D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

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They've corrected other errors. Here's the pdf:
True, but a lot of the creatures have some kind of amendment their attacks and the creators have said that it is because of balancing the creatures. Just from the 116 creatures that I put in the sheet, 27 have some kind of change made to their attack from the way attacks are calculated for player characters.

If you want to know the 27: ankylosaurus, bat, black bear, brown bear, camel, cat, crab, flying snake, ghast, ghoul, giant vulture, hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, poisonous snake, quasit, quipper, rat, raven, saber-toothed tiger, spider, sprite, tressym, weasel.

Here are the cached versions of the posts here, pages 100-119, I've saved on my site.
Wow, great work. Thank you for saving these!


First Post
True, but a lot of the creatures have some kind of amendment their attacks and the creators have said that it is because of balancing the creatures. Just from the 116 creatures that I put in the sheet, 27 have some kind of change made to their attack from the way attacks are calculated for player characters.

If you want to know the 27: ankylosaurus, bat, black bear, brown bear, camel, cat, crab, flying snake, ghast, ghoul, giant vulture, hawk, lizard, octopus, owl, poisonous snake, quasit, quipper, rat, raven, saber-toothed tiger, spider, sprite, tressym, weasel.

I didn't know there was that many. I had assumed all were correct. If the "to hit" was too high, all WotC had to do was to decrease Strength by 1 or 2 points. They didn't need to add in a "hidden" modifier. But, that's Wizards for you. They don't always go by their own rules that they set out for us.


First Post
Astromath; Wizards (and previously TSR) has ALWAYS been like that. The philosophy dates back to Gaxygygar and his mantra: "I invented this game, you'll do it MY way (even if I don't). I'm smarter than you."

They're not as blatant about it, and often don't even realize they're doing it. But they still do it.

And there's also the fact that they have to answer to "CORPORATE"...


First Post
I guess if I was working for them, I'd be fired in short order for insisting whatever we're doing is done right. (That's my perfectionism showing.)

I do have one suggestion: Right now, you have only two spots to keep track of ammo use. Since you have an overflow page, how about adding extra ammo trackers.
Shortbow & sling would autopopulate the ammo at the bottom as normal (we still need to add how much, but I'm not asking about that). Then when adding darts to the list, the dart ammo to be tracked would go to the overflow page.

Another similar suggestion:
Right now, you have only 20 slots for 20 arrows (max) and if you indicate you have 40 arrows, only 20 slots will still show up (due to the limitation of the sheet). My suggestion is when you indicate you have more than 20 arrows, have the extra arrows go to the overflow page. So, when you put in 40 arrows, it will change to 20 arrows and the other 20 arrows will show up on the overflow page. If you put in 60 arrows, the first page will change back to 20 arrows, and two more trackers for 20 arrows each will show up on the overflow page.

Looking at the overflow page, it doesn't seem you have room to add my suggestions. I was also going to suggest a way to add more attacks than the 5 on the first page, but, again, no room. Is there any way to get a different overflow page for extra weapon attacks and ammo?


First Post
Yes, there is. You can build one.

Other than that, just use one of the "Notes" Sections from Page 6.

This collation/programmed .pdf is an amazing piece of programming. Sadly, like EVERYTHING else in reality, it can't be all things for all people.

>edit: Sorry, that was a little "snarky". Only operating on one cuppa coffee yet.
The 'easy' solution is to use the programmed functioning of the overflow sheet, THEN print a 2nd, BLANK copy of the page and hand fill. That would save several hundred lines of code.
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First Post
So this thing is awesome! One thing I'm running into with a new character I'm making is that the sheet doesn't include the DMG Firearms by default.

I looked at the FAQ for adding content/scripts, grabbed the Weapons homebrew file, and went to town trying to add them myself. Unfortunately, I'm good at interpreting and using existing javascript but I don't "know" JS, so when I run into problems it's easy for me to get stumped, and stumped I am.

I initially tried to add all of the firearms in one script:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/cenodcokub2t16g/Add Fireams.js?dl=0

That throws "TypeError: WeaponsList.DropDownList is undefined"

So I tried just to add the Laser Pistol by itself, just replacing "leattack" in the weapons homebrew script, and it throws the same error.


Can anyone that actually understands JS please help me out here? Or if I'm reinventing the wheel, could someone toss me a link to a script that adds the firearms? I didn't see anything that adds them in the fan scripts section of the dropbox.


ETA: Woah! Oddly enough, even after throwing the error, if I manually type one of the firearms I added via script to the sheet, it populates correctly! Woot! However, the dropdown still isn't being updated to include the added weapons.

ETAETA: Okay, so even though it lets me enter the newly added weapons manually, the script from my first link there seems to "kill" the drop down functionality. Hmmm?
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Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.25 (23 september 2016):

  • Added the Tressym (from Storm King’s Thunder) to the creatures available as companion and wild shape
  • Fixed a bug with using a comma as a decimal separator in the starting gold on the Adventure Logsheet
  • Made a version of the sheet that contains only the Adventure Logsheet (similar to the Spell Sheets per Class extraction)
  • Fixed an issue with resetting an Adventure Logsheet page potentially removing stuff from the header
  • Updated the warning to include a message about Mac OSx Preview destroying the sheet

Changelog for MPMB's Spell Sheets per Class v12.25 (23 september 2016):

  • Recreated all the Spell Sheets from version 12.25 of the Character Record Sheet, reducing file size
  • Fixed issues with bookmarks to online content not working
  • Changed copyright text

Changelog for MPMB's Adventure Logsheet v12.25 (23 september 2016):

  • The first of its kind, the version numbering is taken from the Character Record Sheet which it is extracted from
Links: MPMB's Adventure Logsheet - Colorful A4/Letter        MPMB's Adventure Logsheet - Printer Friendly Redesign

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
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I didn't know there was that many. I had assumed all were correct. If the "to hit" was too high, all WotC had to do was to decrease Strength by 1 or 2 points. They didn't need to add in a "hidden" modifier. But, that's Wizards for you. They don't always go by their own rules that they set out for us.
Astromath; Wizards (and previously TSR) has ALWAYS been like that. The philosophy dates back to Gaxygygar and his mantra: "I invented this game, you'll do it MY way (even if I don't). I'm smarter than you."

They're not as blatant about it, and often don't even realize they're doing it. But they still do it.

And there's also the fact that they have to answer to "CORPORATE"...
I don't really feel like those hidden modifiers are bad practice by WotC. They do a good job of balancing the low-level monsters. For animals they try to give realistic ability scores, but also have to give realistic attacks. To do both these things is not always possible in the system, so they have to find some other way. The Brown Bear is a bad example, because there you have only a -1, which arguably could be represented by giving it 2 less Strength. Although that would make the bear less of an opponent for things like grapple, push, and trip, so I think they did a good job of having a high Strength.

Take the cat for example: http://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=cat
With Str 3 (-4) and Dex 14 (+2) it has a very strange to hit (+0) and damage (1). Clearly, a damage of 1 is only possible with a +0 ability score modifier, while a +0 to hit is only possible with a -2 ability score modifier (considering its proficiency bonus of +2 that can be distilled from the skills). For a cat, which should definitely not be a strong opponent, I think they did a good job with giving it the attack it has, while also having ability scores that are realistic (house cats aren't strong, but they are agile).

I guess if I was working for them, I'd be fired in short order for insisting whatever we're doing is done right. (That's my perfectionism showing.)

I do have one suggestion: Right now, you have only two spots to keep track of ammo use. Since you have an overflow page, how about adding extra ammo trackers.
Shortbow & sling would autopopulate the ammo at the bottom as normal (we still need to add how much, but I'm not asking about that). Then when adding darts to the list, the dart ammo to be tracked would go to the overflow page.

Another similar suggestion:
Right now, you have only 20 slots for 20 arrows (max) and if you indicate you have 40 arrows, only 20 slots will still show up (due to the limitation of the sheet). My suggestion is when you indicate you have more than 20 arrows, have the extra arrows go to the overflow page. So, when you put in 40 arrows, it will change to 20 arrows and the other 20 arrows will show up on the overflow page. If you put in 60 arrows, the first page will change back to 20 arrows, and two more trackers for 20 arrows each will show up on the overflow page.

Looking at the overflow page, it doesn't seem you have room to add my suggestions. I was also going to suggest a way to add more attacks than the 5 on the first page, but, again, no room. Is there any way to get a different overflow page for extra weapon attacks and ammo?
Back when I was making the overflow pages I asked around on several places (in this thread, on DMs Guild, and on Reddit) what people wanted to have on it. Really nobody was asking for space for more attacks or more ammunition. Plus, I personally never found I needed any more, nor have any people in the games I play needed any more. So I think you are alone in that regard. I think your character might be a bit of a pack-mule or is collecting too many attack cantrips, if it really needs so many attack options ;)

As for more ammunition, there are another couple of small problems. The amount of fields that are needed to make the current setup work is many. So many in fact, that it is not possible to put these on a page that can be hidden without creating stability problems (the spell sheets are already pushing it).

Even if I were to add more ammo sections, it won't be possible to have them overflow into each other, because they are coded as contained entities. The idea behind the 20 arrows, is that a quiver contains 20 arrows and that you keep track of how many arrows you have left in your quiver. Then with a reloading of the quiver, you subtract the used arrows from the total. I followed another user's suggestions for this, as he had it all worked out (I think it was Ohillion, but I'm not sure anymore it was some time ago).

So this thing is awesome! One thing I'm running into with a new character I'm making is that the sheet doesn't include the DMG Firearms by default.

I looked at the FAQ for adding content/scripts, grabbed the Weapons homebrew file, and went to town trying to add them myself. Unfortunately, I'm good at interpreting and using existing javascript but I don't "know" JS, so when I run into problems it's easy for me to get stumped, and stumped I am.

I initially tried to add all of the firearms in one script:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/cenodcokub2t16g/Add Fireams.js?dl=0

That throws "TypeError: WeaponsList.DropDownList is undefined"

So I tried just to add the Laser Pistol by itself, just replacing "leattack" in the weapons homebrew script, and it throws the same error.


Can anyone that actually understands JS please help me out here? Or if I'm reinventing the wheel, could someone toss me a link to a script that adds the firearms? I didn't see anything that adds them in the fan scripts section of the dropbox.


ETA: Woah! Oddly enough, even after throwing the error, if I manually type one of the firearms I added via script to the sheet, it populates correctly! Woot! However, the dropdown still isn't being updated to include the added weapons.

ETAETA: Okay, so even though it lets me enter the newly added weapons manually, the script from my first link there seems to "kill" the drop down functionality. Hmmm?
Hi Grungydan, great to read that you like the sheet and really superb that you are writing code to add stuff to the sheet.

What you are doing with the JavaScript looks all pretty good, but it has some tiny mistakes.

First off, the idea behind the HomeBrew syntax is that you update the public variable "WeaponsList", by adding to it. By writing "WeaponsList =" you are redefining the public variable which causes a lot of things to go wrong. Instead you should write for each attack "WeaponsList["antimatter rifle"] =", just like in the Homebrew syntax example.

Because you were redefining the WeaponsList instead of adding to it, there was no longer a "WeaponsList.DropDownList", hence the error.

Second, you forgot to close the shotgun object, it was missing a "}".

I would love to add your script to the "Fan-Made Additions" Dropbox with your approval.

EDIT: I have just put an edited version of your code on the Dropbox (http://bit.ly/MPMBcoding_fanmade). I corrected the mistakes and added ammunition.
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