Marathon, Broadway, and Catacomb: Upcoming D&D Products?

WotC has been using codenames for its upcoming products for some time, mainly to stop anybody figuring our what's in the pipeline. Those codenames end up as placeholders on bookstores and the like. Eagle-eyed reader Sean spotted some upcoming items on McNally Robinson, a Canadian bookstore's website.

WotC has been using codenames for its upcoming products for some time, mainly to stop anybody figuring our what's in the pipeline. Those codenames end up as placeholders on bookstores and the like. Eagle-eyed reader Sean spotted some upcoming items on McNally Robinson, a Canadian bookstore's website.


The items spotted were a 192-page hardcover accessory codenamed "Marathon" (May 2018); a 256-page hardcover adventure codenamed "Broadway" (September 2018), and another 256-page hardcover adventure codenamed "Catacomb" (November 2018). There's also a set of "Broadway" dice.

Past codenames have included "Labyrinth", which turned out to be Tomb of Annihilation, and "Dust", "Midway", "Cloak", and "Dagger".

Let the speculation begin!

D&D "Marathon" HC
By Rpg Team Wizards
ISBN: 9780786966240
format: Hardcover
series: D&D Accessory
pages: 192
publisher: Wizards of the Coast
pub. date: 2018-05-29

D&D "Broadway" Dice
By Rpg Team Wizards
ISBN: 9780786966288
format: Game
series: D&D Accessory
pages: n/a
publisher: Wizards of the Coast
pub. date: 2018-09-18

D&D "Broadway" HC
By Rpg Team Wizards
ISBN: 9780786966257
format: Hardcover
series: D&D Adventure
pages: 256
publisher: Wizards of the Coast
pub. date: 2018-09-18

D&D "Catacomb" HC
By Rpg Team Wizards
ISBN: 9780786966264
format: Hardcover
series: D&D Adventure
pages: 256
publisher: Wizards of the Coast
pub. date: 2018-11-20

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First Post
192 pages is comparable to SCAG and XGtE, 256 is comparable to the other APs, aside from Tyranny of Dragons.

Dunno how much stock to put in the designations at this point, but the release dates and page counts sound legit. They have said they are moving to one big Adventure product a year, though, and away from any level of interbook dependency...

I imagine that the page counts are not the actual counts. 256 and 192 are very computer-y numbers (multiples of 64). They are probably placeholders representing approximate or relative length.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I imagine that the page counts are not the actual counts. 256 and 192 are very computer-y numbers (multiples of 64). They are probably placeholders representing approximate or relative length.

Offset printing requires multiples of 8 (or 16 or 32).


I am thinking at least one of these products will be the psionics and/or artificer supplement that's been in the works. This could include setting details for dark sun, eberron, etc. as required. But who knows.

Juomari Veren

Didn't Mearls say there were four books coming out in 2018? Or is the fourth product the dice?

Should be four books - they don't normally count accessories in release slots like that, they just come out as they're ready. Tomb of Annihilation's dice were announced in tandem with the adventure back in June, it's likely that there's probably all sorts of random side-products plan, least of which includes 2-3 new miniature sets from WizKids.

My wallet already aches at the mere mention of more books, less alone any other enticing peripherals they can whip up in their spare time.


First Post
Man... at this point I already lost all hope of anything Eberron related. I wish, really wish the D&D gods hear you though.

They've said they will be releasing a book with both Mystic (psion) class and Artificer class next year. What campaign setting would need those two things? Don't give up hope yet.

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