Paizo Jessica Price (ex Paizo employee) spills the beans

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She has a history of getting into fights on Twitter, but I think it's pretty clear at this point that being so aggressive is partly a response to having worked in toxic environments for so long. Which is understandable.

It's also worth noting that her original big fight was pre-#MeToo, which was really when you could at least start trying to make such accusations and have some small assurance that it could be taken seriously. Stepping out into the arena back then was difficult as hell, and her aggressiveness was damn near needed. That she's even online today is kind of amazing.

I don't think the issue is so said cancel culture. If you do bad things, go to court and are found guilty then I'm probably not going to want to work with you for a while. I think it's just that twitter threads like that are such a poor medium. A well laid out post, with corroborations and a timeline with a hint of journalistic professionalism would make denunciations like this much more accessible, easy to read and to process.

Twitter is a poor medium, though I think it does provide the ability for others to join in with confirmations/denials. It has already happened several time in her thread (which she quote-tweets). Of course, this continues to make it even more difficult to decipher, but sometimes you gotta use the medium you have. Going out on Twitter is going to reach a lot more people than a blog post.


It's in the middle. When you reach saintly-looking picture, you'll know you're there. To put it mildly, it's not a great look.


She hasn't. She hasn't at all and the fact that you can't name an actual example speaks volumes.

I mean, at this point, I could argue that you have a history of false accusations and lying about female creators lying about sexism, so I ought to be skeptical of anything you say. Which is patently ridiculous but also is a strong argument than the one you're making
I've already named the examples. The fact you're ignoring them can't be helped from me. We have concrete proof of this happening more than once, including the very first post in this thread of her tweet.

Also, while anger is justified, it's not justified to accuse others of serious offenses they never did just because you're angry. You (general you) lose all high ground by doing so.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Yeah there's a whole lot of bad going on here at a lot of different levels. Meanwhile, it's often pointed out in these stories that Mora was the more reasonable manager between he and Jeff. Which is just...

pokemon GIF

I mean... I get the point you are making but...

They... they were working on the Death Star...

Death. Star.

I never found the that scene particularly compelling...

To keep the offtopic posts to a minimum:

I thought the plotline was fine but neeed one extra element; a spy in the midst, perhaps, to make the secrecy more justified to everyone aboard (not just Poe, who I think did deserve mistrust).

Actually, I think it's probably a better comparison to the first Death Star, where Vader gets away and nothing happens to Palpatine. At the end, the complexity comes from the fact there's a lot of good people at the bottom and in the middle, while the most insulated parts of the company are the most problematic. The stuff that got through was actually earnest... but it's from people who were fighting the bad top-down corporate culture. And they are the most likely to become casualties of bad sales.

Again, it's valid to just boycott the company. Definitely sends a message. Just not sure it's going to hit the people we want it to. But on the other hand, there's not many ways to hit those people, either.

I've already named the examples. The fact you're ignoring them can't be helped from me. We have concrete proof of this happening more than once, including the very first post in this thread of her tweet.

Also, while anger is justified, it's not justified to accuse others of serious offenses they never did just because you're angry. You (general you) lose all high ground by doing so.
Some of the examples seem to be matters of interpretation? Sexism and other forms of prejudice sometimes come in forms that are explicit and that can be documented and verified, but in most cases remain implicit.


I've already named the examples. The fact you're ignoring them can't be helped from me. We have concrete proof of this happening more than once, including the very first post in this thread of her tweet.
I'm really not trying to get into the middle of this argument, and I see your point, but I have read through this thread and I did not notice you posting any examples, except the original tweet. So I feel it is probably easy to miss without intentionally "ignoring" them.
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I've already named the examples. The fact you're ignoring them can't be helped from me. We have concrete proof of this happening more than once, including the very first post in this thread of her tweet.
You've given two examples, one of which was not at all a lie, the other of which was a mistake that later corrected, and you only insist was a lie because of her "history" of lying, which again to my understanding only includes the earlier "lie" regarding the issues with ArenaNET (Guild Wars) which I have already addressed and which was an actually example of sexism in the industry at work. So again I ask, name the supposedly "proven" lies, or drop the baseless accusations. You cannot seem to name an actual example to stands up to any kind of scrutiny at all.
Also, while anger is justified, it's not justified to accuse others of serious offenses they never did just because you're angry. You (general you) lose all high ground by doing so.
That's not what's going on here, nor was it was going on with ArenaNET. Every accusation here seems incredibly believable. Also... if the anger is justified, it's because the justification is that the series offenses actually occurred... the anger isn't justified at all if the accusations are false! You cannot have it both ways.

Her whole account strikes true because the picture of incompetent and hostile upper management, including individuals who abuse their power is eminently relatable. Especially in a field like gaming, the idea that employees should be "grateful" to get to work on these products, rather than respected for their labor, seems like a widely held position by upper management. This includes the dynamic of these companies being dominated by white men. How many other companies in the wider field of gaming (i.e. including video game companies) display these same tendencies? Have we not seen what just went down at Blizzard? The way that women in gaming have been harassed over years on social media (and elsewhere)?

I don't think the issue is so said cancel culture. If you do bad things, go to court and are found guilty then I'm probably not going to want to work with you for a while. I think it's just that twitter threads like that are such a poor medium. A well laid out post, with corroborations and a timeline with a hint of journalistic professionalism would make denunciations like this much more accessible, easy to read and to process.

1) Unless I'm mistaken, Price is not a journalist. There's no reason to hold her to journalistic standards (which are, themselves, fluid and largely meaningless, since they're really just norms that change over time and are routinely broken, often in good faith). She was essentially talking about something she heard. I will always be more charitable to the person who gets information out, even if it's not 100% correct, than to the institution they're trying to expose. They have resources and can even sue, if they really feel like it's worth it. She has...a Twitter account. And this isn't about you, but people in this thread complaining about not being able to grok Twitter's interface....I mean, imagine a skywriter gradually spelling out the words OK and BOOMER. Twitter is how a ton of news is generated and distributed in 2021. If you can't work out what to click, that's fully on you.

2) Courts are almost never going to surface or settle these kinds of issues. Even if these matters do wind up in front of a judge and/or jury, do courts have a perfect track record? And what happens when a suit ends with a settlement that doesn't involve an admission of guilt and where all parties are barred from discussing it further? Unless you're talking about the most heinous abuses, ala Harvey Weinstein, the courts aren't going to solve this for you. The only thing most of us can base any decisions or opinions on are the info we have available to us, however we can get it. That'll never be perfect and we'll all make tons of mistakes based on necessarily incomplete evidence (the "truth" being about as relative as anything can be), but that's the best we can do.

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