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Mage - The Spiral [IC]


First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

"This is not going to be an interview", the man answers in his heavy acccent. "I need all I need to know about you, now it is time for you to learn some things. You may not like all of them, so I took the liberty to assure me of your attention for a moment. Please believe me when I say that I am sincerely sorry for that." It seems to mean much to the man to imprint this on Max, as he already mentioned it twice...

"I am going to show you that you do not need you own company. You can already reach the sky, but you need a reason to do so. Please start by telling me... Why do you want your own company? What do you think this company can accomplish?"

OoC: Max

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

It's obvious that Max is put on the spot with the question but he answers immediately and from his heart, "I want the world to be a better place. War, diease, famine, poverty.. All of this can be avoided if there were only a person or group of people strong enough to take the world by the hand and show them where the wealth is. Money and politics are ghosts of a bygone age. We are living in a time when distances are becoming true illusions and Knowledge and wisdom are flowing through the very air we breath." Max clears his throat and looks for understanding in the mans eyes. "I have these dreams where the world is about to shatter and behind the facade is a utopia where we can use technology and philosophy to cure all of the worlds ills. I will have all the money I will ever need in my lifetime, My company would be a charitible organisation that would be working to better the lives of all people. Not just those who could afford it. My dad says I'm nuts but I have to believe in hope not in capitalism."
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First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

The man is obviously taken aback by Max' fast and straight answer. He thinks for the moment, nodding his head slowly. "Well, that is something at least. Dangerous, but with ideals..."

He turns his head partially to Max, keeping an eye on the traffic with one eye. His face is quite severe. "Mister Cogswell, your world is about to shatter, but there is no utopia behind the facade. There is something there quite akin to what you describe. A group of people that has already taken over large parts of the world... They have used money and politics to do so - money, politics, and technology. They also wanted to make the world better for humanity. The dangerous question, though, is... Who decides what is better for man. Will you make that decision, once you would have your own company?"

OoC: Max

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

Max takes for a few minutes lost in thought, "I would have to say the group leading the world needs to have the whole world and all people held in their best interest. Could I be one of those people? Not at the moment. I'm too young and full of crazy ideas about personal jet packs and cities on the moon. Are there others I feel are worthy? Not that I have met, but I've lead a fairly sheltered life so far." Max looks at his capture with a bit of awe. He has always wanted to talk to some one like this but been to shy and his father was too practicle. "What is your name by the way? You have me at your whim. I might as well know your name."


First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

The old man is silent while Max thinks. Upon Max' question, the man turns towards him and makes a half-bow. The gesture ends up quite awkward since the man is driving, but that doesn't seem to bother him. "I am Masuda."

Turning his attention back to the road, the man continues the conversation. "Yes, in their best interest... But in who's best interest - each and every man, or mankind in its entirety? Those in power now try to help mankind, which is a distaster for each and every individual alive. You have the gift to do something about that, if you believe that that is indeed a problem." Despite the man's gently tone, Max can read the passion in his voice. He doesn't seem to be entirely open, though. Almost as if he's drawing Max out, perhaps hoping for a certain response.

OoC: Max

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

Max sees the look on the mans face and grasps what he is trying to get at, "For someone so interested in personal freedom you have a strange way of showing it." Max laughs nervously. "Of course the whole of Mankind can't outweigh the cost of individual freedom. Dr. Mengele proved that quite well. I'm all for the rights of the individual. I hope to create a utopia based on betterment of all people, not just the ruleing class and not at the expense of any person or group of people"
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First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

Max said:
"For someone so interested in personal freedom you have a strange way of showing it." Max laughs nervously.
Mr. Masuda holds for a moment in an uncomfortable silence, his head bent quite a bit. He's obviously embarrassed by the remark.

The man mutters something to the effect of "Hmm, clever one, he is at least." to break the tension. He then continues with renewed effort. "Well, that sounds quite good, betterment for all people without harming anyone or any group... But where does technology fit into all of this? Would there not always be people that would suffer from it, even by accident?
I am going to show you what it would lead to... Are you sure that it is even possible to help everyone at the same time?"

OoC: Max

Argent Silvermage

First Post
"Mr. Masuda, The easiest way to add technology tothe world is Organically. Biotechnology and Nano technology are wonders of the very near future. I'm not talking Cyborgs like in Sci/fi films but a type of technology that augments humanity but replaces it. The swiss are working on a bed that you would lay in and the lights in it would stimulate the natural healing process. That'as what I see. That and more." Max is feeling very liberated by this kind of talk. He has never dreamed of actualy discussing his dreams to another person. Masuda must think I'm crazy he thinks to himself.
"I know this type of science sounds like a magical experience. I mean the old witches and warlocks of legend were just scientists using tech way ahead of the rest of the world. But It can happen. Imagine food banks where we take refuse and convert it into edible food and feed starving nations. Of teraforming the Sahara desert and making new ranching land. The Possibilities are endless as the imagination."


First Post
Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

Jason shrugs his shoulders noncommitedly. "It'll do." As strange as he feels standing here before a giant flame-haloed demon, he forces himself to lock eyes with the fearsome thing.

"Alright Bachnur, you've got my attention. Show me what you got." He raised both hands and beckoned the creature forward. At this point Jason was not looking forward to being trained in the ways of anger, and his rather despondent attitude shone through in his voice. Only a hint of rebelliousness made his demeanour stand out from that of a few minutes ago.


First Post
Outskirts of New York City
NYC, New York
thursday, October 2002, around 8 PM

"Hmm, that is interesting." The man smiles as if having a personal joke. "Say, these old witches and warlocks... they did not need a 'company' to do good and work on technology, now did they? Really, what did they have that would allow them to provide for the people around them? A large company, lots of money and employees? - or something else entirely maybe?"

Smiling, Mister Masuda looks at Max, obviously quite content with the way the conversation is going.

OoC: Max

Streets of Boston (?)
Boston, Massachussets (?)
October 2002, around 11:30 AM

"Now, that's the spirit", replies the beast, quite obviously picking up on the presence of Jason's slumbering rebellion. From the corner of his eye, Jason can see his muse watching him, only barely overcoming her fear of what might happen to Jason.

"Now, the first part is real easy, especially in here. You know how they always say you should look at yourself first? That's a load of crap. If you were meant to look at yourself, your eyes wouldn't have pointed outwards." A low howl emerges from the creature's throat.
"So, look at me. I'm sure you've noticed the flames. Right? They're not just decoration, they actually mean something. You can tell a book by its cover, if you know where to look... You see those faeries over there, the small chattering ones? That's a bit of wind you see flowing about them. They look nice, but there's nothing really there, no substance. These flames, they mean something. You would have them too, if you could only bring yourself to actually carry them here. So, look at me, closely. What do these flames tell you?"

OoC: Jason

Voidrunner's Codex

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