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(IR) 4th ooc-thread of the 5th IR


First Post
James Heard said:
Just remember your maximum IC is limited by your TL as well, so after a point investing in IC is pointless - I assume you have a phantom IC, limited by the cap from your Tech.
There may be an advantage to building more IC than you can use. Say for example an enemy directly targets you infrastructure, you would suffer less IC damage because you have all those spare factories.
Though it isn't very cost efficient to do this.

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* The maximum level of Industrial Capacity in a province is limited by the population of the province multiplied with the tech-level of your faction +5 divided by 200'000. A province with a population of 600'000 inhabitants and a tech-level of 5 has a maximum IC of 60. A province with a population of 23'000'000 inhabitants and a tech-level of 20 has a maximum IC of 5750. ((Population x Tech Level+5)/100'000)

First off, what's with the apostrophes instead of commas? Second, the paragraph uses the number "divided by 200,000". Then the example at the end uses "/100,000". Which is right?


First Post
I've got VERY good news.
Thomas never left us. He was on holiday.
So Thomas is still with us. Cheers. :)

As of now, only Dralonxitz has yet to send a description of his power to Serpenteye, to my knowledge.
Evil Ojio was allowed in, but hasn't responded to Serpenteyes' post yet.
I'm guessing both are potentials for Turn 2.

EDIT: 100,000 is right, Creamsteak. Serpenteye changed the formula long ago. I'm certain on this one. Serpenteye simply forgot to change the first number. (As far as the difference in punctuation goes, Serpenteye is from Sweden, and I'm guessing that's how they punctuate there.)
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First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Based on the ghastly logic of the post above, the drow wish to tack on three more addendums to the TEC Pact:

- If any TEC Pact is Infiltrated and part of its' PL starts going elsewhere, that shall be considered an ENEMY ATTACK and thus an attack on ALL the Tec Pact Nations.
If the power being Infiltrated cannot determine who is doing the Infiltration, then the other TEC Pact members are under no obligation to do anything about it.

- Once the power being Infiltrated discovers just WHO is Infiltrating it, the Infiltrating Power in question is considered to have launched an attack which MUST be met with appropriate countermeasures: in this case, ALL THE TEC PACT MEMBERS must attempt to infiltrate the offending power. :):):) for tat, as per the 10,000 warriors for 10,000 warriors response in the original charter.

- If a TEC Pact member is caught infiltrating another TEC Pact member, that will be considered treason. The penalty for said treason shall be expulsion of that member from the TEC Pact, at the very least. The drow recommend more serious repurcussions than this, though.

None of the above apply to Infiltration that already exists at the start of Turn 1 (since the DM arranged the set-up, and not the powers in question.)

The drow wish to know: Is this arrangement satisfactory for the leadership of the TEC Pact?
Since Infiltration is not a direct attack I don't think it should automatically invoke the TEC Pact. Should infiltration occur, and the instigator can be identified the Pact should have the option of returning the favor. What I'm worried about is everyone in the TEC spreading themselves too thin in terms of PL and PP.

However, I do agree that infiltration between pact members should be forbidden, and harsh action should be taken against the offending party.
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First Post
Nevermind, Bugbear. (Look at the previous page again ...) (grins sourly)

We'll bring it up at the TEC Summit instead during Turn 1.

First, let's make sure everyone understands the rules.
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James Heard

I'm wondering if Edena's proposal for infiltration means that the infiltrator factions are effectively neutered if the alliance grows too large?

I mean, if infiltration means war and you can't infiltrate your allies - and your enemies are mostly massed in another great alliance promising war, and probably also with a similar notion...

Gnomish merchants spread the word to every nation they can find:

"Aestia remains apart from the affairs of the great nations and organizations of Oerth. We shall remain free and apart. We wish no alliance, nor warfare, but we shall engage in bloody retribution of great consequences upon those that would trespass upon our neutrality. We open our mighty civic centers and hotels for meetings on neutral ground. We wish to announce our interest in trade and other capitalistic endeavors. We shall defend our borders and maintain ourselves, taking any and all possible steps to stress upon the world our independence. When you engage in your vengeances upon each other, know that we have taken no part in instigating them. Do not mistake our peace for peacefulness, nor our open arms for an embrace. We shall trade for relief to war strained areas. Do not interefere with our chirugeons. We shall trade with who we wish to trade with. Do not blockade or stop Aestian vessels. We are our own conference and conscience, we need no other. Please shop at NugMart, where you can find iron spikes at the the cheapest prices anywhere!"


I mean, if infiltration means war and you can't infiltrate your allies - and your enemies are mostly massed in another great alliance promising war, and probably also with a similar notion...
That was, precisely, my problem in the 3rd IR. Now, if you want a target, I'm available. I'm still taking turn 1 appointments. How about brunch perhaps? We could make it to a matinee afterwards. I hear that Eclavdra is putting on a one woman show all over the world, I'm sure we could catch a show. I believe it's called, The Manipulator and the Subserviant. :]

James Heard

Creamsteak said:
That was, precisely, my problem in the 3rd IR. Now, if you want a target, I'm available. I'm still taking turn 1 appointments. How about brunch perhaps? We could make it to a matinee afterwards. I hear that Eclavdra is putting on a one woman show all over the world, I'm sure we could catch a show. I believe it's called, The Manipulator and the Subserviant. :]
I'm not an infiltrator faction, so I could care less - except that in that it suggests that the infiltrator factions will be forced to either institute a rapid and complete global war by aggrevating allegiances or "make up" their power by attacking neutral factions. Anyone attempting such will be destroyed utterly, even if I burn out like a candle by turn 2. I mean, even if every Aestian picks up their dinnerware and goes off to the militias I will destroy them. Not just "defeat them in battle", but send them off to become dinner for the awakened orcas and for evisceration experiments on pain tolerance. Women and children too. The entire population. We won't start a fight, but we're not "good". We'll finish things in a way that only a CN neutral faction with a backlog of good deeds and charity can. :D


I need help understanding the combat rules. You use one dice roll to resolve combat for each player. That I get. What I'm having trouble understanding is how you handle multiple different types of power levels.

Lets say we have a faction with: 100 epic, 100 elite, 100 regular, and 100 militia PL. This faction attacks another faction with the same numbers. How is combat resolved? Is it still just one diceroll? What bonus is used? How much PL of each type is lost (I'm assuming 10 of each would be the result for the loser?)

The second question (and this one really is just for clarity for myself), when 1 epic PL attacks 100 regular PL and wins, it does it do 0.001 PL damage, or 10 PL damage? My guess is currently on the 0.001.

Request/Addendum to the Empire of Lynn:

I would like to further customize the peoples of Lynn by adding on the feature that the type of magic they practice in an interesting combination of divine magic and arcane (necromantic) magic. The undead dynasty of Lynn practice a form of spirit/ancestor worship (of those lost in battle and those who died before their pact was made), not revering a particularly deity but instead being akin to shamanism. Over the centuries they have also learned how to channel energy using their undead heritage to form a greater understanding of necromancy. As an example of their unique magical tradition, Lynnian necromancers who animate skeletons have developed a technique where they exchange one of the bones of their body with that of the skeleton in order to give them limited-range telepathic control over the creature. Some Lynnian "cleric" types channel spirits of long dead ancestors into their warriors as well.

As a flavor note, whenever the Lynnians create regular army, elite army, or epic armies, they are simply waking more ancient generations of Lynnians who have removed themself from the surface world and entered a sort of trance state during periods of ennui or contemplation.

Another flavor note, I imagine that undead would have been the perfect type of worker for industry-after all they don't eat, don't sleep, don't tire. I'm going to say that the Lynnians from living in an undeath state so long are kinda like old timers when it comes to technology-willing to use them, but slower at learning and thus even though they work more than the living races do, they would go at the same pace.

For the above reason I would like to request that my faction gains the Divine magic using trait. I would also like to claim 2 artifacts, the Ring of Gaxx and Ring of Cirrus for my PC, and if its not already too much I'd like to claim Emperor Lynn III as an epic PL. These are all requests and you are of course to turn them down.
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