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Insight's "In the Shadow of Giants" [OOC]

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Amos Wolfbrother, Beastmaster
"Sure, you can pet him, lad, if you like the nickname 'Lefty.'"

Life is relatively simple for Amos.

[sblock=Background]Don't recall much 'fore I came to live with Wilbur, Orna and Sal. Fear mostly. Hunger. Anger, blood. My... ma? Throwin' herself acrost me. More blood. I think she was tryin' to save me. Wilbur once told me that orcs eat youngun's born wolf kin like me. I've met orcs since, an' lemme tell you, I believe him.

Funny. I don't think of myself like them. Orcs. Others do. I get all manner of ugly looks. Sometimes I just put on my wolf skin when we're goin' into town, 'cause while folk are afraid of wolves, they admire them too. It frustrates Olcan when I do, 'cause wolves don't lie. They can't lie, actually. He thinks me puttin' on my wolf skin to hide my true self is a form of prevarication. I disagree. The wolf skin is part of my true self. Leastwise, that's what I tell myself.

Wilbur is a prospector. Spent my early years out ranging the wilds with him, squattin' this claim or that all along the Border Range. He taught me how to keep my wits about me, about mining, about frugality. 'Frooo-gal-ity, lad. I can stretch this here haul through winter, into spring if the hunting's good.' Miserly ol' cuss.

Orna lives in a tiny cottage that she keeps scrubbed and gleaming. She likes her peace an' quiet an' so did nothin' to diffuse the rumors that she was a witch woman. She taught me my letters an' numbers and sang me songs when I was real little. Wilbur and Sal and me would go see her every couple of months, see how she was doin'. Bring her pelts. Chop wood. Mend the roof. We'd get to sleep in a warm bed, eat real food. I never saw them more than share a fond look, but I think Wilbur and Orna loved each other. I miss her every day. I miss them both.

Sal's a wolf. I don't know if he's still alive. He was around a lot when I was coming up, but took a mate an' we didn't see much of him after that. He an' I would run together, tracking, hunting, racing through the forest, acrost the snows. Wilbur resented that I could run with Sal like that. Envied it. I still feel guilty about that. It's part of why I left, at least a little bit. That growing rift between me an' Wilbur. If there was a way to share it, the shiftin', I would. I've seen some mighty spectacular things in my time, maybe one day I'll find a way to, you know, give that to him. I owe him that much.

Olcan is one of Sal's pups. 'Olcan' means 'wolf' in the giant tongue. That's not his real name, but his real name doesn't come off right in words. He was always a big one. Always strong an' fast. We keep eachother sharp. An' if he looks smart, it's cause he is. Smarter than a lot of people you'll meet, I reckon.

I took to wanderin' after I left Wilbur an' Orna. It was a lonely time. Would have been worse, if not for Olcan. I've never really ferreted out of Olcan why he came with me when I left. Big and smart as he is, he'd have been Alpha of his pack for sure. Ain't no secret - I'm sure glad he did come with me. Long about when I was second-guessin' my decision to leave home, I came across a caravan. They were fixin' to head down a branch of the road washed out by early storms. I warned 'em, of course, and they hired me on to lead 'em the rest of the way through the pass.

The rest is history.

I get back to see Wilbur and Orna from time to time, but it's been years now since I seen 'em.[/sblock]
Level 1 - Amos leaves home, falls in with a trade caravan.
Level 2 - TBD.
Level 3 - TBD.
Level 4 - TBD.
Level 5 - TBD.
Level 6 - TBD.
Level 7 - TBD.
Level 8 - TBD.
Level 9 - TBD.
Level 10 - TBD.[/sblock]
[sblock=Description]Decription goes here.[/sblock]
[sblock=Character Sheet]Amos Wolfbrother, Level 10
Half-Orc, Ranger
Build: Beastmaster Ranger
Fighting Style: Beast Mastery
Beast Companion Type: Wolf
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Athletics)

Str 21, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10.

AC: 22 Fort: 22 Reflex: 19 Will: 18
HP: 69 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 17

Dungeoneering +12, Perception +14, Stealth +11, Athletics +16, Endurance +12, Nature +12

Acrobatics +6, Arcana +5, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, History +5, Insight +7, Intimidate +7, Religion +5, Streetwise +5, Thievery +6

Level 1: Initiate of the Old Faith
Level 2: Alertness
Level 4: Thirst for Battle
Level 6: Powerful Charge
Level 8: Defensive Mobility
Level 10: Lethal Hunter

Initiate of the Old Faith: Pounce
Ranger at-will 1: Circling Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Enclose the Prey
Ranger daily 1: Driving the Quarry
Ranger utility 2: Pack Alertness
Ranger encounter 3: Paired Predators
Ranger daily 5: Lacerating Maul
Ranger utility 6: Evade Ambush
Ranger encounter 7: Sweeping Whirlwind
Ranger daily 9: Ranger's Recovery
Ranger utility 10: Undaunted Stride

Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier), Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier), Bracers of Respite (heroic tier), Reading Spectacles (heroic tier), Badge of the Berserker +1, Belt of Resilience (heroic tier), Lifeblood Hide Armor +2, Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (3), Dynamic War Pick +3, Impaler's Pick Light war pick +2

Raise Beast Companion


Olcan, Level 10
Gray Wolf, Ranger Companion

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6.

AC: 24 Fort: 22 Reflex: 22 Will: 23
HP: 94 Surges: 2 Surge Value: 23 (+5)

Bite; 14 vs AC; 1d8 + Strength modifier (+3)

When a wolf has combat advantage against a target, the wolf gains a bonus to damage rolls against the target equal to teh wolf's Wisdom modifier (+2)

Perception +14, Endurance +12

Friend's Gift (heroic tier)[/sblock]
[sblock=On The Party]
Amos - One ugly bastard.
Brant - ...
Corrin - ...
Gregor - ...
Olcan - ...
Saben - ...
Seeker - ...
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Very interesting. I'd like to get into this.

Here is an Eladrin Wizard I put together. She's not optimized and does not have a dump stat, she's more broad based. I prefer a bit of variety as opposed to using the same schtick over and over if possible. In combat, her goals are to delay some foes and then help the backline PCs melee the ones that get past her spells and the Defenders. I also did not pick Rituals for her yet.

Sariel spent her adolescence watching the blade masters practice. She would spend hours gazing at them and then copying their moves in the hidden glade. There was only one problem. Sariel was not an Ohtar en Hyandae or blade knight in training. She was an Elear Istar, a wizard in training. Not that she was looked down on, quite the contrary. She was well respected. Very few students caught on to the cantrips as quickly as she had. The elders had plans for her. Plans that did not include what she wanted to do.

She had tried to become a blade knight, even going so far as to stop Lord Erevan outside the hall and begging to be let in. The only problem was that she was not fast enough and not strong enough to compete with the best blade students the Elven Court had to offer. So, she contented herself with practicing in her hidden glade and diligently practicing her cantrips and history lessons at the tower.

But, life is full of surprises. Sariel’s life changed drastically on a merchant trip with her uncle Hadarai. Hadarai was a well respected merchant, plying his trade up and down the coast. Nothing could happen to Sariel if she were with him. Unfortunately, that was not true. Something did happen. Something that changed Sariel’s life forever.

On a fateful day in early spring when the merchants were just starting up their yearly trade, Sariel got kidnapped and started a lifetime adventure. Outside the southern edge of the forest while the caravan was resting for the night, Sariel was taken. What she was taken by was unclear: a group of forest spirits of several different types, Sariel never found out what they really were. They were related to the fey in some ways, but foreign in others. And why they wanted her was also unclear, however, she suspects that somehow they were able to sense her need to be free of the restrictions placed on her by the elders and in their primitive way, thought they were rescuing her.

With the help of the spirits, Sariel learned to become more perceptive of her surroundings and she eventually learned to befriend one of them. She called it Voronwer or loyal one, Voron for short. When it was time to leave, Voron went with Sariel and has been with her since. Sariel left the forest a few years later and began her adventuring career which has since taken her to many places. It has also allowed her to delve into the melee combat that she enjoys.

[sblock=preliminary statblock]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sariel Elmbrer, level 10
Eladrin, Wizard
Arcane Implement Mastery: Tome of Readiness

Str 12, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 20, Wis 15, Cha 12.

Str 12, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 12.

AC: 24 Fort: 18 Reflex: 22 Will: 22
HP: 58 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 14

Perception +12, Arcana +17, Diplomacy +11, History +17, Religion +15, Nature +12

Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +6, Heal +7, Insight +7, Intimidate +6, Stealth +7, Streetwise +6, Thievery +7, Athletics +6

Wizard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Spirit Talker
Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
Level 4: Twist the Arcane Fabric
Level 6: Eladrin Sword Wizardry
Level 8: Melee Training (Intelligence)
Level 10: Expanded Spellbook

Spirit Talker: Spirit's Fangs
Tome of Readiness: Grasping Shadows
Wizard at-will 1: Phantom Bolt
Wizard at-will 1: Scorching Burst
Wizard encounter 1: Icy Terrain
Wizard daily 1: Grease
Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Horrid Whispers
Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Flaming Sphere
Wizard utility 2: Daunting Presence
Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Guardian Blades
Wizard encounter 3: Maze of Mirrors
Wizard daily 5: Visions of Avarice
Wizard daily 5 Spellbook: Glitterdust
Wizard daily 5 Spellbook: Stinking Cloud
Wizard utility 6: Wizard's Escape
Wizard utility 6 Spellbook: Disguise Self
Wizard encounter 7: Enemies Abound
Wizard daily 9: Mordenkainen's Guardian Hound
Wizard daily 9 Spellbook: Wall of Fire
Wizard daily 9 Spellbook: Face of Death
Wizard utility 10: Arcane Gate
Wizard utility 10 Spellbook: True Seeing

Spellbook, Challenge-Seeking Longsword +3, Restful Bedroll (heroic tier), Resplendent Gloves (heroic tier), Cloak of Translocation +2, Counterstrike Leather Armor +2, Mnemonic Staff +2


First Post
Sparky - you've withdrawn your avenger right? I'm working on Seeker's BG and stuff and was going to add you in, but it seems like you went with the ranger?


First Post
Hmm...taking a step back and really thinking about it, I don't think Tatterdemalion's gonna work. Too much of a one-gimmick wonder. Works as an NPC, but not really as a PC. No depth or flavor beyond a stereotype.

I'm pulling Tatterdemalion out of consideration. If I can think of anything interesting between now and the deadline I'll resubmit. Otherwise, I hope y'all have a fun game. :)


First Post
Added my Background, please let me know your thoughts Insight.:

Before the Light
Seeker' consciousness drifted in a black void, a sea of darkness. He didn't feel his body, his hands, his power - anything. It took some time for him to realize that he was dead again. The cycle was completed once more, and his soul had been cast back to the Astral Sea, waiting for its next body. Sometimes, he would just want to give up. What was the meaning? Endlessly going back to a mortal coil, suffering through life's hardships and painful experiences, only to die again and begin the cycle anew? What was the meaning of it all? Had he truly no choice but to suffer this fate through eternity?

"I... want to give up."

The words left his lips - his metaphorical lips, for he had no body to call his own - effortlessly, and as the drifting soul uttered those thoughts, a huge weight was lifted from it, as if it eased just at the thought of breaking the cycle, of not returning to that damned mortal world. Suddenly, things were looking brighter, and the possibility opened itself; if he did not return to the mortal world, would he be able to take upon his old post, his old position? Would he be able to rejoin the ranks of divine exarchs working directly for the Gods themselves, without need of prayer or fear?

"There are still things to do, things to protect."

"No... No, I want no more of it."

"Will you forsake your duty, Child of the Gods?"

"No, no... It's not my duty anymore, no... I don't want it, I don't want it..."

"It is your duty, Child, and it will always be. The World needs you; the World needs all who can help. There is great danger to the World, Child. Humanity has grown. For the centuries you have slept here, in this sea of nothingness, cities were built, empires rose and fell. That knowledge needs to be captured, recorded. Will you forsake your duty, Child of the Gods?"



"Come, I'll show you."

Rebirth of an Angel
When Seeker first opened his eyes, the first thing he did was fall to his knees, and begin to cry. He reached for the ground, trying to feel the earth, but his hands grasped only ash and dust. The very air that he breathed was poisonous, and there was no natural life from what he could sense. For hours, Seeker stood in the destroyed library, the greatest the world had known, once a repository of so much knowledge that it was said even an eladrin couldn’t read all that it had to offer; a place where he had been reborn for millennia. Now, however, it was all lost. And all because of his inactivity, his reluctance in beginning the cycle anew. Without choice, Seeker couldn't mourn for his lost font of knowledge for much longer, or the poisoned land would start to affect him - he was not powerful enough to combat it. With his heart and spirit broken, he left his former "home", now only a wasteland, and retreated into the nearest settlement he could find. For months, he spent his time nurturing his abilities, remembering things lost forgotten. He communed with Ioun, asking - no, begging - for forgiveness, and a second chance was granted to him. The immortal's body was infused with the power of the god of knowledge itself, and he was granted the ability necessary to protect the knowledge of the world. But time... he needed time to master his own abilities. He needed time before he could truly save anything.


[sblock=stat block]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Seeker, level 10
Deva, Wizard
Arcane Implement Mastery: Orb of Imposition
Background: Arcane Mercenary (+2 to History)

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 12.

AC: 24 Fort: 19 Reflex: 23 Will: 25
HP: 58 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 15

Arcana +17, Nature +15, History +21, Dungeoneering +15, Religion +17

Acrobatics +5, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Endurance +6, Heal +10, Insight +10, Intimidate +6, Perception +10, Stealth +5, Streetwise +6, Thievery +5, Athletics +4

Wizard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
Level 2: Initiate of the Faith
Level 4: Implement Expertise (orb)
Level 6: Improved Initiative
Level 8: Arcane Familiar
Level 10: Battle Intuition

Wizard at-will 1: Cloud of Daggers
Wizard at-will 1: Phantom Bolt
Wizard encounter 1: Grasping Shadows
Wizard daily 1: Grease
Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Sleep
Wizard utility 2: Shield
Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Feather Fall
Wizard encounter 3: Color Spray
Wizard daily 5: Grasp of the Grave
Wizard daily 5 Spellbook: Visions of Avarice
Wizard utility 6: Wizard's Escape
Wizard utility 6 Spellbook: Invisibility
Wizard encounter 7: Tomebound Ooze
Wizard daily 9: Taunting Phantoms
Wizard daily 9 Spellbook: Mordenkainen's Sword
Wizard utility 10: Resistance
Wizard utility 10 Spellbook: Arcane Gate

Spellbook, Orb of Impenetrable Escape +3, Cloak of Distortion +2, Counterstrike Leather Armor +2, Defensive Staff +1, Reading Spectacles (heroic tier), Belt of Vigor (heroic tier), Executioner's Bracers (heroic tier), Resplendent Gloves (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit. (280 gp of religious incense, 140 gp of Alchemal reagents, 60 gp of rare herbs)
Comprehend Language, Create Campsite, Wizard's Curtain, Speak with Dead, Eye of Alarm
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
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First Post
I will say, I'm quite surprised by the number of defenders submitter vs strikers. Normally its the other way around.

I was pretty surprised there were no strikers in the first few submissions. Since my LEB character is a controller, and my tabletop PCs have been a leader and a defender, I figured I'd try and slip a striker in.


First Post
Yeah, I've got 2 strikers in LEW and 1 in LEB, a defender in Cov's Epic game, and a leader in tabletop game I'm hopeful to be able to try a controller. I love wizards, they're much, much better with AP, it seems that WOTC got a much better handle on controllers after the PHB was released

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