JA's - The Borderland Keep


Heinz frowns at seeing Edoryan's horsemen so blatantly better armed and equipped than his own band, despite his own explicit request for similar composite longbows and other gear.

But, he turns his attention to the leader from Rosedown.

"Greetings, captain. I am Heinz Walker, and we are ready, even eager to see our new home."

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Catylina feels out of her depth. She is not sure the rank of the man, nor is she sure how to respond. Feeling annoyed with herself has she should know this, after all she was given etiquette lessons when she was younger but they just didn't take. So she follows the lead of the others and simply says "Catylina. Me and my girls are ready when you are."


" And I am Sage Tetke, " says the elf haughtily. " I am pleased to see that my guardsman are well equipped, and that everything here seems to be in order. I hope you can tell me that the same will be true of your records when we reach Rosedown, as I requested in my letter. I already have several projects in mind that should be of use not only to the Baron, but to everyone who tends the land in Rosedown. Their timely completion, however, depends entirely on how well my instructions have been followed. "

J. Alexander

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As the party has introduced themself, he continues "We have a small encampment just outside of town, about two miles on the eastern river road, if you would please assemble there by dusk. That will give you plenty of time to buy provisions or other items you may need."


Tetke calculates in his head how long the journey is likely to take, and from that what sort of provisioning will be required.

OOC: This check is know how far it is from Southlake to Rosedown.

Wordlessly, Aldin steps away from the group to go purchase supplies. Aside from ample foodstuffs and a number of empty mead barrels, he finds nothing of relevance.

He retires to the inn and sequesters himself in a private room until dusk. As the sun begins to set, the warrior ambles out, bedecked fully in platemail and clearly drunk.


First Post
Catylina tells her troop to take the afternoon off but to meet her back here, along with there horses and equipment, half an hour before sunset.

Meanwhile Catyline goes off and arranges for food for people and horses. Although she was told that it is a three week trip, she arranges for four weeks worth of food. Just to be on the safe side.

Once here chores are out of the way, Catylina goes clothes shopping. She is looking for a formal evening outfit plus an informal day outfit. she will have both outfits altered so that she can carry concealed daggers.

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