D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

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Another small update. I found that the function for generating a spell sheet for a single class produced an error.

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.32 (4 October 2016):

  • Fixed an issue with generating a ‘Complete Class Spell Sheet’;
  • Minor graphical fixes for the Printer Friendly versions.

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
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pdegan2814 on DMs Guild said:
Just started putting my Swashbuckler into v12.32 of the Redesigned Printer-Friendly sheet, and it's not adding the Charisma mod to Initiative, the old "colorful" version I had this character in previously does have a box for it that got automatically filled.(this is pdegan2814 from ENWorld, btw). Still loving the sheet, but it looks like that particular bit might have slipped through the cracks during the redesign, perhaps?
Hi [MENTION=6801202]pdegan2814[/MENTION], I hope you don't mind I reply here instead of on DMs Guild. This forum works much better and has much more functionality than the weird discussion posts over on DMs Guild, so I really prefer using ENworld for these kind of questions.

You are absolutely right. The subtle change made in the Printer Friendly versions for the Initiative bonus field - making it a BlueText 'modifier' field instead of a regular field that is always displayed, has made the Swashbuckler code refuse to put the text "Cha" in that field. I will fix it in the next version (v12.33). Note that the code does still work in the Colorful versions :p

Hi, I have a paladin lvl 9 and cleric lvl1 but when I create the spell sheet I haven't paladin 3th level spell list (but I have spell slot 3th level). Is It a bug?

Hi naymix. At first I thought you were talking about the character sheet, and looking over the code I couldn't find anything wrong. Than I noticed that your comment might well be applicable to the Excel Spell Sheet Generator and found the bug, woohoo! I will have it fixed momentarily. Nice catch! This only happens when multiclassing with Paladin or Ranger, so that's why nobody hasn't noticed it before (including me).

I don't really get many people over here for the Excel Spell Sheet Generator anymore. The reason for that is that MPMB's Character Record Sheet now offers a much better functionality for generating spell sheets. Although that generation takes a bit longer, the end result is better because of better graphics, the fact that the spell sheet is integrated in the same pdf as the character sheet, and that the spell sheet is form-fillable (i.e. interactive checkboxes in the pdf).

If I have convinced you to take a look, check MPMB's Character Record Sheet out over here: http://bit.ly/MPMBdndtools

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.33 (6 October 2016):

  • Fixed spelling of multiple cantrips in the attacks section (thanks anon for reporting)
  • Fixed the Swashbuckler Rakish Audacity working in the Printer Friendly versions (thanks pdegan2814 for reporting)

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!

Changelog for MPMB's Spell Sheet Generator v8.3b (6 October 2016):

  • Fixed a bug that had multiclassing Paladins and Ranger not get all their spells displayed at certain level (thanks naymix for reporting)
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First Post
Am I missing something? When I generate a spell sheet based on my class/level, it takes me through the dialogs and then nothing happens. The sheet becomes non-responsive for about 30 seconds (I assume because it says it will take a while), but then nothing shows?


First Post
To capn_tack:

Depending on the computer, it can sometimes take many MINUTES for the spell-sheet generation process to complete. It varies greatly, especially when calculating sheets for 'primary-casters', like wizards, sorcerers, and clerics.

At the FLGS/Gaming club I play at, I've had the member's-use computer take nearly an hour to complete the spell sheet. Admittedly, it is about 5 years old, and is running older editions of Windows and Acrobat, but it can happen.

If you could, so MorePurpleMoreBetter could help trouble-shoot the issue, could you post what version of Windows, and which version of Acrobat you are using? [Please remember, the latest versions of the Character-generator and Spell-sheet generator both REQUIRE the latest version of AcrobatReader (DC) to function properly.]


First Post
AcrobatReader 11.0.17
My computer's specs are pretty good: 3.8GHz quad core, 16GB RAM, so shouldn't be an issue there.

I am trying to generate a spell sheet for a LVL 1 Ranger & LVL 2 Circle of the Moon Druid.

Should the sheet remain unresponsive during the entire generation?

Voidrunner's Codex

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