D&D 5E Is 5E Special

Graceful Maneuver
Acrobatics Utility 6
You dodge past your enemies with speed and grace.
Move Action

Effect: You shift half your speed.
Otherworldly Lore
Dungeoneering Utility 2
Something about the aberrant horror's movements strikes a chord, you know just how to fight it.
Minor Action
Close Burst 5
Target: One aberrant creature you can see in burst
Effect: You make a Dungeoneering monster knowledge check to determine the target's resistances and vulnerabilities. If the check succeeds, you or one ally who can hear you gains a +4 power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target before the end of your next turn.
Arcane Senses
Arcana Utility 2
You refocus your eyes to see manic enemy invisible to the untrained eye, learning how many magical creatures are nearby.
Minor Action

Effect: You make an Arcana check and learn the number of elemental, fey, and shadow creatures that are within a number of squares of you equal to the check result. You don't learn the creatures' locations, but you do learn separate counts for each type

Scrambling Climb
Athletics Utility 2
You use your forward momentum to help pull yourself upward.
Move Action

Effect: You make an Athletics check to climb with a +5 power bonus. If the check succeeds, you climb a number of squares equal to 2 + your speed.
Soothing Words
Diplomacy Utility 2
The battle done, your allies turn to you for words of encouragement and support.
Standard Action
Close Burst 5
Requirement: You must be taking a short rest
Target: Each ally who can hear you in burst
Effect: When each target spends one or more healing surges at the end of the short rest, he or she regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.

Slow Pursuit
Streetwise Utility 6
You knock over obstacles, take difficult paths, drop rubbish, and do anything else you can think of to slow your enemies' pursuit.
Move Action
Requirement: You must be in an urban environment.
Effect: You move your speed. At one point during this movement, you create an area of difficult terrain in a close blast 3. The difficult terrain lasts until the end of the encounter.

Far Sight
Perception Utility 2
You focus your senses to pick out enemies at the edge of your vision.
Minor Action
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, your ranged weapon attack rolls take no penalty from long range, and they ignore cover and concealment. but not superior cover or total concealment.
Path of the Bounding Stag
Nature Utility 6
You easily pick a path through the underbrush.
Move Action
Effect: You move your speed. During this movement, you ignore difficult terrain that is a result of trees, underbrush, or other natural growth.
Tactician's Measure
History Utility 10
The enemies' movements are similar to those used in a skirmish you once studied. You use knowledge of it to outmaneuver a foe.
Immediate Reaction
Melee 1
Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you or to an ally adjacent to you
Target: You or the ally
Effect: The target shifts 1 square and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Legend Lore
History Utility 2
legends are your specialty and you can always find a use for these stories.
Free Action
Trigger: You would make a knowledge check using a skill other than History
Effect: You make a History check in place of the knowledge check.
Time Out
Heal Utility 10
You want your comrade a moment of respite.
Minor Action
Melee 1
Target: One Ally
Effect: The target regains the use of second wind if he or she has already used it during this encounter.
Dude, this is what I am talking about. Narratively, the game offers a specific tool for this: gating Skill checks by Proficiency. A Wizard without Religion might be smart, but the 12 Int Paladin can make a Religion check that the DM restricts by Akill training that the Wizard cannot even attempt. This sort of Skill check design is all over D&D these days. Give each character a time to strut their thing.
I actually have a house rule that if you are trained you auto succussed at all skill checks of 12 or less... so a 1st level wizard trained in athletics with a 11str will ALWAYS make a minimum DC of 12 with no roll

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The specifics on Spell design are in the DMG.

Spell casters have the same number of Skills, but nobody can have all of the Skills. Different party members get their moment to shine based on their Skill choices. Whi h, yes, is DM dependent, but that's the nature of D&D.
You've failed to answer my point about skills. I thus have to consider that you're admitting that I'm right. Fighters have much worse skill options and far fewer opportunities to shine than Full Caster party members, even just looking at skills.

The details on Spell design in the DMG do not support your argument, therefore we dismiss your claims entirely.
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and the more we talk here. the more we talk on Tic Tok, the more we talk at cons... the more they hear, the more newer players that may agree with us hear.
It's fine that you have an opinion I happen to disagree with. Life would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

It's just the specific "Fighters drool, wizards rule" that gets old. We get it, you vape don't like fighters. Cool. There have already been umpteen threads on the subject. 🤷‍♂️

That, and if anyone thinks that what we post here matters to WOTC, I've got this fantastic investment opportunity to buy a bridge in Brooklyn.

Dude, this is what I am talking about. Narratively, the game offers a specific tool for this: gating Skill checks by Proficiency. A Wizard without Religion might be smart, but the 12 Int Paladin can make a Religion check that the DM restricts by Akill training that the Wizard cannot even attempt. This sort of Skill check design is all over D&D these days. Give each character a time to strut their thing.
Where in the PHB or the DMG does it actually suggest you can "Just Say No" to someone rolling if they don't have Proficiency in the skill?

I'm not saying it doesn't, to be clear, I'd just like to have it to hand for future discussions.

Also can you think of any modules where this is invoked - i.e. where they have a skill DC to do/know something, and say non-proficient characters cannot attempt it?

It's just the specific "Fighters drool, wizards rule" that gets old. We get it, you vape don't like fighters. Cool. There have already been umpteen threads on the subject. 🤷‍♂️
This is pretty embarrassing @Oofta - trying to make out people who want Fighters to be better "don't like Fighters" is absolutely pathetic and sad argumentation. It's barely even grade-school level. You should not be pleased with yourself for that post. It's "local politician" level, style and type of arguing (which yes, to be clear, is below that of children).

You could at least have made a normal argument and said "don't like Wizards".

A Wizard without Spell slots outside of combat cannot make an Athletics check like a Champion can. Outside of combat, narrative balance is the order of the day.
The trouble with this argument is that it's so patently naive that it makes it seem like you've never played D&D, and because we know that's false, the whole thing rings false.

Above about level 7, it's incredibly rare for the adventuring day to end without the Wizard (or Cleric, or Druid) having quite a few spell slots left, and as levels increase, that gets more extreme. So pretending Wizards above that level often "run out of spell slots" is just shenanigans of a very silly and ineffectual kind. Make better arguments.

The trouble with this argument is that it's so patently naive that it makes it seem like you've never played D&D, and because we know that's false, the whole thing rings false.

Above about level 7, it's incredibly rare for the adventuring day to end without the Wizard (or Cleric, or Druid) having quite a few spell slots left, and as levels increase, that gets more extreme. So pretending Wizards above that level often "run out of spell slots" is just shenanigans of a very silly and ineffectual kind. Make better arguments.
Running out of spell slots is not a thing that happens post 7, usually post 5 lmfao.

It's fine that you have an opinion I happen to disagree with. Life would be boring if we all agreed on everything.

It's just the specific "Fighters drool, wizards rule" that gets old. We get it, you vape don't like fighters. Cool. There have already been umpteen threads on the subject. 🤷‍♂️

That, and if anyone thinks that what we post here matters to WOTC, I've got this fantastic investment opportunity to buy a bridge in Brooklyn.
and I get it... you do like fighters and don't like 4e... okay.
now I am still going to post what I want when I want.

and you can try to sell your bridge else where since I explained my theory to you and you ignored it

Voidrunner's Codex

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