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Looking for Stories



A female elf clad in simple, nature-woven clothes walks into the tavern, her quarter staff making a sleight tapping sound. Ash and smoke, as if from some great fire, emanate from her clothes and hair. her face in wrinkled from lack of sleep, and her expression bears a look of great anger and resentment

"Stories, eh?"

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"From the sent of you, it would seem you were very recently caught up in some sort of blaze," comments Silxa her head wirling and cocking about, trying to pin point the direction the voice came from, "That should make for a rather interesting tale. I have so many questions about you and your sooty nature, so do tell us what happened."


Let me tell you a Story

A light skinned woman comes in and smiles to all she sees. She pins a note on the door. She then walks up to the tavern lord and gives a small bag of silver coins.

"Please Lord leave my note I beg thee."

With that she was gone in a flash of green light.

{The Door note says}

Attention all those of magical power and knowledge, the time of the calling is at hand. Come to the enchanted glade in the heart of Stone Hinge. Your wisdom is needed your understanding of the past, as well as the future will guide us. If you seek strength in numbers, then come. We will intervene in the destiny of the races for, the good of all.

Follow the direction below and magically you will come.
ooc its at the MOP boards story is called MAGIC



Hearing the woman's voice, D'win turned her head towards the door. Then smiling sadly, she turned to the group.

"I am sorry that I was not a better hostess, but there is a great thing happening and I am and want to be a part of it. If you ever have need to reach me, leave a note here or send a letter. I will get it, I assure you. Also, if you would truly like to see and read more of my stories, please go to Haven and seek out the Story Keep there. There you will find my two scribes, Galen FrostedLeaf and the Lady Nagel. They will help you find the story you are looking for. Once agian, I am deeply sorry that I was not a better hostess."

Turning to Silxa, she speaks as she hugs her. "My dear, you may want to come along on this one, but if you don't I will understand. So until we met agian friend, I will think of you and keep the words that you have given me in my heart."

With all of that said, D'win got up and gathered her books. Carefully cheaking that she had them all, she felt for the sword at her side and the dagger that was attacked to her wrist, with that she said a few words and dissappered in a faint flash of golden blue.



"I will come shortly, go on ahead," Silxa whispers as D'win hugs her.

"Well," Silxa turns back to the group, "I wish to hear the ashy woman's story before I go. Please tell, for I have little time, left."



She walks over to Silxa's table and sits down, resting her staff against her chair.

"I shall gladly impart my tale unto you; a sad tale, it is, one of death, and hopefully, new beginnings rising out of the flames...

For many years, I have protected a forest, south of here, I believe it is; Stagheart Forest was its name. I had come to call it home, among the trees and with the animals. For a while, all was peaceful.. However, some atrocity struck my forest; the forest that I have watched over and protected for some time began to die, gradually. The trees began to deformed and the animals began to grow appendages. Some evil force was influencing them. For as long as I could, I fought this evil force, used my powers to return the trees to their living state, restore the animals to their grace.
And then the fires started. Great fires, they were. Whenever I extinguised one, 3 more sprung up. Black clouds came, and acid poured from them. My forest was being destroyed.
I attempted to enlist the help of a nearby town. I consulted sages, adventurers, various wise men - none wished to offer me assiatnace. And thus, I decided to make my last stand. These black clouds, a great ominous rumble came from them. Fire and lightning poured down upon my precious forest.
Humanoids, all in black robes, appeared and began marauding my forest and myself. For a week, I fought and I survived. A group of these black-robed figures caught me and worked some evil sorcerry to bind me and hold me, and finally put me to sleep. When I awoke, I was being sold; my life indebted to some rich master, a defiler of nature he was.
She pauses again, and swoosh of wind is felt as a falcon flies in and lands on her shoulder
"Through this friend of mine, and ingenuity, I was able to escape and run away. I ahve been running ever since then and have come into these odd lands. My forests, I'm sure by now, are deformed and lost. I hope to start anew here."



"Oh, mi Boze! If only I had not commited myself to helping D'win. I love nature, the animals are the ones who taught me to hide and the plants gave me shelter and food. Even though I am on my way off to another place and time, I wish to help you," Silxa says suprised at first but as she speaks she rises and places a hand into the bag at her side. Digging around she seems to fine what she is looking for and produces three small acorn like seeds.

"Here this may help you get started," she reaches over and places them in Astrianna's hand, "Please, forgive my running out, but I can asure you I will be back very shortly. I am not nearly as skilled as some in the matters I am joining in, so I should be back very soon. Good Bye, and may your Gods bless you with luck and strength."

With that she turns and walks towards the nearest door, but before she reaches it an unknown wind sweeps her garb. She takes one more step and quickly fades into a frosty fog and is gone.



She looks around at the now-empty table
"And then there was one..."

Clutching the seeds to her person, she gathers up her quarter staff and proceeds out the door, wandering off to no place in particular.



An elf walks in, of average height and covered in pouches filled with vials of unknown substance. He stops as he enters and looks around.

"I am Yuri Klevett, see'er of sights, teller of tales, I am the one who listens and repeats, who writes and speaks his mind. Many a tale have I told, and many a tear has been shed. Whom asks for stories, fables, and tales? I can tell you of the Battle of Gaea, the assassin of music, the soldier of Ishantu, and the rise of the dragon. These are but a few stories I can say, my question is, who wants to listen?"




:r: :r: :r: :r: :r:
I am about to tell you of a story about a great mage poisened by the flame...
There was a mage in training called Barrin.Barrin was a great man,well known and popular to all of the creatures,merfolk,dragons,angels,liches,humans,and plansewalkers alike...
Barrin always wanted the power of a plansewalker even know he was a master mage.Barrin was on a trip to see lord dragonremerazz when he stumbled upon a strange stone...
Through the stone Barrin felt a great power,but also a great evil.
Barrin knew he shouldnt had embraced the stone but he did because he was hungry for power and he had to give in because temtation...
He took the stone and grew more powerful every day.But as every day went by he grew enraged and evil...
Barrin tryed fighting the stone but in the end he lost his fight and was engulfed by its power...
Now Barrin walks the planes seeking battle to those who anger him.Dwarfs and other peoples tell stories about a man who has fire in his eyes and is cursed forever because of the mages hunger for power.

Voidrunner's Codex

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