);
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Western Lair

Kalorn wished for everyone to avoid being bunched up in case of dragon breath, but it was harder to do than he hoped. Alhana and he climbed out of the depression with the spikes, as Lorenn flew off on his board, but they were unable to get very far from each other. Instead, Kalorn took cover behind an icy outcropping and sent his sight to Sooty, who had flown up to the icy ceiling and found a small crack to hold onto. Kalorn could now see a larger area of the cavern through the bat's echolocation - the entirety of the treasure-shelf and the pool of freezing sea-water behind the drowned troll.

Oggsbruff had jumped down the last shelf to see who had thrown the icicle at him. He came upon the drowned troll, and was enraged that his former friend, who had gone missing, had been reduced to this. Better that he'd been eaten by the dragon, as Oggsbruff had thought, than be nekkermunched. The big armoured troll raised his spiked club and pounded on the undead as the creature scratched and bit at him.

Alhana could not see, but she could hear the two trolls fighting. As Loklafd picked up his torch and readied a javelin while moving past her, she closed her eyes and listened. With her keen elven ears, and her deft control of her bow, she sent two arrows sailing into the dark fog. They went smoothly past Oggsbruff and into the undead troll with a thunk thunk that told her she had struck her target.

Alhana moved to (BA25) & did 17 & 20 (arrows) damage to Skragg1;
Loklafd dashed to (AU27);
Sooty flew to (A028) on ceiling (50' up from lowest level);
Kalorn moved to (BC25) & gained 60' Blindsight (from A028);
Oggsbruff moved to (AL33) & did 25 & 18 (spiked club) damage (resisted) to Skragg1;
Skragg1 stayed & did 14 (claw) damage to Oggsbruff;


Eastern Lair

Ignoring the cultist, Oodnadatta continued to bite and claw at the drowned troll that had once been his uncle. Blurcho tore another chunk of ice from the pillar and tossed it at the undead at relatively close range, where it skipped of the edge of Sargloth's shield and scattered across the floor.

The other trolls, who had been overwhelmed with confusion and remorse at the sight of their now-undead kin, saw what he had done and tore chunks of their own from the nearby ice-shelf and hurled them at the other drowned troll, striking it twice in the face.

OOC: I forgot a few people before! Sorry, I'll get this round rolled yet!

Oodnadatta stayed & did 10 (bite) & 11 (claw) damage (resisted) to Skragg6;
Blurcho stayed & missed Skragg6
stayed & did 16 (ice chunk) damage (resisted) to Skragg5;
Troll4 stayed & did 14 (ice chunk) damage (resisted) to Skragg5;


With everyone safe, Lorenn could finally look after a more essential thing... the glittering treasure.

"You're right Kalorn, let split". And as Lorenn pronounced those words, 3 more Lorenn appeared. Then they surfed together toward the bigest pillar.

OOC: Action: Mirror Image
Movement + Dash: AO22


Western Lair

Primus moved forward, keeping an eye on the ceiling. He could sense that something was about to happen, and he felt a vibration in the ice as Sesto donned his shield and led his minions toward the treasure-filled ice pillar. Lorenn also sailed past on his board, travelling around the pillar marvelling at the wealth, while splitting into multiple images.

The strange vibrations increased and Primus called out a warning as the top of the ice-pillar exploded into razor-sharp shards and scattered across the shelf. Everyone ducked or raised shields, and surprisingly no harm was done to anyone, not even Lorenn's duplicates, who were theatrically brushing smaller ice-spray off of their clothes.

Eko, knowing that Lorenn would like to understand the extent of the lair, flew past the still-stationary undead troll and travelled all the way to the eastern side of the lair, where the familiar observed Mord and the trolls in their battle.

OOC: Though I'm pretty sure Eko can't report to Lorenn from that far away. 100 feet, right?

Primus dashed to (AZ30)
Sesto moved to (AW22) & donned his shield
Kobold Zombies moved to (AW23), (AX22), (AY21), (AY23), (AZ22)
Lorenn flew to (AO22) & cast Mirror Image (L2 SS)
Eko flew dashed to East Lair (CK45)
Skragg3 stayed and did nothing
The Lair exploded ice-shards, but did no damage. Lucky.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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