Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]

Hi! Guess WHO?!

At everyone, I stopped short at casting Speak with dead because I want to be sure of the questions - I also pose an important question IC.

1. Where is Bluffside main hideout of the Loyalists?
2. Where is Bluffside main hideout of the Dusk?
3. How long before you're risen again?
4. How can you be killed permanently?

These questions worry me slightly and am wondering if we can refine them. I'm not sure how stingy @Knightfall is with divinations. I kind of hate wordsmithing stuff but here is how these could be answered:

1. Bluffside
2. The Undercity
3 The next full moon
4. Yes

Only one of those answers is useful to us.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
1st and 4th seem like a stretch, I mean 2nd is worded just like the first.
I agree you could ask for exact location/address?
And #3 gives us a timeframe. And in full moon case even hint at some sort of ritual

I think that's Commune
1st and 4th seem like a stretch, I mean 2nd is worded just like the first.
I agree you could ask for exact location/address?
And #3 gives us a timeframe. And in full moon case even hint at some sort of ritual
I misread #4 as being 'can you be killed permanently.' my mistake.

To refine, what about:

1. What is your True Name?
2.What are the directions from the market to the main headquarters of the Loyalists?
3. What are the directions from location x to the main headquarters of the Dusk? (refining the question based on the answer of #2)
4. By what means will you come back to life if you die? or "how can you be killed permanently?"

regarding 2 and 3: spell says Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive. So we can't expect exact directions.
regarding 4: if we know HOW he will be raised, we will know how to prevent it or, possibly, get an idea of the timeframe. But "how can you be killed permanently" might just nip things in the bud. If it says, "you must cut off my head and put a wooden stake through my heart", we can, literally do that now. If it's "I must be killed with a holy weapon", then at least we know what to do next time.

PS: We can only question a body 1 time/week.


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011

At everyone, I stopped short at casting Speak with dead because I want to be sure of the questions - I also pose an important question IC.

1. Where is Bluffside main hideout of the Loyalists?
2. Where is Bluffside main hideout of the Dusk?
3. How long before you're risen again?
4. How can you be killed permanently?

These questions worry me slightly and am wondering if we can refine them. I'm not sure how stingy @Knightfall is with divinations. I kind of hate wordsmithing stuff but here is how these could be answered:

1. Bluffside
2. The Undercity
3 The next full moon
4. Yes

Only one of those answers is useful to us.
Maybe reword something like
Q1, Q2
Where in bluffside is ...
Q4 is about specific enough, I think

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