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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Aliador proposes that:

If Iuz would immediately recommit his forces to Gibenei and to the multinational effort against the undead there, then ...
He should be immediately acquitted of all charges against him under the TEC Pact.

A good act to rectify an evil act, state the elves, is a fair trade-off.

What does the TEC Pact have to say?

On the one hand, I side with the Wolf God that this is not a matter of Good and Evil, but of contract law. As elves, it's understandable that this concept is somewhat foreign to you.

Despite that, I am in agreement that if Iuz were to immediately commit his forces to Gibenei, it would not only show his commitment to the fight against Vecna, it would do a great deal to allay some of the tensions produced by his build-up for war.

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Paxus Asclepius

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Why should the Wolf send forces to Gibenei, when he has more to fear from the Old One than does Aliador? Aliador has merely voted, and the woman who did so is dead. It was by the Wolf God's hand that evidence of Iuz' treason was delivered to the council, and the traitor has now accused the Wolf of betrayal in turn. Aliador will ask, of course, why the Wolf God has acted as he has, if he has such concerns over the Old One's inevitable attack, but the answer is simple:

"Justice, justice shall you pursue."


First Post
Melkor said:
Airwhale, Venus!

"What do you propose then?" - Prince Kargathorm responds instead of his father, staring coldly at the warrior of Ginsel, his voice like the crackling ice. "And it is unlikely they will send all forces, they don`t fully trust one another. This way we can get their infrastucture, and resources. We have agents all across this world"

Then he turns to Nazarn, his expression something between subtle irony and contempt( OOC: imagine a guy who could slaughter cities and not reveal any emotions, Prince of Dread is most feared of all Gallador`s children, and they aren`t a nice people at all!)

"Hmm, your risk will be as great as of the other soldiers, don`t you trust my father? Lord Gallador has never betrayed his ally. Your losses will be repayed with our undeath warriors, they are vastly superior to the living soldiers."

"I do not doubt the Lord's promise, not at all. Lord Gallador seems to value life in a different way than my king, which is understandable, as Lord Gallador has seen many lifetimes pass by. I hope you understand my King does not have the luxury of a timeless life."

Nazarn sighs, as he continues:

"I would prefer any assault where the warriors of the King's people have a real goal to persue, not a ticket to end their lives early. Besides, if we leave our armies in the smokescreen, we take the risk of losing them if the warlords have grouped together and attack our forces before we have a chance to take them out. The news of our arrival will spread fast, and our mission will be clear just soon, maybe it is already known to the Warlords."

"I suggest challenging the Warlords one by one, giving them a chance to join us, or be destroyed. Our combined armies will pose an impressive argument for any Warlord, and with every Warlord converted we will become stronger as we weaken our enemy. Also, this way our troops will be less likely to be defeated in a straight battle as we should be able to show greater strenght than any of our opponents alone. Also, being victorious will boost the morale of our troops, as well as the faith in our rulership, and at the same time destroying the same of the enemy."


First Post
Melkor said:
The forces on Gibenei! All interested and Serpenteye please check!"

My own forces:
- 40 Elite( 12 worth of losses, were replaced by Vampire Drow if possible)
-7 Epic (including Lord Gallador)
- 200 rPl + 200 rPl of Salitisa`s undeath if already converted
- on Oerth: 10 Elite Pl and 2 EPic in reserve, plus any Vampire Drow if left, will join in major battle- not counting in total numbers

And there is allied Warlord, Lord Yaghal: 1 Epic, 10 Elite and 150 rPl( but propably had some losses)

OOC: I think you also lost some rPl in the last battle, I could be mistaken though.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Regarding Iuz, his build-up of military power is disconcerting. If any of his neighbors have requests for military aid, we do have some resources available who may help fortify your lands.

If Iuz is predicting full-scale war against him, his predictions are hastily. It is impossible to speak for the other powers with certainty, but the Brotherhood sees little chance of full-scale war happening, unless initiated by Iuz.

Further, we agree with the Wolf God on the matter of Aliador's approval. We will state, however, that since discretion is allowed by the Pact on the matter of penalty, our discretion will favor Iuz if he returns his forces to Gibenei.


OOC - Rikandur, Morwel is not an elf, she is an Eladrin, probably closest in nature to the Tulani, so her appearance without her divine power is unlikely to change very much, she would merely seem considerably less perfect of aspect (since I put the 3 stat points from Divine Rank 3 into charisma). However your antimagic does rob her of her supernatural and spell-like eladrin abilities (so its still a fairly even Match, Iuz has more Hit Dice and Morwel has better statisicts and immunities since racial ability modifiers are not supernatural in nature.). Likewise her clothes would not vanish they would merely become non-magical, as such just robes of some relatively expensive clothe I imagine. (Will do a better post latter just felt I should correct your misconceptions).


Morwel appears in the arena, devoid of the sparkling stars that usually accompany her, although her physical appearance does not change she seems to in some indefinable way be lessened from her usual state, her presence lacks a little power, perhaps her eyes are less bright, or her hair more tangled.

Morwel discards her now mundane robes and requests a suit of padded armour, the only armour that would not hinder her mobility more than the protection it would grant. Morwel sweeps her thinblade through the air and takes a few steps back and forward clearly again accustoming herself to movement without the divine power she has possessed for millenia.

"So what if the children should watch ? What is forbidden in the body? I have never fought in an arena, but I have fought a duel or two and I have fought against those would invade my home. You would be surprised how easily this weapon will pierce a demon's hide with my strength behind it. And I'm quiet sure my hide is a match for a demons. Let him try, I have fought fiends before and I know their bodies are covered in weapons. "

Morwel will accept the dagger and put it in a sheath to be worn around her waist.

(OOC - which is true natural armour is not supernatural in nature and Morwel has quiet a large natural armour bonus)
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Kalanyr said:
OOC - Rikandur, Morwel is not an elf, she is an Eladrin, probably closest in nature to the Tulani, so her appearance without her divine power is unlikely to change very much, she would merely seem considerably less perfect of aspect (since I put the 3 stat points from Divine Rank 3 into charisma). However your antimagic does rob her of her supernatural and spell-like eladrin abilities (so its still a fairly even Match, Iuz has more Hit Dice and Morwel has better statisicts and immunities since racial ability modifiers are not supernatural in nature.). Likewise her clothes would not vanish they would merely become non-magical, as such just robes of some relatively expensive clothe I imagine. (Will do a better post latter just felt I should correct your misconceptions).

Heh, You are right ... She have much better Natural Armor than any Demon, save Balors. :)
And Yup, my Iuz have slightly worse statistics ... Iuz in the shape from Dragon Magazine ... Is a different matter. But I have impression that her Robe of Stars would became rather unpractical, in current situation, dress made of jevelry and silver. Remove it, if she doesn't want to ruin it. ;)

Will proceed with hobgoblin's response later, must go now to work. Did You considered potential spoils that Morwel could gain if she defeats Iuz ? We should discuss both possibilities beforehand, so each of us could prepare his little suprise. I state that I prepared such suprises, harmless to Morwel, each will happen depending on result of duel. :p

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Kalanyr said:
Morwel appears in the arena, devoid of the sparkling stars that usually accompany her, although her physical appearance does not change she seems to in some indefinable way be lessened from her usual state, her presence lacks a little power, perhaps her eyes are less bright, or her hair more tangled.

Morwel discards her now mundane robes and requests a suit of padded armour, the only armour that would not hinder her mobility more than the protection it would grant. Morwel sweeps her thinblade through the air and takes a few steps back and forward clearly again accustoming herself to movement without the divine power she has possessed for millenia.

"So what if the children should watch ? What is forbidden in the body? I have never fought in an arena, but I have fought a duel or two and I have fought against those would invade my home. You would be surprised how easily this weapon will pierce a demon's hide with my strength behind it. And I'm quiet sure my hide is a match for a demons. Let him try, I have fought fiends before and I know their bodies are covered in weapons. "

Morwel will accept the dagger and put it in a sheath to be worn around her waist.

This is simple Hob, have mercy. Hobgoblins are lawful if You forgot. :p
Besides ... Think of this that way, from his perspective he is doing Morwel a favor, she is ugly by his standarts. You know ... almost entirely bald, no nice fur ... and she looks like elf for him, pointy ears and anorectic body. ;)

Armourer agreed and brought padded armor, of dubious quality but it shouldn't fell off right now.

"Here, newbie ... and being on Your place I would have this dagger in hand. But do as You please ..."

Hobgoblin looked up and smiled predatorily upon hearing full tribunes. He murmured to himself.

"My, my ... folks must be really thirsty to come in such numbers ... or they wait how Old One will deal with another Young usurper. Wait a while."

Telling that humanoid departed trough cell door and disappeared in labirynth beyond the Circus.

OOC: This is of course Iuz himself, but his people are used to him as shiverled gran'pa. :D
And he paid handsomly for honor of fighting on Arena of Skulls ... so he can take any pseudonym he pleases. Old One would deal with him anyway ... and Crowd might have more bloody entertainment.


After half an hour he returned, seemingly pleased and grinned to Morwel.

"Bets are very high ... Perform well and crowd will love You. By the way, You want to be announced as anonymous elf ... or You have any name for today ? You opponent was bold enough to take pseudonym Iuz. I don't know what those young demons think ... Old One hates when someone wears his name ... At least he will thin their ranks from the most stupid ones. When You are ready, follow me."

Voidrunner's Codex

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