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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford


Drui & Angis

Drui dragged the unconscious Angis to his feet and praying to Tempus, filled the dwarf with renewed fighting spirit. Angis' eyes snapped open and he felt, at least for a moment, as if he could take on an army. He plucked his crossbow off the ground and said, "Raight, then." and turned back toward battle.

GM: I was waiting for people to post, then I realised that I knew what Drui was doing on his turn, and Angis was out anyway. I'll just roll the round on...
[sblock=Rolls]Spell: 1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9

Gone: (PCs) Angis, Drui
Damage Healed: (PCs) Angis 9!

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Location: Delimbiyr River South Bank Encounter: Goblin Raiding Party

End of Round Five. Begin Round Six.

GM: Just so everyone is clear. The goblins are generally trying to knock people out, but if they shoot you down, you're dying. I use KO if you're unconscious but don't need to roll death saves, and Dying if you need to roll.
Name * (Position) * AC * HP
Angis (AG25) AC14 HP 9/13
Dandin (R30) AC14(16) HP 8/8
Drui (AF25) AC14 HP 5/11
Enseth (AB22) AC19*(21) HP 9/9
Lionel (AL23) AC15 HP 0/11 (KO'd)
Snake (S31) AC16 HP 8/8
Titus (AB23) AC18* HP 0/12 (Dying)
Tommi (AI18) AC14 HP 0/9 (Dying)

Janos (P22) HP 9/9
Crew1 (W26) HP 0/5 KO'd
Crew2 (V26) HP 2/5
Crew3 (Boat) HP 0/5 KO'd
Crew4 (O23) HP 5/5

HobgoblinBoss (W22) Dead
Hobgoblin1 (U22) Dead
Hobgoblin2 (AH24) Dead
Hobgoblin3 (AQ18) HP less 5
Goblin1 (W25) Dead
Goblin2 (S29) HP less 13 (Dead)
Goblin3 (S27) HP less 9 (Dead)
Goblin4 (AC22) Asleep
Goblin5 (AP21) (Dragging Woman)
Goblin6 (AJ20)
Goblin7 (AL21)
Goblin8 (S26) HP less 1 (Dragging Crew1)
Goblin9 (X26) (Dragging Lionel)
Goblin10 (M41) Asleep
Goblin11 (N41) Asleep
Goblin12 (M40) HP less 3; Asleep


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi is running at the archer, hoping to reach him before he looses his shaft. He has made a rough calculation, and it doesn't account for the sand on his feet, or his wet boots. The arrow comes to him instead.

He feels it enter his chest, with a force that stops him in his tracks, arresting his forward movement. His legs keep moving forward, but he lands on his back. Before his eyes close, he sees the moon and thinks of Sheren.

OOC: Death save 1: [roll0].Failures: 1.


Sherlen Miller & Lady Morwen

Marshal Sherlen stood white-knuckled on the tower over River Gate. Her eyes reflected the fires of the cottages burning on the far bank and she squinted in vain to make out any individual persons in the back-lit shadows running up and down the bank. Lady Morwen came up beside her and she bowed her head in an show of respect and waited for the lady to speak first.

"My nephew is over there trying to drive them off." said the lady, "Like we all should be. Do you have anyone over there?"

"A... friend." Sherlen replied, "He joined your nephew, I think."

They were silent a moment and then both said at once, "I should be over there."

It was bold of Sherlen to say, and inappropriate for Morwen. The Duke had ordered them to stay, afraid as he was that an army was following close behind the raid. In a perfect world, Morwen would have been in charge over her younger brother, but Daggerford's tradition was for rulership to fall to the eldest son.

No, Maldwyn was the Duke, and it was true he was better at the social intrigues of noble society than was Morwen. She was a soldier: brave but taciturn, bold but stoic. Still, Marshal Sherlen found herself wishing that Morwen had the power to overrule the vain and cowardly duke.

Maybe then Tommi wouldn't be over there getting himself killed...


As the goblin falls before him, Dandin realizes his mistake for another is standing just past it. He manages to avoid the arrow by the skin of his teeth and then another small glob of fire blossoms in the darkness frying the creature. Looking behind him, Dandin waves his thanks to the Tabaxi and then dashes straight through the gap between the cottages. On the other side he finds a scene of chaos. Too much to process all in an instant. So he instead focussed on the nearest fight to him. A goblin was standinf over the body of one of the rivermen and looked about ready to lay into another. Or maybe run. He wasn't quite sure. But to be safe Dandin decided on distraction tactics.

"Gods you're ugly! Where'd you get that wart? The witches boutique?"

[Sblock]DC 13 Wiis save or take Psychic Damage:: 1D4 = [4] = 4
and have disadvantage on it's first attack next turn.[/sblock]

Squirrels are evil!
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Titus & Tommi

Titus moaned and tried to get up, but he found that he couldn't. Blessed darkness came to ease the pain once again.

Tommi lay on his back down by the water, his breath came in ever-shortening sharp wheezes from the one lung that could still get air. He dreamed of childhood days.

Gone: Titus, Tommi
Death Saves: Titus (Made 1), Tommi (Failed 1)


The arrows were flying from every directions but Enseth's defences held out.
"Damage averted. All systems operative. Master Titus, I suggest we take this Hobgoblin down. Without leader, the probability of disbanding is approximately 64 percent."
"... Master Titus?"
But Titus could not respond any more as he was face down on the ground. Without any panic, Enseth scanned the battlefield, interrogating his strategic algorithm.

  • Master Titus is down, not good.
  • No more sing of the sharpshooter on the left, not good.
  • The Goblins are taking two hostages, not good.
  • No information about the Tabaxi and the little illusionist, not good.
  • Master Drui and the rampage shooter are still standing and ready to fight, good.

Strategic advice [ -Give Assistance to Disabled Allies -]

Enseth knelled immediately, covering Titus with his own body and shield. Then, consulting his unfailing memory about human anatomy, he launched a medical procedure and waited for the results.

  • Body structure anatomically normal, well-developed and well-nourished individual.
  • Broken nose.
  • Large blood stain over the right pectoral area.
  • Traumatic injuries which extend from the shoulder to the neck base.
  • Direction of the injuries is from lateral toward medial and downward.
  • Perforation of the right deltoid muscles and collapsed hemoragic cavity.
  • Ovoid skin defects which is characteristic of a penetrating track produced by a sharp puncturing instruments.
  • Obviously caused by those two arrows.
"Clean penetration. Flesh wound. No shattered bone. Compression should control the loss of blood. You will be fine, Master Titus."

If Titus is ok, Enseth walks to the beach and search for Tommi. If he founds his body, he takes a defensive posture to prevent any incoming arrows to hurt him.

"Master Drui, over here!"

[sblock=Statblock]HP: 9/9 HD: 1d8
AC: 19 (21 shield of faith)
PP: 14
Arcane Devices: Tier 1: 0/2
War Priest: 0/2
Concentration: Shield of Faith (9 minutes + 3 rounds remaining)

Darts: 20/20
Javelins: 5/5
Caltrops: 100/100
Health Potions: 0
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They’re heading to the boat, Snake thought to himself as he sprinted after the goblins.

Snake dashes to 31AE
AC 16
HP 8/8
0 of 2 1st level spells used
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Dandin & Snake

Dandin ran between the cottages and heckled the goblin who was playing tug-of-war over a crewman. The goblin, in frustration, threw down the arm he'd been pulling on and ran. The crewman, pulling on his mate from the other side, let the unconscious man drop to the ground. He grabbed a large rock from the ground and hurled it at the running goblin. It slammed into the stony bank far behind the fleeing creature.

On the other side of the cottage, Snake ran through the night, heading for the goblins and their prisoners as the raiders continued to retreat to their boat.

GM: Coyote's not working for me. I'm using WotC's. You'll just have to trust me.
[sblock=Rolls]G8 Save vs Dandin (Roll(1d20)+-1:5,+-1 Total:4)
Crew2 vs G8: (Roll(1d20)+2: 2,+2 Total:4; Roll(1d4)+0: 3,+0 Total:3)
Wow. That sucks.
Gone: (PCs) Dandin, Snake; (NPCs) Crew2; (BGs) Goblin8
Damage Taken: (PCs) None; (NPCs) None; (BGs) Goblin8 4

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