Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]

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World of Kulan DM
Initiative Order (Pre-Round/Special Surprise Round)
Vincenzo [DM rolled on Discord]: 18 (double move)
Tim: 17 (runs; squeezes through door)
Custodio: 16 (moves 25 ft.; casts light)
Rockhorn: 14 (mounts Spritewing; move action)
Tuck: 14 (runs [x4])
Vitus: 12 (moves; readies action)
Akos: 12 (double move)
Spritewing (and Rockhorn): 11 (double move)
Strike Force Brelish Thug (delayed): 10
Falen [DM rolled on CoyoteCode]: 8 (double move)
The Deaf-Mute Knight (prone; critically wounded; poisoned): 1 (goes last every round)
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World of Kulan DM
@MetaVoid, is Spritewing going to double move or just make a standard move? If he double moves, he and Rockhorn can easily reach the double doors and move inside past Tim.

Custodio draws his blade and moves. He then casts light on his shield.

Tuck double moves.
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World of Kulan DM
@ScottDeWar_jr is having computer issues, so I'm going to say Vinny will draw his blade while double moving up the corridor.

@Aust Thale, I'm going to have Falen double move as well unless you post otherwise.

@Neurotic, after Tim moves and fails to jump over the pit, he lands on area with the pit and nothing happens, so the pit is still deactivate. After that, the PCs don't have to worry about avoiding the area outlined in chalk. :)
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World of Kulan DM
Okay, so I went ahead and did the map with Spritewing making a single 60-foot move. If MetaVoid wants to have Spritewing and Rockhorn move again, then they could easily make it to the dead orc's body or the stairs beyond or into the portal room.

@Tellerian Hawke, note that while Tim can see the portal, the altar, the trapped genie, and the petrified wizard, he doesn't see the other dead thug on the far side of the room. The portal and altar are blocking his view.

EDIT: Crap, I wrote temporal statis instead of temporal stasis! :mad::LOL:

Tim Enters the Portal Room.png
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@MetaVoid, is Spritewing going to double move or just make a standard move? If he double moves, he and Rockhorn can easily reach the double doors and move inside past Tim.

Custodio draws his blade and moves. He then casts light on his shield.

Tuck double moves.
Double, I was planning to see inside the room, not necessarily charging inside, but I guess it is logical so he doesn't take the corridor space.

Stinky dead body: ghast?

He won't go deeper into the dungeon unless there is still some fighting there. The group came to free the knight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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