[KK2]Encounter 2: Warm up is over. (Healing)


the shadow of Starwinds gestures at the floating weapon, which in turn makes a vague gesture at the plant, a whisper of a word drifts down to torment. The shadow drifts SW 4.

1d20+14=18 big whiffy.
3d6+5=17 & surge healing for torment.

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First Post
Tharos chugs a potion and burns the mounds so thoughfully arranged next to each by Rollie.

[sblock]spend surge, heal 10.
The fireburst hits each enemy exactly (well, since the Stormrage is granting CA, you might have an extra +2 there. 23 damage.[/sblock]

Erdric pops up and buries a perfectly aimed arrow into the stormrage.

[sblock]The Stormrage is granting CA because of Spiritual weapon, so the attack becomes 28. HIT (26 would miss). 24 damage.[/sblock]

Starwinds directs her spiritual weapon and heals Torment. Like a ghost, she drifts away.

[sblock]Miss. Torment is healed.[/sblock]

Torment lashes the Stormrage and exhorts the group to shake off their wounds and prevail. Then he moves to assist Xak.

[sblock]Shocked for 5
Roll Lookup
Stand the Fallen on Stormrage. HIT. 19 damage.

Everyone except Torment and Narbel can spend a surge and gain surge value +4.[/sblock]

The Stormrage you've been beating on advances into your SW cluster and swings a tendril at Tharos and Rollie.

[sblock]Regen 10. Burn for 5.
Double Attack: one on Tharos, one on Rolllie. Roll Lookup
1d20+14; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [4,14] = (18) MISS
1d20+14; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [8,5,6] = (19)
1d20+14; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [12,16] = (28) HIT
1d20+14; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [3,5,6] = (14)

14 damage to Rollie.[/sblock]

The east Shambler lumbers towards Reed as it digests Narbel.

[sblock]Regen 5. Heal 10. 10 Damage to Narbel.
Enveloping Attack Reed. Roll Lookup
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [10,16] = (26) MISS
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [7,8] = (15)
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [19,16] = (35) HIT
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [8,8] = (16)
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [13,16] = (29) N/A

16 damage to Reed.[/sblock]

The west Shambler huddles defensively since it can't escape the goo.

[sblock]Regen 5. Total D.

remains stuck. Roll Lookup[/sblock]

The other Shambler attempts to eat Xak again, remaining ensnared. The tough paladin has none of it, fending off all the tendrils with his weapon and shield.

[sblock]Regen 5
Roll Lookup
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [4,16] = (20) MISS
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [3,8] = (11)
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [8,16] = (24) MISS
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [5,8] = (13)
1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16; 1d8+8; 1d20+16 → [20,16] = (36) N/A

Save fails: Roll Lookup[/sblock]

The other Stormrage attacks Xak and its electric current breaks down the webbing holding it in place. With too many attacks coming in at the paladin, something is bound to slip though, and he recieves thump and jolt from one weak blow.

[sblock]Regen 10
Roll Lookup
1d20+16; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [18,16] = (34) HIT
1d20+16; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [3,3,6] = (12)
1d20+16; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [12,16] = (28) MISS
1d20+16; 2d8+6; 1d20+16; 2d8+6 → [6,3,6] = (15)

Save=Success. Roll Lookup[/sblock]


By VictimEN at 2008-10-24

[sblock=Status/Initiative: round 6]

29: Glib. -22 HP. 3/6. *Bait and Switch
[sblock=Powers used]
Tornado Strike, E
Bait and Switch, E
Tumble, E

28: Narbel. -70 HP. 12/16. Enveloped (save ends)
[sblock=Powers used]

26: Blue Dragon. -69 HP. Flying: Alt 10. Cursed. Quarry
*Breath Weapon
[sblock=Powers used]
Breath weapon: 5 and 6.
Frightful Presence, E

24: Tharos. -20. 2/6. Water walking. AP=0
[sblock=Powers used]Ice Rays, E
Thunderlance, E
Fireburst, E

Wall of Fire, D
Web, D

22: Erdric. -0 HP. 4/7. Concealed,
*Hawk's Talon stormrage
[sblock=Powers used]Elven Accuracy, E
Hawk's Talon

Spray of Arrows, D.
Excruciating Shot, D.

Helm of Eagle, D
Dragonbane bow, D
2/2 Daily Item powers used[/sblock]

22: Starwinds. -2 HP. AP=0. 7/9 surges. Shadow form (insub)
*heal torment
[sblock=Powers used]Dire Radiance, E
Channel Divinity, E
Healing Word, 2/2

Avenging Flame, D
Bless, Daily.
Shadowform, D
Spiritual Weapon, D
Holy Symbol, D
1/2 daily item powers used.

22: Torment. -24 HP, 7/11.
*Stand the Fallen
[sblock=Powers used]Lion's Roar, E
Guarding Attack, E
Inspiring Word, 1/2, E
Slash and Press, E
Break their Nerve, E

Stand Tough, D
Stand the Fallen, D

17: Stormrage 2. -221 HP. Bloodied. Eyebite (Reed), Cursed. Quarry. ongoing 5 (save ends) target cannot make save if it attacks. Spiritual Weapon (granting CA),
*Double Attack Tharos, Rollie
[sblock=Powers used]
17: Shambler 1 -19 HP. Quarry. Immo, save @-2
*Total D
17: Shambler 2 -16 HP. Immo, save @-2. Divine Challenged.
*eats Xak
17: Shambler 3 -11 HP. Cursed. Eating Narbel!
*Enveloping Reed
17: Stormrage 1. -17 HP. Quarry.
*Attack Xak
[sblock=Powers used]

16: Reed. -21 HP. Concealed.
[sblock=Powers used]

15: Xak. -18 HP 12/18 surges. Second Wind: +2 defenses
[sblock=Powers used]
Divine Cleansing, E
Divine Mettle, E
Invigorating Smite, E
Second Wind, E

Hallowed Circle, D

[sblock=Restrained]You grant combat advantage. You’re immobilized.
You can’t be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a
You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock]
[sblock=Prone]Grant CA against melee attacks
+2 defenses against ranged attacks from non adjacent creatures
lying on the ground
-2 penalty to attack
Flying creatures knocked prone safely descend a number of squares equal to their speed, and then crash if they haven't reached the ground
can't move normally, must crawl or stand up[/sblock]
[sblock=Enveloped]restrained (save ends). While the target is restrained,
no creature has line of sight or line of effect to it. At the start of
the shambling mound’s turn each round, the enveloped target
takes 10 damage and the shambling mound regains 10 hit
points. The shambling mound can envelop up to 2 creatures at a
time. When the target makes its save, it reappears in a square of
its choice adjacent to the shambling mound.


Walking Dad

First Post
Reed keeps moving and tries to defend himself from the shambler.


Minor: Curse Shambler 2
Move: to Z23, concealment.
Standard:Eyebite (1d20+14=19, 1d6+10=12, 2d6=2) :-S
if it hits, the enemy takes a -2 penaliy on the next attack. (attack is vs Will)
Get I the Prime Shot bonus? Narbel has no line of sight or line of effect.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Reed Rowan
Perception: 17 Insight: 22 Normal Vision
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 23 Will 25
Hit Points: 75 / 96 Bloodied: 48
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 24 Surges per day: 8 / 8

I slash out my used powers on the CS.



Rollie slips forward [move: shift s1] trying to slice off another chunk of the stormrage, and manages a particularly good strike [CRIT = 4+13+(8x3)=41+11=52].


First Post
Reed can't find a hold in the shambler's mind, but puts some ground between himself and the monster.

[sblock]Prime Shot would apply, but 20 just barely misses.[/sblock]

Xak's hammer blows are harmlessly absorbed by the Shambler's body.

[sblock]Shocked for 5.

17 misses. EDIT: Actually, it's 19 because of the Knight Commander next to him, but that still misses.[/sblock]

Rollie advances and executes the Stormrage, striking through the creature's wounds deep into the beast.

[sblock]Shocked for 5.

52 damage kills SR2.[/sblock]

"Grats dudes! You finally killed something. I guess I should work on finishing one of you off then. You know, to even the scales." The dragon flies over the heads of Glib, Tharos and Starwinds, remaining about 50 feet up. "On the other hand, it's sort of a pain to get them supercharged like that." He spits an explosive burst of electricity into the group. "I better keep the last good one in mint condition so I don't have go through the chore of replacing it."

[sblock]Recharge fails: Roll Lookup

ALightning Burst (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning
Area burst 3 within 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 4 lightning
damage. Miss: Half damage.

Roll Lookup
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [12,18] = (30) Shambler 1. HIT
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [15,18] = (33) SR 1 HIT
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [3,18] = (21) Erdric. MISS
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [14,18] = (32) Tharos. HIT
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [15,18] = (33) Glib HIT
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [6,18] = (24) Starwinds HIT
1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 1d20+18; 2d6+4 → [1,2,4] = (7)
Shambler 1 Stormrage 1 Erdric Tharos Glib Starwinds

7 damage, Erdric takes 0 on the miss because of Evasion. Starwinds takes 3 damage because she's insub.

Shambler and Stormrage use Lightning Affinity as an immediate reaction, healing 10.[/sblock]


By VictimEN at 2008-10-27

[sblock=Status/Initiative: round 7]

29: Glib. -34 HP. 3/6.
*Sly Flourish
[sblock=Powers used]
Tornado Strike, E
Bait and Switch, E
Tumble, E

28: Narbel. -70 HP. 12/16.
[sblock=Powers used]

26: Blue Dragon. -69 HP. Flying: Alt 10. Cursed. Quarry
*Lightning Burst
[sblock=Powers used]
Breath weapon: 5 and 6.
Frightful Presence, E

24: Tharos. -27. 2/6. Water walking. AP=0
[sblock=Powers used]Ice Rays, E
Thunderlance, E
Fireburst, E

Wall of Fire, D
Web, D

22: Erdric. -0 HP. 4/7. Concealed,
*Hawk's Talon stormrage
[sblock=Powers used]Elven Accuracy, E
Hawk's Talon

Spray of Arrows, D.
Excruciating Shot, D.

Helm of Eagle, D
Dragonbane bow, D
2/2 Daily Item powers used[/sblock]

22: Starwinds. -5 HP. AP=0. 7/9 surges. Shadow form (insub)
*heal torment
[sblock=Powers used]Dire Radiance, E
Channel Divinity, E
Healing Word, 2/2

Avenging Flame, D
Bless, Daily.
Shadowform, D
Spiritual Weapon, D
Holy Symbol, D
1/2 daily item powers used.

22: Torment. -24 HP, 7/11.
*Stand the Fallen
[sblock=Powers used]Lion's Roar, E
Guarding Attack, E
Inspiring Word, 1/2, E
Slash and Press, E
Break their Nerve, E

Stand Tough, D
Stand the Fallen, D

17: Shambler 1 -9 HP. Quarry. Immo, save @-2
*Total D
17: Shambler 2 -16 HP. Immo, save @-2. Divine Challenged.
*eats Xak
17: Shambler 3 -11 HP. Cursed.
*Enveloping Reed
17: Stormrage 1. -7 HP. Quarry.
*Attack Xak
[sblock=Powers used]

16: Reed. -21 HP. Concealed.
[sblock=Powers used]

15: Xak. -23 HP 12/18 surges. Second Wind: +2 defenses
[sblock=Powers used]
Divine Cleansing, E
Divine Mettle, E
Invigorating Smite, E
Second Wind, E

Hallowed Circle, D

[sblock=Restrained]You grant combat advantage. You’re immobilized.
You can’t be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a
You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock]
[sblock=Prone]Grant CA against melee attacks
+2 defenses against ranged attacks from non adjacent creatures
lying on the ground
-2 penalty to attack
Flying creatures knocked prone safely descend a number of squares equal to their speed, and then crash if they haven't reached the ground
can't move normally, must crawl or stand up[/sblock]
[sblock=Enveloped]restrained (save ends). While the target is restrained,
no creature has line of sight or line of effect to it. At the start of
the shambling mound’s turn each round, the enveloped target
takes 10 damage and the shambling mound regains 10 hit
points. The shambling mound can envelop up to 2 creatures at a
time. When the target makes its save, it reappears in a square of
its choice adjacent to the shambling mound.

Last edited:


First Post
Erdric moves closer to the remaining stormrage, then once again fires twin missiles toward the enemy. This time, however, the arrows separate in flight, each heading toward a different target.

[sblock=ooc] Move Action: move to D23, giving me prime shot vs. Shambler 1
Standard Action: Split the Tree vs. Shambler 1 and Stormrage 1, hits AC 30 for 23 damage.

Oh, checking over my stats again, I realized that my Dragonslayer bow gives me resist 10 vs. dragon breath attacks. That'll be fun to keep in mind. :D [/sblock]


The shadow of Starwinds drifts NE. The glowing weapon flies north to attack (distract) the stormrage. The faint sound of a prayer reaches Narbel. Its hard to tell these events are connected.

if that hits 1d8+10=13 damage
(bastion of health) Narbel heals : surge +8hp
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Walking Dad

First Post
Reed uses the other creatures death, to flee...

new: teleport to EE23.

Minor: Curse Shambler 2
Move: to Z23, concealment.
Standard:Eyebite (1d20+14=19, 1d6+10=12, 2d6=2) :-S
if it hits, the enemy takes a -2 penaliy on the next attack. (attack is vs Will)
Get I the Prime Shot bonus? Narbel has no line of sight or line of effect.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Reed Rowan
Perception: 17 Insight: 22 Normal Vision
AC 25 Fortitude 21 Reflex 23 Will 25
Hit Points: 75 / 96 Bloodied: 48
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 24 Surges per day: 8 / 8

I slash out my used powers on the CS.


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