D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools


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Mijn vriend:

As always, you are amazingly fast in updating your spectacular generator/play-sheet. Have you had a chance to review what I sent you regarding UA:RR? Just checking.


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Mijn vriend:

As always, you are amazingly fast in updating your spectacular generator/play-sheet. Have you had a chance to review what I sent you regarding UA:RR? Just checking.

Hi Ray, I did see your PM with your code, thank you for the nice work. I haven't had any chance to review it in detail and was planning on doing that today or tomorrow (probably tomorrow). Sorry that it took some time, but the UA Ranger is a lot more work than answering the simple questions about the sheet ;)


First Post
Honestly, Joost, I appreciate ANY attention you can spare. I mean,
<sarcasm> you hardly spend any time working on the sheet, let alone a REAL job... </sarcasm> ;)


Honestly, Joost, I appreciate ANY attention you can spare. I mean,
<sarcasm> you hardly spend any time working on the sheet, let alone a REAL job... </sarcasm> ;)

I finished the Revised Ranger code! Unfortunately I wasn't able to take much advantage of your work, Ray. The most difficult things were the changes in the Animal Companion code and the Beast Conclave, as well as the subtle changes in the Ranger class features and getting them to fit.

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.26 (28 september 2016):

  • Added a pop-up alert for when the amount of Ability Score Improvements changes at changing level (thanks email for suggesting);
  • Wrote the code for the Revised Ranger (now available as a ‘Fan-made Addition’);
  • Made the sheet compatible with the Revised Ranger’s Animal Companion from Unearthed Arcana.

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
Last edited:


First off let me say. This sheet is awesome.
I've been stalking on this site for a while, but have now registered to ask for help.
I'm just not grasping how to write a script. I have written my own Paladin Oath but can't figure out what I need to code it under.
If some one could make me a blank or a template I can handle filling it in, could probably do some of the coding but need a bit of guidance.
Did I mention this sheet rocks?


First Post
Long time lurker, first time poster. Love the sheet and have gotten my entire D&D group using it. I've been keeping a copy of it updated with all the Unearthed Arcana custom scripts you've been posting to your dropbox since the DMs around here allow pretty much everything UA. Unfortunately, with the new Ranger revision it won't allow the full script to be pasted if I have all the other UA related scripts in there as well (character limit cap of some sort). Is there a way to increase the amount of text that can be added with the custom scripts or is that hardcoded into Acrobat reader? If there's no way to increase the size of that field, is there any chance of getting a version of the sheet with the UA content fully incorporated? I know the FAQ used to say you won't add the UA stuff to the main sheet, but with this limit being hit is there any chance of that decision being revisited?

Thanks for all the great work on the sheet and the scripts for the UA. You're a hero among our group.

I just hope SOME of what I did was useful to you. You work way too hard on this; but thank you for doing it.
Don't worry, it was helpful for sure. I just had to look over every aspect myself anyway. So even though it didn't save time, it did help me to get started with the UA Revised Ranger and see where the changes were.

First off let me say. This sheet is awesome.
I've been stalking on this site for a while, but have now registered to ask for help.
I'm just not grasping how to write a script. I have written my own Paladin Oath but can't figure out what I need to code it under.
If some one could make me a blank or a template I can handle filling it in, could probably do some of the coding but need a bit of guidance.
Did I mention this sheet rocks?
It's always great to see more people who want to make their own stuff for my sheet! Let me start off by saying: if you complete this subclass' JavaScript, would you want it to be added to the "Fan-made Additions" Dropbox?

As Astromath already mentioned, the JavaScript syntax to add Subclasses and other things is found on Dropbox and the link to that Dropbox is found in the FAQ, as well as some general explanations. The JavaScript syntax is basically a template with a lot of explanations on what to enter, but it isn't complete with all functionality. In the same Dropbox folder you can find the full JavaScript for all things in the sheet (classes, subclasses, backgrounds, gear, etc. etc.) for you to look up examples how things work in the sheet.

This is the link to the JavaScript syntax Dropbox folder: http://bit.ly/MPMBcoding_Syntax

Long time lurker, first time poster. Love the sheet and have gotten my entire D&D group using it. I've been keeping a copy of it updated with all the Unearthed Arcana custom scripts you've been posting to your dropbox since the DMs around here allow pretty much everything UA. Unfortunately, with the new Ranger revision it won't allow the full script to be pasted if I have all the other UA related scripts in there as well (character limit cap of some sort). Is there a way to increase the amount of text that can be added with the custom scripts or is that hardcoded into Acrobat reader? If there's no way to increase the size of that field, is there any chance of getting a version of the sheet with the UA content fully incorporated? I know the FAQ used to say you won't add the UA stuff to the main sheet, but with this limit being hit is there any chance of that decision being revisited?

Thanks for all the great work on the sheet and the scripts for the UA. You're a hero among our group.
Awesome to hear that you love the sheet and got a lot more people to use it!

The character limit cap is from Acrobat. The added custom code is put in a hidden form field and called upon when starting the sheet. A form field has a limited amount of space (although the limit is very high).

I didn't expect this to be a problem, because there is obviously no way for any character to need all the (subclass) code.

I would like to help, and I can give you a sheet now that has all the code in it hard-coded. However, I am not going to keep a second set of sheets available that has all this extra code in it, because that means I would have to update 8 sheets instead of 4 every time I change something. I don't want to put these UA scripts in the sheet permanently, because there are some things that might clash with (future) scripts in the sheet. When these things become official, playtested content I will add them permanently to the sheet.

However, there are a couple of things you can do:
  1. Minimize the JavaScript before entering it in the sheet, minimizing the amount of characters used. There are plenty of places where you can minimize JavaScript code, this is an online example: https://jscompress.com/ If you want even more characters saved, you can also go through the code and reduce and redundancies (e.g. entering the same source several times).
  2. Get Adobe Acrobat Pro and add the JavaScript at document-level (i.e. hard-code it yourself).

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