D&D 5E Meet the Japanese Iconic D&D Party!

The Japanese language release of D&D 5E is happening this year, and WotC has created a new 'iconic' pregenerated adventuring party, illustrated by Chomoran, as part of the launch.


The party consists of:
  • Cal Skiprock, lightfoot halfling rogue
  • Lafail, half-elf cleric of Selune
  • Atria Dawnguard, a human fighter
  • Oldscar, high elf wizard
  • Turalish, dragonborn fighter

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They should have LONG been establishing a market in Japan. Japan is the perfect place for D&D considering their love for Euro-fantasy and RPGs. Their video games were entirely inspired by D&D. I remember the first Final Fantasy having SPELL SLOTS! (and not MP)

Question is, when the hell is WotC going to explore beyond Euro-fantasy? Still have yet to see an Asian-fantasy campaign book. This is the perfect time to redo KARA-TUR!

Update, not redo Kara Tur, you can't decanonize the novels, and Kara Tur has appeared in some and referenced in others.

But after over a hundred year time jump and two world changing events (Spellplagu & Sundering), I guess the defence is not gling to be noticed by most.

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