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[Lakelands] Play By Post Now Recruiting [Full]

I just noticed that I didn't take any knowledge skills, despite this being a major factor in my character background. I'd like to remove 1 rank each from Spot, Profession (sailor), and Move Silently and take 3 ranks in Knowledge (Parthelonians).

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First Post
all signed up with the lakeland's group. I found some good info in their for Dain's background, which I just posted. Let me know if something seems out of place.


I am still here and planning to play. Been busy the last few days and haven't been able to sit down and make the character. I'll have it ready either tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest and will post it then. Sorry for the delay.



I am definately interested in this game. it looks as though you still need another and I would like to be #6. I will coem up w/ a character tonight and post it here.

Raven Crowking

First Post
Okay, Maddmic, you're in.

Toric_Arthendain said:
I am still here and planning to play. Been busy the last few days and haven't been able to sit down and make the character. I'll have it ready either tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest and will post it then. Sorry for the delay.

No worries Toric. Once we get started, turns are going to be probably 1-2 moves per week. My schedule is pretty full, too! I understand.




As I kind of sold my 3.0 books and can't find the info in the SRD, how much gold does each of us start with? Also, how are you handling HP's?

I have switched gears and am looking at making a cleric of some type. I'm thinking of a half-orc right now. And to clarify, we don't have to roll for our stats as long as the total bonus does not exceed 10?
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Samuel Leming

First Post

This is Maldordo the Rogue Faerie Cat

I didn't roll any of this. I assigned stats within the parameters given based upon how I envision my character.

Name:      Maldordo
Class:     Rogue
Race:      Faerie Cat
Size:      Medium / Tiny
Gender:    Tom
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity:     Cat Lord

Str: 13/ 3 +1/-4      Level:    2       XP: 3000
Dex: 20/15 +5/+2      BAB:     +1       HP: 14/10 (6 + 1d6 + 4/0)
Con: 14/10 +2/+0      Grapple: +1/-12   Dmg Red: -/-
Int: 12    +1         Speed:    30'     Spell Res: -
Wis:  9    -1         Init:    +9/+6    Spell Save: -
Cha: 13    +1         ACP:      0       Spell Fail: 20%

                   Base  Armor  Shld   Dex    Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:             10    +3/+0  +0     +5/+2  +0/+2  +0   +0    18/14
Touch:                                                          15/14
Flatfooted:                                                     12/12

                         Base   Mod    Misc  Total
Fort:                      0    +2/+0  +0    +2/+0
Ref:                       3    +5/+2  +0    +8/+5
Will:                      0    -1     +0    -1

Armor                    Bonus   Dex   ACP  Weight  Cost
Studded Leather(MW)      +3      5     0    20 lb   175gp

Weapons                        Attack   Damage     Critical   Range     Weight  Cost
Rapier(MW)                     +3       1d6+1      18-20/x2             3 lb    308gp
Dagger                         +2       1d4+1      19-20/x2   10'       1 lb      2gp
Composite Shortbow(Mighty MW)  +7       1d6+1         20/x3   70'       2 lb    450pg
- Arrows (20)                                                           3 lb      1gp

Abilities: Alternate Form (3/day)
               Low-light vision in cat and felinid form.
           Sneak attack +1d6

Languages: Tradespeach

Feats:     Improved Initiative

Skill Points: -  45     Max Ranks: 5/2.5
Skills                  Abil Ranks  Mod       Misc      Total
Appraise                Int
Balance                 Dex  5      +5/+5/+2  +0/+4/+8  +10/+14/+15
Bluff                   Cha
Climb                   Str  4      +1/+2*              +5/+6
Decipher Script         Int
Diplomacy               Cha
Disable Device          Int  3      +1                  +4
Disguise                Cha  1      +1/+1     +0/+10    +2/+12
Escape Artist           Dex  1      +5/+2               +6/+3
Forgery                 Int
Gather Information      Cha
Hide                    Dex  5      +5/+2     +0/+12*   +10/+19**
Inunuendo               Wis
Intimidate              Cha
Intuit Direction        Wis  1      -1                  +0
Jump                    Str  1      +1/-4               +2/-3
Listen                  Wis  2      -1                  +1
Move Silently           Dex  5      +5/+2     +0/+4     +10/+11
Open Lock               Dex  2      +5/-      +0/-      +7/-
Perform                 Cha
Pick Pockets            Dex  1      +5/-      +0/-      +6/-
Read Lips               Int
Rezad Mardani            Int  1       -         -         -
Search                  Int  5      +1                  +6
Sense Motive            Wis
Speak Canine                 1       -         -         -
Spot                    Wis  3      -1                  +2
Swim                    Str
Tumble                  Dex  4      +5/+2               +9/+6
Use Magic Device        Cha
Use Rope                Dex

*  uses Dex mod for climb checks in natural form.
** additional +4 in tall grass & heavy undergrowth

Equipment:                       Cost    Weight
Studded Leather(MW)              175gp   20 lb
Rapier(MW)                       308gp    3 lb
Dagger                             2gp    1 lb
Composite Shortbow(Mighty MW)    450gp    2 lb
Arrows(20)                         1gp    3 lb
Thieves' Tools(MW)               100gp    2 lb
Backpack                           2gp    2 lb
Rations (2 days)                   1gp    2 lb
Waterskin                          1gp    4 lb

In his natural form, Maldordo appears to be a black domestic shorthair cat with a star-shaped tuft of white fur upon his chest. His felinid form is much the same. In human form he looks like a wiry broad-shoulder black-haired man of less than medium height.

Why is Maldordo here? He's exploring. He wants to know what's over there and what's in that box. Sometimes he wants to know what's in your pockets.

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Raven Crowking

First Post
maddmic said:
As I kind of sold my 3.0 books and can't find the info in the SRD, how much gold does each of us start with? Also, how are you handling HP's?

Assume average gp for a character of your class/level per the DMG. You may purchase magic items (heirlooms, or loot from previous adventures). As far as hit points go, 1st level characters get max hp, then hp are rolled. Of course, not being there in person, I can't really enforce the "rolled" part. Use your best judgment.

I have switched gears and am looking at making a cleric of some type. I'm thinking of a half-orc right now. And to clarify, we don't have to roll for our stats as long as the total bonus does not exceed 10?



Raven Crowking

First Post
Samuel Leming said:
Doesn't qualify for the weapon finesse feat. Drat!

Why not?

3.0 SRD said:
Weapon Finesse [General]

Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +1 or higher.

Choose one light weapon. Alternatively, the character can choose a rapier, provided the character can use it in one hand, or a spiked chain, provided the character is at least Medium-size.

Benefit: With the selected weapon, the character may use a Dexterity modifier instead of a Strength modifier on attack rolls. Since the character needs the second hand for balance, apply the armor check penalty of any shield worn to attack rolls.

Special: The character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character takes the feat, it applies to a new weapon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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