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Looking for Stories



Smiling at the sound of another voice, D'win produces a chair for the new comer to sit in. "Thank you for joining us, I don't believe we have ever, though we share some friends. I am D'win, Keeper of the Stories of the Fallen Angels and the new Keeper of the Stories of Mortals. That to me seems like a long title, but it was the one that I choose and it goes well with my job, so to say." Then pausing she took another drink and went back to the story.

After Phill had come in, Agudo introduce all at the table and that really made me mad. A persom should not introduce someone else unless all at the table are comfortable, I wasn't. But I got over and had Trand scolled me for acting like a child. The evening continued and I recieve a beautiful drawing and story from Phill. And we were then graced with the company of a man named Pyke. He was a diffrent type of person, very diffrent if I am reading this right. Agudo then invites the man to the table without asking me and recieves a tounge lashing, once agian. Many stories were then told and in about two to three hours time, a new person would join the table.


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Leaning futher back on his chair and getting comfortable, Gerik's chair suddenly tips over. Gerik, then lying on his back on the floor, gets up and is a deep red.

"Ummm......Sorry all, I geuss I was a little to comfortable. Sorry D'win I have interuptide your story. It is really very good I assure you. I know none of these men, but they seem like an interesting group to get to know. Are they all dead or are some of them still living? This story seems to ahve taken place many, many moons ago."

Then leaning back in his chair agian, he tests the weight and then relaxes. Smiling a little sheepishly, he nods his head, letting D'win know that he will not interupe her story telling agian.



Savien studies the newcomer, wondering if these people spring out of thin air to act as props for D'win's story. He quietly strums his lute as D'win speaks, listening to the words, and names with intrest.

Startled by a loud crash to his side, he almost drops his instrument as Gerik crashes to the floor. He catches the lute before it joins his new friend on the boards. Staring for a moment in disbelief, Savien breaks out laughing. "I guess nothing is hurt but his pride." He controls his mirth, and says,"Sorry my friend, perhaps you should switch to water for a while also."

Still chuckling to himself, Savien sits back(making sure his own chair is firmly planted) and waits for the tale to continue.....



Jolting back to the here and now from her memories by Gerik's fall. Silxa gives a small chuckle and asks, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to rock on your chair :nonono:," and she chuckles again. :D Regaining her countenance, she asks if he is alright, and extentds her hand to help him to his feet. :)

"No hard feelings, Gerik?"



Sorry All for the wait

After hearing the thump of Gerik's chair, D'win stops in her reading and laughs at him. Then calming herself down, D'win resumes her composer.

"Gerik I must agree with Savien, you should switch to water, it is alittle less dangerous and will not make you look a fool of yourself. Could you use a hand with anything?"

Then calling for a cool pichter of water, D'win pours Gerik a glass and then pours one for herself. "Would anyone else like a glass? If not I will continue in the story."

Settling once more deep in her chair, D'win waits for the group to quite down so she can continue.



"Come now, back to the story, D'win. We should not keep these gentlemen and rouges waiting to hear what they asked for."

Soon she became so lost in waiting for the story to continue that she dozed off.



Savien sits back, waiting for the conclusion of the story. He quietly strums his lute. playing a soothjing tune as he considers having more wine....



Sorry for the LONG wait!!

D'win once more, after coming out of a trance like state, takes a drink and continues on with her story. "If I could have it quite please, I will continue. Also, thank you Savien for adding alittle background music."

Corwyn then makes himself known once agian and takes up a slightly heated argument with Trand. This continues for awhile and Agudo then remembers a story that he wished to tell me of a fallen angel that he had once met. "It was a truly wonderfull story and I have it written down, if any would care to read it at a later date." Agudo then proceads to tell me this story and I beleive that another joins the ranks and table.

I then leave the table to bring over a grey robed figure that is Silxa, yes. She was then a very strange a diffrent type of person. She though still carries some of the things that she did have, but sadly her friend, a hawk, is no longer with her. But she is good company and she added a flare of some sort to the table. This made every one there change just a little.

After Silxa had been at the table awhile, she spots that another had taken notice in our little group. It was a woman by the name of Khaira. She was a red head and her temper matched the hair. Once she joined the table, it once agian changed.

Then pausing in her story, D'win reached for her glass of wine and took a long drink.


Kami no Kenshin

((OOC: Sorry.....kinda forgot about this thread.......been doing other stuff elsewhere.....))

The ronin had been sitting for a long time, staring quietly into the fire with a peculiar little smile on his face.....as though remembering past glories......finally he looks up, his smile remaining for a brief moment......

I seem to have forgotten my manners.......

He bows low over the table,

Please forgive me.

You asked my name? I do not have one. It was stripped from me. Most of those who have had reason to address me in the past have called me Kenshinzen......or simply Kenshin for short. You may adress me as you will. If you would be so kind as to introduce me to these newcomers?



"Khaira? Gods...she's been here longer than me..."

He only says this quietly, loosely crossing his arms. It seemed somewhere between when you glanced at this man...and when you first saw him, his hair had become a grayish-silver, his eyes a sunburst of red contained within a sea of blue. Looking to the now-awakened ronin...Gene smiles lightly, with a nod.

"Welcome back...Kenshin."

The umbral man then falls silent once again, awaiting more from the Storyteller.

Voidrunner's Codex

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