
I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius takes upon himself to answer Shayuri, but with his limited knowledge, he can hardly tell her anything useful. He simply explains what they found under the citadel and what they learned from The Gardener.

"'m not a greatest of storytellers, but this is the short version.
While we were running from whatever killed Grontar we found a crypt with burried guardian primed by magic to raise when called. But later, after we defeated draconic creature that followed us deeper into the tunnels, we learned more about the end of the age of dragons. And about god wars and dragon wars and creatures created or called or summoned to help with the battle. The problem was, they didn't know when to stop. Thus, the civilization as the ancients knew it, ceased to exist while the remaining heroes of the world rallied against their former guardians.

You can see why we would be wary of releasing said guardians into the world again, with our magic weaker than before and most of the lore about the guardians lost."

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"I didn't see any of what you say. And what use is keeping the artifact secret and the people safe from potential threat when you have looming threat right now? If snakes take over, they might unleash the guardians and maybe even control them if they kept some of their lore. And you and I will be slaves or food to them. You're coming with me or with us. I can always send hunters home AFTER I've delivered you. Regardless, I would rather be your friend than your enemy. We should fight together against snakes, not among ourselves. You're all formidable in your own way. But right now, you're in no condition to oppose us after your day of fighting. Understand, I would rather not lose any more lives, but my task is to get you to Dram and that is what I intend to do." Hagadark answers

OOC: somewhat meta, but I think we will have some more revelations with the mage, probably some ritual and a fight. And I would like to try mythic rules.
Also, I found out "truenamer" class - archivist - some kind of rune magic rules from third party publisher. I'd like to try it out...if anyone has PF games open or recruiting? It doesn't say anything about truenaming as such, but the fluff, 'those are words of power that reshape the very reality taking form of runes as they are spoken' - true names or I'm a hippo.


First Post
Shayuri waved her hands wildly until Hagadark stopped talking, then focused like a radiant cleric laser on Marius.

"Everyone be quiet except for him. You said you learned more about the end of the age of dragons? Tell. Me. Everything."

Archon Basileus

First Post
(@MetaVoid, we have a viking game going on on pf. If you want to, you can try it out by re-skinning archivist as a type of runemaster or runecaller. It's slow-paced, though!)

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First Post
...after hearing the tale, Shayuri sits back a little and digests it.

"Well. At least I know I'm with the right bunch. You've gotten closer than anyone else so far, by the sound of it."

Archon Basileus

First Post
Arvana keeps to herself as she listens to the others. She seems devoted to arrange a new batch of arrows and clean her gear, while the orcs prepare a quick meal out of a bunch of dubious-looking meat. Tugg-Mhuagra stays away, seating on the top of a nearby rock, contemplating the night, her eyes burning through the darkness.

Finally, Arvana rises, fastening a few bandages around her leg.

"I didn't see any of what you say. And what use is keeping the artifact secret and the people safe from potential threat when you have looming threat right now? If snakes take over, they might unleash the guardians and maybe even control them if they kept some of their lore. And you and I will be slaves or food to them. You're coming with me or with us. I can always send hunters home AFTER I've delivered you. Regardless, I would rather be your friend than your enemy. We should fight together against snakes, not among ourselves. You're all formidable in your own way. But right now, you're in no condition to oppose us after your day of fighting. Understand, I would rather not lose any more lives, but my task is to get you to Dram and that is what I intend to do."

"That is, assuming this Dram knows anything, and that he'd be willing to help a bunch of missfits after Maran's loss. I mean, who's to tell if the city still stands, after what you told me?" - she points towards Marius and Morgrym. "Odds are the city turned to ashes... Or it'll turn soon enough."

Back in the shadows of the stones, Morgrym notices a pair of tiny eyes shining towards him. No one else seems to notice it, not even attentive Mhuagra, high above the others, not even the orc hunters, skilled as they claim to be. The little eyes, no greater than a weasel's, glance directly at him, almost piercing him for a moment, right before they vanish into the shadows, as if guided towards the recesses of a cave or fissure in the ground.
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]


Near Maran
Round 0

Morgrym munched on some of the dubious meat, watching out of the corner of his eye the pair of eyes he saw peering at them from the darkness. Standing nonchalantly, he made his way around the outer wall of the cavern to where he saw the eyes, trying to determine what they were or where they had gone.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 59/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (286/300r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Faerie Fire*, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)]

"If I understood correctly, your initial mission was to get to Dram. Even if he just wants to ask something of you, you're better off knowing something than nothing. Come, let us get there and you can decide what you'll do with the artifact then and there."

Hagadark offers, no longer bothering to repeat they actually have little choice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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