D&D 5E New 5E Game

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What's that? Do I see a light at the end of the tunnel? I have not forgotten this game, and I'm beginning to get the stirrings of some ideas.


nice! good to know ;)

very currious where its gonna go

That makes two of us, at least! I've been reviewing the 5E PH, and so far the most interesting change I've noticed is that clerics, druids, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards now all have at least one cantrip castable at will that gives them a legitimate attack spell. Warlocks, of course, mainly have eldritch blast, but wizards and sorcerers also have access to good attack cantrips that grow in power at higher levels.


A number of current 1E clones that are available say in so many words that it is expected that the bulk of a character's xp will come from treasure. 3E D&D seemed to change that, and the 5E books give me the feeling that it is totally ok for the DM to call for a level-up at his convenience, regardless of xp or anything else. That, added to the very low xp thresholds for levels 2 and 3, indicate that the authors/publishers consider the initial stages to be introductory, and the game does not really seem to even fully begin until L3. But that may just be me.
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Recruiting Now Closing

Since we now have six characters proposed, Warlock (KahlessNestor), Cleric (Searinox Nagharha), Fighter (ccs), Rogue (DMAesh), Bard (Azurewraith), Monk (jmuchiello), and no duplication of classes at all, even though some would be okay, and might even be advisable, I'm going to close the recruiting period very soon. Lou, being another old friend of mine, is invited to join us, as is Scotley (who has previously declined, so no further declination is necessary, but I thought I'd let you know that you're still welcome), Scott DeWar, and the rest of our group (you know who you are, and if you don't see this, you probably don't care anyway). I'm really not open to new submissions at this point, other than from the people I have mentioned.


A number of current 1E clones that are available say in so many words that it is expected that the bulk of a character's xp will come from treasure. 3E D&D seemed to change that, and the 5E books give me the feeling that it is totally ok for the DM to call for a level-up at his convenience, regardless of xp or anything else. That, added to the very low xp thresholds for levels 2 and 3, indicate that the authors/publishers consider the initial stages to be introductory, and the game does not really seem to even fully begin until L3. But that may just be me.

No, you're right about that. The XP chart is designed to spend the most gaming time in the "sweet zone" between levels 5-10/15, Characters are more or less fully realized at level 3 (if they single class) when they get their archetypes. And yes, milestone leveling tends to be the norm now, at least for all the 5e published adventures, some of which don't actually provide enough XP as written to keep up with the milestones (or so I have heard).


Milestone xp is the pooops! Also Is it bad that I totally forgot about this char quicky went and looked... I'm now hyped as :):):):) to play my unlikely hero.

Voidrunner's Codex

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