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Invasion of Mori - IC [3.5][CE/NE][planar]


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Kaelvorr, Fiend of Possession (112/89 hp)

The kobold not attending the diplomat stares at Gabriel with a mixture of disdain and something akin to, but darker than, amusement. Tendons stand out from its scaled skin as it begins to speak. Its voice is unpleasantly familiar, the whisper with the force of a scream of Kaelvorr, "I'm not in the habit now, nor am I likely to be in the future, of taking orders from humans. That said, having Rose and Snargle in front with you behind them is not objectionable. Just be sure, Gabriel is it fleshling?, not to give any unpopular commands. I believe that would put you in a different category in the eyes of our friends. You stand on the knife's edge between leader ... and food."

Turning to the others, Kaelvorr continues, "When we find this worm that walks, we may find advantage in parley. The secrets locked in this pathetic creatures brain", the fiend says, indicating the body its riding, "has provided some meager insights into the situation. Kobolds may be somewhat underwhelming allies. But many tribes of varying races will need to be subjugated in order for us to rule here."

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Rose, Tiefling Dervish, 82/147 hps

Rose doesn't even turn around to replies dismissively, "If you want it not dead, you'd better tell me loud and clear."


First Post
"Considering that we mean to slaughter its tribe of super-kobolds, I think the worm is too dangerous to keep alive," Silhouette says. "Mind control magic won't work on it, and its powers make it all but impossible to restrain...and that's before you consider its magical abilities."

"Best to kill it, and claim its belongings for the invasion."


First Post
The veiled emissary looks from Gabriel to the possessed kobold. If any emotion or judgment has passed behind her blank and impassive eyes, it is well hidden.

"It would seem there is some disagreement as to how to proceed . . . on several points. Perhaps this is best settled now, rather than later?"

From across the chamber, Kelteror glares at her. "I warned you about speaking out of turn in the company of your betters, mortal wretch," he booms.

"I am not surprised that this is how the Abyss treats diplomats," she replies evenly, barely glancing at the babau. "But I must request that you stop this unseemly series of accusations and threats. I have been very patient with your outbursts, as I sense you are . . . a noble among your kind. If you cannot restrain yourself, it will be impossible for us to remain in the same company, much less work together."

OOC: Stopping that dialogue there in case anyone wishes to intervene.


Snargle 89/96 hp

Voidrazor said:
"I'm not in the habit now, nor am I likely to be in the future, of taking orders from humans. That said, having Rose and Snargle in front with you behind them is not objectionable. Just be sure, Gabriel is it fleshling?, not to give any unpopular commands. I believe that would put you in a different category in the eyes of our friends. You stand on the knife's edge between leader ... and food."

Snargle reaches up with the claw from one of his little finger to pick at a piece of kobold that is caught between his snaggle teeth.


First Post

This feeling, he has hated it all his life. Its a feeling that he cannot discribe but eats at the back of his mind like a carnivours worm, distracting him and preventing him to fully focus on his enemies and supposed allies. Though he is fully aware that he can spread his wings, he almost dares not too. Less they hit the rock walls around him. He does not understand what his new tribe is talking about but he can tell they are arguing over something or someone. Though he does not know who or what they are talking about, he is comfortable in knowing that it is not him.

OOC: With a Int 4 and Wis 16 I am more inclinded to portray him as very self aware creature....

Isida Kep'Tukari

Gabriel Sovot, male "human" bard, who has no idea how healthy he is

Voidrazor said:
The kobold not attending the diplomat stares at Gabriel with a mixture of disdain and something akin to, but darker than, amusement. Tendons stand out from its scaled skin as it begins to speak. Its voice is unpleasantly familiar, the whisper with the force of a scream of Kaelvorr, "I'm not in the habit now, nor am I likely to be in the future, of taking orders from humans. That said, having Rose and Snargle in front with you behind them is not objectionable. Just be sure, Gabriel is it fleshling?, not to give any unpopular commands. I believe that would put you in a different category in the eyes of our friends. You stand on the knife's edge between leader ... and food."

Turning to the others, Kaelvorr continues, "When we find this worm that walks, we may find advantage in parley. The secrets locked in this pathetic creature's brain", the fiend says, indicating the body its riding, "has provided some meager insights into the situation. Kobolds may be somewhat underwhelming allies. But many tribes of varying races will need to be subjugated in order for us to rule here."
Gabriel looks down at the kobold with a slightly condescending attitude, as if it found the fiend behind the scaly flesh amusing. "But I am no mere human, my delightful fiend. Surely you don't think to impune upon our magnificent leaders for sending less than the best on this mission, do you?" he asks pleasently. However there is a hint of steel, a bit of a bite to the bard's tone. "I know words to bolster your dark heart or to flay your spirit to the winds, to blacken the purest souls or bring joy to the depths of Carceri if I so choose. Do not presume to threaten me, Kaelvorr, fiend of possession, for you are valuable to this party and I would hate to inconvenience the others by asking you to leave."

His smiles melts into a hard-eyed stare, and he lets part of his disguise drop briefly, revealing a negative version of his golden beauty, a lean and darkly handsome man with oddly sharp teeth, somehow simultaneously repellant and attractive, like a serpent. The set of his bones and carriage somehow seems to suggest that whatever Gabriel is, he's not quite human.

"It happens I agree with your sentiment about the long road ahead of us. And it seems that you agree with my simple preliminary marching order, so there's no need to get snippy as of yet," he adds, all shiny gold and subtle smiles again.
The veiled emissary looks from Gabriel to the possessed kobold. If any emotion or judgment has passed behind her blank and impassive eyes, it is well hidden.

"It would seem there is some disagreement as to how to proceed . . . on several points. Perhaps this is best settled now, rather than later?"

From across the chamber, Kelteror glares at her. "I warned you about speaking out of turn in the company of your betters, mortal wretch," he booms.

"I am not surprised that this is how the Abyss treats diplomats," she replies evenly, barely glancing at the babau. "But I must request that you stop this unseemly series of accusations and threats. I have been very patient with your outbursts, as I sense you are . . . a noble among your kind. If you cannot restrain yourself, it will be impossible for us to remain in the same company, much less work together."
"I'd rather we not all slaughter ourselves before we've even had a chance for some quality entertainment in cracking the rest of this worm-kobold's lair. Granted we need corpses, but yours are, for the moment, better off under your own control. Come, let us vent our spleens on these pests below."

[sblock=OOC: DM]Gabriel has a Diplomacy modifier of +36 to try to diffuse the situation a bit. Also, I don't recall how back Gabriel was hurt, but because he went back through the portal for a day or so, could he have least used his wand of cure light wounds to heal himself?[/sblock]


Rose, who had pointedly NOT stopped moving when the others were talking, turns fully around during Gabriel's "presentation." While speaking to no one in particular, the tiefling cracks a wicked smile as Gabriel concludes, noting, "More than empty flower in THAT one," which serves as a backhanded compliment.

Rose spins his falchion a moment in his hands. "Just tell me if or when you want it not dead." His words now seem directed to Gabriel, clearly not including Kaelvorr.

Just before he turns to start ahead, Rose finally glances at the veiled diplomat. With a nasty smile, which could either be a horrible attempt at charm or sinister flash of teeth (with the socially inept tiefling, one can hardly tell), he says, "Don't let the abyssal agents worry you too much. They can be as petty, stupid, and even more prone to self-interest than mortals."

Unless someone stops him, Rose then briskly moves ahead, obviously eager to feel the rush of battle again.


First Post
Silhouette just watches for the time being, keeping her counsel and observing. It was interesting to see who was scrabbling for social hierarchy. She wasn't terribly concerned about that for now. The social strata among abyssal servants was notoriously unstable, and she would operate with a freer hand in many ways if she were not the leader. This sort of open combat wasn't her specialty anyway. Silhouette knew she'd come into her preferred waters when they turned from this appetizer to the main course...the human town below.

So, inwardly making notes on who to watch and what to watch for, Silhouette waits for the conflict to resolve, then follows as they delve into the revealed passage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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