Incoming: Star Fleet Academy TV Show

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Deadline has the article here-

The gist of it is that the Paramount+ Network (aka, the home of Star Trek and a bunch of other things you probably don't watch) is moving forward with Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. This will join the following new Start Trek series currently on the network-

Lower Decks (Animated)
Prodigy (Animated)
Strange New Worlds (premiering shortly)

In addition, it is expected that a Michelle Yeoh vehicle that is a spinoff from Discovery about Section 31 will also air prior to this.

My personal take- eh ... I'll believe this when I see it. Not only has a Star Fleet Academy show been teased since Discovery started airing, I'm pretty sure I remember discussions about it since The Next Generation.

This concept has been hyped for so long I'm burnt out thinking about it. But maybe it will be good, if it ever does happen? What do you think- is this what you want to see, or are you also as ambivalent as I am?

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
This concept has been hyped for so long I'm burnt out thinking about it. But maybe it will be good, if it ever does happen? What do you think- is this what you want to see, or are you also as ambivalent as I am?
This is one of those things that I never knew I wanted until I see it. Or, its exactly as unnecessary as I expected.


Mod Squad
Staff member
This will join the following new Start Trek series currently on the network-


IIRC, the third season of Picard will be the last one. It is apt to be done before we see the ST: Academy show.

I'm pretty sure I remember discussions about it since The Next Generation.

Yes, I think the idea has been floating around ever since the period when Wesley Crusher was in the Academy.

This concept has been hyped for so long I'm burnt out thinking about it. But maybe it will be good, if it ever does happen? What do you think- is this what you want to see, or are you also as ambivalent as I am?

I think there's some problems with the general concept, to be honest. If life at Starfleet Academy isn't scholastically dull, there's a serious problem on the planet that should not be allowed to linger for years of a series.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The basic package is $60 per year, or $5 per month. If they have, on average, one show per week that you want to see, you're paying $1.25 per episode.
Its not bank busting, but I did have trouble finding anything besides Trek I wanted to watch. P+ has to compete with Netflix, Amazon, HBOMax, etc.. Its the least value for me. Though, I agree its not exorbitant in cost.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Its not bank busting, but I did have trouble finding anything besides Trek I wanted to watch. P+ has to compete with Netflix, Amazon, HBOMax, etc.. Its the least value for me. Though, I agree its not exorbitant in cost.

I have it because of a free, year-long trial offer. Let me tell you- when I had to quarantine due to a positive COVID test, it was great to be able to binge all of Picard, the remaining Disco (I had stopped just when it was getting really good), and Lower Decks. And that's not counting the upcoming Strange New Worlds, which I am super excited for!

But I totally hear you. For me, Netflix is a must-have simply because I've always had it, and it's a good fallback. HBOMax is necessary because it has the best programming overall (seriously, they pump out quality programming like there is no tomorrow; I just finished Station 11 and it was so good). I also have Amazon (because of shipping, but that's becoming a bigger moral issue for me) and Apple (because I get it for free).

Right there is more than enough ... and that's not including Peacock, or Disney+, or Shudder, or any of the other streaming sites vying for attention. There's just so much stuff out there.

but it you love Star Trek, it's getting increasingly hard to say no to Paramount+.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have it because of a free, year-long trial offer. Let me tell you- when I had to quarantine due to a positive COVID test, it was great to be able to binge all of Picard, the remaining Disco (I had stopped just when it was getting really good), and Lower Decks. And that's not counting the upcoming Strange New Worlds, which I am super excited for!

But I totally hear you. For me, Netflix is a must-have simply because I've always had it, and it's a good fallback. HBOMax is necessary because it has the best programming overall (seriously, they pump out quality programming like there is no tomorrow; I just finished Station 11 and it was so good). I also have Amazon (because of shipping, but that's becoming a bigger moral issue for me) and Apple (because I get it for free).

Right there is more than enough ... and that's not including Peacock, or Disney+, or Shudder, or any of the other streaming sites vying for attention. There's just so much stuff out there.

but it you love Star Trek, it's getting increasingly hard to say no to Paramount+.
Yeah, I took a black friday Amazon deal and got 2 months of P+ for 2 dollars. I looked at it as an extended trial. After ST, I couldn't find anything I wanted to watch. I even left 2 seasons of Disco on the block and figured I'd come back next year.


I think there's some problems with the general concept, to be honest. If life at Starfleet Academy isn't scholastically dull, there's a serious problem on the planet that should not be allowed to linger for years of a series.
It's not like there haven't been plenty of good TV series in a variety of genres set in and around schools or universities. And we've seen plenty of evidence that Starfleet likes to give its students ample practical experience.


So thats why Tilly was shipped off to the academy.
Seems like they are evacuating every marginally interesting character who can steal the show from Burnham to its own Spinoff series.
So what will the Saru spinoff be called?

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