D&D 5E New 5E Game


My experience DMing is with 1E, 3.5E, and somewhat with 4E. I'm not that familiar yet with 5E, but I like what I've read so far. Anyone feel like taking a shot at dabbling in the newest edition and doing a probably fairly short campaign of limited scope?

Standard 5E PH chargen, with race limited to: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome. Good Alignments only. Standard array to be used for ability scores.

My usual game is about typical of D&D assumptions, I think. Magic is present but not ubiquitous like Eberron. Setting will be a frontier Barony on the edge of The Wilds, a place where all races mingle and all sub-races may be found to some extent. This Barony is built on the ruins of an ancient kingdom, and the Baron's castle re-built and expanded the palace of the ancient king and subsumed other nearby structures. (They built things smaller in those days.) These are rumored to include a temple and a wizard's tower. Some parts of the ancient construction have portions that have not been visited in recent memory, and strange noises are occasionally heard emanating from the deepest parts of the basements.

I will select a party from the chacters posted acccording to my whims of the moment, which may include compatible alignments and [very brief] backgrounds. I don't recommend spending a great deal of time creating a character. I expect personalities to develop in-game, organically.

How does that grab everybody? Actually, it came out sounding more 'haunted-housy' than I intended. But there is a dungeon entrance right under the Baron's castle. I don't know the details of Gary Gygax's Greyhawk game, but I have heard some things and that's kinda what I was going for.
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My experience DMing is with 1E, 3.5E, and somewhat with 4E. I'm not that familiar yet with 5E, but I like what I've read so far. Anyone feel like taking a shot at dabbling in the newest edition and doing a probably fairly short campaign of limited scope?
I'm willing to throw my hat in. Details for character creation and such?

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I guess it depends upon what you've got in mind. I am NOTinterested in playing through forming the party though.

Didn't expect to get four willing victims so quickly!

Standard 5E chargen, with race limited to: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome. Good Alignments only.

Any more questions?
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Anything you'd care to tell us about the game?
Setting, what kind of adventure, etc? Easier to make a character that fits....

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