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[LPF] A Bad Light

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"It was not a pleasure meeting you and I hope we don't meet again."

He smiles as the hag-girl leaves but won't check out the stuff until she is gone. When he does he is as excited about the rapiers as Borric is skeptical.

"C'mon, these things take more skill to use than just smashing something over the head with a lump of iron. And they are works of art!"

He makes a few practice lunges with one of the rapiers and nods approvingly. Once he's played with his new toy enough he looks over to Anna and Sylvain.

"I suppose I should take a look at the chest. Before I do, what can you tell me about it? What magics do you see? I'd rather not have my fingers burned off just minutes after getting this beauty."

He pats the ivory-hilted rapier that has already taken its place on his sword belt.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 2
Initiative: +6 Perception: +7

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 32 Current: 30
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 Fort: +1 Ref: +10 Will: +3

In Hand: rapier

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
"Fury, to say that chest has plenty of defensive magic on it would be quite an understatement. The abjuration/defensive magic is so strong, I can't make out what other magic is included therein. I'd be really careful opening that thing if I were you..."

Mini Stats: [sblock] Human Witch 3
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2

AC: 13 (13 touch; 11 flat-footed)
HP: 26 Current: 26
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +3
Spells Remaining: 1st 3/3, 2nd 2/2
Hexes Remaining: All
In Hand: Nothing[/sblock]


Watching the hag depart, Anna mumbles something along the lines of

"Glad to see someone with SOME civility around here...."

before turning back to the group and awaiting their next move.


"Thanks for the warning, Syl; I'll be careful. I think I can do something with this, maybe."

Standing at least ten feet away Fury stares at the chest for a moment. He mutters something and gets a look of intense concentration on his face. Not entirely confident in his use of magic he'll kneel down in front of the chest, roll out his tools so that they are within easy reach and begin work on the chest from up close.

[sblock=Actions]cast Sift, examine chest for traps at range, move up and examine traps on the chest a second time at close range, disable traps (if necessary), unlock chest (if necessary)[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 2
Initiative: +6 Perception: +7

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 32 Current: 30
CMB: +4 CMD: 18 Fort: +1 Ref: +10 Will: +3

In Hand: rapier

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]
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You don't find a trap, but you do realize very quickly that the lock has been augmented by Arcane Lock and that the chest has had some magical waterproofing applied to it. You are able to get through the augmented lock as as if it wasn't even there, and are able to open the chest. Inside, you see the belongings of a traveling magician. There is a nice suit with matching top hat, a variety of props, most of which have been modified to assist in various tricks, and numerous other personal belongings. When you open the chest, the magic on the chest itself disappears, apparently a temporary application to protect it on the ship ride. You figure that the man who owned it has been turned into dinner by either the hag or the goblins by now. The top hat and one of a pair of matching batons glows with faint magic as does a real pearl on a string of nice looking, but mostly fake pearls wrapped around the top hat.
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Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric rolls his shoulders a bit feeling stronger now, after all this heavy adventuring. Since it was recommended that they use the pig stickers against Skrom, he will take Fury's word that they are good enough. Though he still favors his 'mageslayer'.

He grabs a healing potion as well and passes the rest around so each of them has one.

"So what's with the stuff in the chest? You guys think it might be useful?"

[sblock=Actions]Free Action:
Move Action:
Standard Action: [/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 21 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 43 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & +1 Rapier[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


First Post
OOC: Im a doofus and forgot to level Syl last night. I want to do a Know. Arcana and Spellcraft for the items in the chest. I will put a skill point into both of those when I level him this evening, so I am going to use +11 as a modifier instead of +10.

Syl looks at the magical items in the chest to determine if he can find the magical characteristics of those particular items.

Voidrunner's Codex

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