Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]

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World of Kulan DM
Quick summary for @Tellerian Hawke:

The PCs are coming up to the point of descending back down into the Labyrinth of Lost Ghosts. This, after using speak with dead to interrogate both The Butcher and the Loyalist Enchantress. (Answers start here: link.) Debate about the answers follows. One of The Butcher's answers makes it clear that Phelix won't give up on controlling all the structures of the Ancients, including the portal room in the labyrinth.

Akos goes to the Temple District to have the scribes of the Teacher's Library 'begin some research' on his behalf. Big Tim and Rockhorn escort him there and watch his back while he works alongside the scribes. I wrote that Tim gets impatient and heads back to Old City ahead of Akos and Rockhorn.

All the others head directly to the Gate of Scales to make sure everything is secure, but the plan is to wait until the others arrive before descending down into the rooms below and opening the doors leading into the labyrinth (or teleporting plane shifting inside?). Tuck goes to Stormgrove Manor to have word sent to the Dark Lanterns to check out the hideout of The Dusk in the Undercity. (He comes back to the gatehouse shortly before Rockhorn and Tim arrive from the Temple District.)

Let me know if you need more details.
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@Tellerian Hawke
It’s pretty important to note that the attack on the city was a distraction so that they could secure the labyrinth. Which is why we are suddenly in a rush. Approximately 30 minutes has past inside the gate (24-30 hours) since the attack on the city.

We are concerned that the Mute Knight will not have held off attackers that long. But maybe we are hopeful?


World of Kulan DM
How do our characters cause the gate to close?
I'm assuming you're referring to the Gate of Scales, right? That gate is one of the Old City's many inner gates (see the attached map). The gate has a unique name due to its proximity to the embassy of the dragori -- Sylemis' people. The entrance to the Labyrinth of Lost Ghosts is underground below the gate's guardhouse. The 'psionic' double doors that lead into the labyrinth are currently closed, but even with them closed, the whispering emanates from the doors.

Near the Gate of Scales.jpg

EDIT: The Indigo Towers are residences. I just came up with that name. I've been trying to come up with a name for them for some time now. Do not get distracted by the new name. It's just me adding more details to the map.


World of Kulan DM
@Tellerian Hawke
It’s pretty important to note that the attack on the city was a distraction so that they could secure the labyrinth. Which is why we are suddenly in a rush. Approximately 30 minutes has past inside the gate (24-30 hours) since the attack on the city.
Under the Gate of Scales nearby gatehouse, as noted on the above map. Just to be clear. :)

TaranTheWanderer said:
We are concerned that the Mute Knight will not have held off attackers that long. But maybe we are hopeful?

Voidrunner's Codex

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