D&D 5E New 5E Game

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I have good news: The design process is underway and progressing. The setting is a homebrew creation of mine and I'm starting small with it.


I do love homebrew worlds. So much more to explore in them!
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The Game is Set to Begin.

As we begin our story, you have each, for reasons of your own, seen fit to be living, visiting, or loitering in the town of Stone Mill, a pretty tiny Hamlet. The nearest town of respectable size is Silverton, located two days' journey along the road leaving Stone Mill to the east. There is a roadside inn at about the halfway point called The Griffon's Head. To the west of Stone Mill, the road crosses the Icy Ford River, and then enters hill country. It winds a bit going generally west, and just on the opposite bank of the Blue River is the even smaller frontier town of Red Wall. You are all aware that the towns in this region have been having a slight problem with bandits for the last few months. It has not seemed to be too bad to you, but apparently the local magistrates are growing increasingly nervous about it.

Of more concern to you immediately, is the proclamation issued by the two high priests of Stone Mill, who serve in the temples of Oghma and Diancecht. It seems that the wife of the Mayor of Stone Mill has been abducted. Three days ago, a ransom demand was issued by a Dwarven bandit. The ransom demanded is three large diamonds. Now, it is common knowledge that one large diamond is worn set in the ring of the Mayor of Stone Mill, and that another one is worn on a pendant around the neck of the wife of the High Priest of Oghma. If there is a third such diamond in or around Stone Mill, its owner is not advertising its presence.

The two High Priests of Stone Mill, as previously stated, have issued a proclamation seeking for adventurers to deal with this situation. No specific monetary reward has been mentioned, but it has been suggested that favorable mention will be made of any such successful adventurers to the Earl of Silverton and thence to the King. [Oh, one more thing, each pc has come to learn that the name "Silverton" has nothing to do with any supposed precious metal located there, but is actually a corruption of the original name, Sylvan Town. There is a relatively large population of elves in Silverton, and perhaps even more in the surrounding forests.]

OOC: Kahless Nestor, Searinox Nagharha, ccs, DM Aesh, Azurewraith, and jmucchiello are the players selected for this game. A Rogues' Gallery thread, an In-Character thread, and an Out-of-Character thread will be coming in short order are now open. Please post your PCs in the RG at your earliest convenience. After that, let play commence!

OOC: Deities for this game are the Celtic Mythos, found on P. 298 of the 5E Player's Handbook. Searinox Nagharha, if any issues regarding alignment should arise in your selection of a patron deity, we can either make some adjustments to the alignments given, or borrow another deity from the Greek or Egyptian mythos and make him/her Celtic for our purposes.

RG: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...gues-Gallery&p=7245033&viewfull=1#post7245033

OOC: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?589953-Leif-s-First-5E-Homebrew-OOC

IC: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...rew-In-Character-Thread&p=7245037#post7245037
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Excellent I'll be at work for the next 10 or so hours and they have a table session but in shall be with you Monday.... Provided I survive inventory....

Was going for the Old Dwarvish God of Battle, Party & Ale but if we going with the Celtic Pantheon i could also work with Diancent or Goibhniu.

I'll do some research and stick my Char in tonight


It seems to be spelled either 'Diancect' or 'Diancecht,' pretty much interchangeably, but, yes, he is also the Celtic god of medicine.

Or a dwarvish deity will also work, but you may have to worship sometimes at temples of allies of your deity, who can be whomever's temple is handy at the time, in most cases.


Since the three threads for the game are now open and linked below at the bottom of post #125, I'm declaring this thread to be closed. Please refrain from posting here. Thanks.
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