D&D 5E New 5E Game


Risia Kalvesim.jpg

Risia Kalvesim, Fey Pact Warlock Minstrel

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Check youtube/twitter, there have been some comments by some very respected people/dms that have negative comments towards 5e

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So? And that's relevant why? Most of what I've seen has been positive, and sales show that, including lots of new gamers and thousands watching livestreams of it. He wants to play a game to try it out. Why crap all over that?


And there have been some respectable DMs that have praised 5e. I will be the first to admit that not every system is for everyone, but I damn sure know that 5e is for me. :)


Yeah, I hear you. My first DM ever (that introduced me to 1e) thinks that it is rubbish, while I enjoy it. It might not be for everyone, but with a good DM, any game can be fun. I think the trick is to find the system that helps you tell the stories that you want to tell. :)


You can tell your story using any system, for me it is what the system gives the players and some fall short on that aspect. I do know the makers in the 2000's on tried to appease the Video game players too much and really caused problems during play. 3.5 is really technical but once you get through that the game play is awesome.

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I disagree. After a point, every 3.5/Pathfinder game that I played was plagued by people that just wanted to 'break' the game, which detracted from the collaborative story. I still find it here and there with 5e, but not as much.

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