Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!


Limit Break Dancing
Personally, I can't even speak 4ese, so I'll be sticking to d20 systems I am much more familiar with. Design for what you know and love.
For me, it would probably come down to the ingredients. I like the BECM gargoyle better than the d20 one, for example, so if I get "gargoyle" as an ingredient, I would reach for my Rules Cyclopedia first.

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Ah, I really like it being our choice. Would it be possible to give the schedule of round 1 and what days we all have to compete?

I was just thinking about how many different Food Network competition shows could be made into interesting D&D contests.
Of course Iron Chef predates Food Network by almost 10 years....

DM vs. City: This contest pits two DMs from a random city, against two DMs from the Rat Bastard DM group. Each team completes a series of challenges designed to prove once and for all which team rules the town. These challenges are designed to test a DMs ability to run a fair and entertaining game...things like, "In twenty words or less, resolve this conflict between two players" or "write a riddle that has 'ink' as its answer."
Where's the city? The whole point of the food show is that the local foodies are supposed to have an advantage based on location.

RBDM Challenge: <Ingredient>: Like Iron DM, except there is only one incredibly difficult ingredient and all applicants compete at once and a single winner is chosen from all.
Having one ingredient also makes it more like the original Iron Chef

I want "Throwdown" (no need for name alteration), "Scenario: Impossible", and of course "Dungeons, Dragons and Dice".


First Post
Scenario: Impossible could really work. Not sure exactly what the overwhelming odds would be. More ingredients, perhaps, or something that really stretches the limits of a person, something like create an Adventure Path in 3 days!


Limit Break Dancing
Scenario: Impossible could really work. Not sure exactly what the overwhelming odds would be. More ingredients, perhaps, or something that really stretches the limits of a person, something like create an Adventure Path in 3 days!
Scenario: Impossible idea: "You have thirty minutes to write a balanced, playable house rule for grappling a troll. Using the Red Box rules only. GO!"

Scenario: Impossible could really work. Not sure exactly what the overwhelming odds would be. More ingredients, perhaps, or something that really stretches the limits of a person, something like create an Adventure Path in 3 days!

Perhaps too outrageous. And I like the idea of having helpers who aren't "cooks" that often happens on that show. So make this a team game with 1 main DM and 4 sous-DMs. The event runner chooses an overall location and creates a list of 15 ingredients and a list of 3 forbidden elements. The DM receives the parameters and has 24 hours to divvy up 1-2 ingredients (at most) to each sous-DM and a one sentence description. The sous-DMs don't know what the other sous-DMs are working on nor what their ingredients are (they do know what is forbidden). They have 24 hours to give the DM a 1-2 room encounter involving their ingredients. The DM then has additional 48 hours to turn those 4 encounters plus as many other events, background material, etc as he likes (which presumably include the missing ingredients) into a cohesive adventure. He must use 90% of each sous-DM's work in the final work. He can rearrange, split, spindle and mutilate them but it should "easy" to find the majority of the text they turned in within the finished product. 24 hours before the deadline the DM receives a 16th ingredient "twist" that he must add to the adventure.

time= 0: DM receives 1 major location, 15 ingredients, 3 forbidden elements
time=24: DM send up to 3 ingredients (and location and forbidden info) to his 4 sous-DMs. He may give them guidance in a single sentence no more than 15 words long.
time=48: The sous-DMs post what they've done. They could have written 1-2 dungeon rooms. They could have written 1-2 timed events in a city/style adventure. At this time, the event coordinator can reveal the total list of ingredients.
time=72: The DM receives a surprise 16th ingredient.
time=96: Final adventure is due.

(If there's interest, perhaps I'll run it a month or two after the Iron DM competition is complete.)


Wow, that was fast. I thought you had 48 hours to finish. You are, what? a day ahead of schedule?

The 48 hours is just a scheduling courtesy. You really ought to be able to finish up your entry in under 24 hours. Still, as I did have a things to do both last night and this morning, I appreciated having just a little extra time.


First Post
Good work on it all, Wicht. I've been playing around with your ingredient list, to get into practice. I totally did things differently, but I like how you laid yours out. I'd say more, but of course, that'd break the rules.

Hoping I get to play you later on... a Wik/Wicht showdown would just be too good. :)

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