D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools


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To roribeedm:

Another option (admittedly a little clunky), is to 'cherry-pick' which codes you combine, and save alternate 'base sheets'.
For example, combine all the combat/martial options (Race/Class/Feats), then the arcane/caster options, divine/..., etc. I know, it's a little cumbersome, but you would probably save yourself dozens of hours later, since honestly, how often would a Blood-hunter (Order of the Lycan) honestly need the character options for 'The Faithful' or 'Psionics & the Mystic, Take 2'?

I do something similar for the in-house Tournament/Competition events I run at my FLGS. Sometimes, the players (who sign up in advance) actually want to play 'non-standard' characters as one-shots.

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It's always great to see more people who want to make their own stuff for my sheet! Let me start off by saying: if you complete this subclass' JavaScript, would you want it to be added to the "Fan-made Additions" Dropbox?

As Astromath already mentioned, the JavaScript syntax to add Subclasses and other things is found on Dropbox and the link to that Dropbox is found in the FAQ, as well as some general explanations. The JavaScript syntax is basically a template with a lot of explanations on what to enter, but it isn't complete with all functionality. In the same Dropbox folder you can find the full JavaScript for all things in the sheet (classes, subclasses, backgrounds, gear, etc. etc.) for you to look up examples how things work in the sheet.

This is the link to the JavaScript syntax Dropbox folder: http://bit.ly/MPMBcoding_Syntax

If I get it figured out and you want my quirky little Oath added I have no problem sending it to you.

Ok I added all the stuff to the code. Actually used the cavalier as a template and just changed the pertinent info.
But I have two problems.
1- As a paladin he gets "bonus" spells. I copied the syntax out of the Complete ClassList & ClassSubList file, but dont know where to insert into the code.
2- When I import the script it says missing a }. I've counted and recounted and looked for extras but all the { and } match up (7 of each)

If I get it figured out and you want my quirky little Oath added I have no problem sending it to you.

Ok I added all the stuff to the code. Actually used the cavalier as a template and just changed the pertinent info.
But I have two problems.
1- As a paladin he gets "bonus" spells. I copied the syntax out of the Complete ClassList & ClassSubList file, but dont know where to insert into the code.
2- When I import the script it says missing a }. I've counted and recounted and looked for extras but all the { and } match up (7 of each)
Hi XMRacer, good to see that you figured it out. I am happy to help you with your code, but without seeing the actual code there is not much I can do but guess what might be going wrong.

So let me take a guess:

  1. The examples in the "Complete ClassList & ClassSubList" should tell you where to put it in the code, right after the 'subname' as 'spellcastingExtra'.
  2. Missing a "}" can mean all sorts of stuff. You mention that you copied the syntax from the"Complete ClassList & ClassSubList" file. Did you happen to look closely at the syntax file to see the first line? Because if you don't copy the first line from the "Homebrew Syntax - ClassSubList.js" file, you will get an error. Other option is that you missed a "," somewhere at the end of a line, which can often cause the same "missing }" error. But again, these are just a guesses.


Hi XMRacer, good to see that you figured it out. I am happy to help you with your code, but without seeing the actual code there is not much I can do but guess what might be going wrong.

So let me take a guess:

  1. The examples in the "Complete ClassList & ClassSubList" should tell you where to put it in the code, right after the 'subname' as 'spellcastingExtra'.
  2. Missing a "}" can mean all sorts of stuff. You mention that you copied the syntax from the"Complete ClassList & ClassSubList" file. Did you happen to look closely at the syntax file to see the first line? Because if you don't copy the first line from the "Homebrew Syntax - ClassSubList.js" file, you will get an error. Other option is that you missed a "," somewhere at the end of a line, which can often cause the same "missing }" error. But again, these are just a guesses.
Yea, I guess that would help. Sent it via PM. And woohoo I got it in the right place!
Thanks for the help.


Rule Lawyer Groupie
I've just noticed that the duration of the Goading Attack and Menacing Attack Battle Master maneuvers read "until my next turn", when in fact it should read "until the end of my next turn". It is an important distinction because your opponents are also affected for their reactions during your next turn.

I've just noticed that the duration of the Goading Attack and Menacing Attack Battle Master maneuvers read "until my next turn", when in fact it should read "until the end of my next turn". It is an important distinction because your opponents are also affected for their reactions during your next turn.
Good catch, thank you for reporting! I will have this fixed in the next version.

I just uploaded a new version of my character sheet. The big new features are the option to sort skills by ability scores and the option to use spell points.

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.3 (3 October 2016):

  • NEW FEATURE: Sort the skills by ability score instead of alphabetically (except for where the ability score is not shown in the skill section);
  • NEW FEATURE: Use Spell Points instead of Spell Slots;
  • Pimped the skill tooltip/mouseover text to be easier to read;
  • Fix for text of Battlemaster maneuvers (thanks andargor for reporting);
  • Small textual fix in pop-up dialogues;
  • Small graphical fix for the Printer Friendly versions.

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
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First off, I love this sheet. It is going to be a huge boon to me in my games that I am running, as well as the ones that I am playing in. However, as I suck with any sort of coding, I was wondering if I could get some help from someone here with adding a Homebrew class from the Middle Finger of Vecna, the Warmage. I have a feeling that a lot of people would enjoy this class, and it is one of my favorites. The challenge for me, besides sucking at coding, is that above all of the class stuff, it also adds 12 new cantrips for the spell list, and I have no idea what to do with that. I am sorry that I can't help with this, besides providing the class to whomever is willing to help me with this. I feel bad asking this, but I really want to use this class with this sheet. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful.



First off, I love this sheet. It is going to be a huge boon to me in my games that I am running, as well as the ones that I am playing in. However, as I suck with any sort of coding, I was wondering if I could get some help from someone here with adding a Homebrew class from the Middle Finger of Vecna, the Warmage. I have a feeling that a lot of people would enjoy this class, and it is one of my favorites. The challenge for me, besides sucking at coding, is that above all of the class stuff, it also adds 12 new cantrips for the spell list, and I have no idea what to do with that. I am sorry that I can't help with this, besides providing the class to whomever is willing to help me with this. I feel bad asking this, but I really want to use this class with this sheet. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful.

Hello Forgotten_Avatar, Nice to read that you get good use of the sheet!

I have good and bad news for you. The bad news is that I don't have time to invest in coding Homebrew classes, so I can't help you out that way. The good news is that I have written out everything you need to make the code for anything in this sheet. Here you can find a Dropbox with the syntax for all the things that you can add to the sheet. That Dropbox also has the full list of things that are already in the sheet for you to use as examples. It really is as simple as following the instructions and filling in the things in the right places. You don't need to know how to write code for this, you just need to be able to fill out a form and adhere to the format. If you run into any troubles I am happy to help, just send the code that you have (either email it to me or post it here) and I will happily correct any mistakes or help you figure out how to add something.
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Somebody on DMs Guild pointed out that my implementation of Remarkable Athlete was wrong. Turns out, Remarkable Athlete differs from Jack of All Trades.

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.31 (4 October 2016):

  • Fixed the Remarkable Athlete feature rounding up instead of rounding down (thanks Michael for reporting).

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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