D&D 5E New 5E Game


Since we now have six characters proposed, Warlock (KahlessNestor), Cleric (Searinox Nagharha), Fighter (ccs), Rogue (DMAesh), Bard (Azurewraith), Monk (jmuchiello), and no duplication of classes at all, even though some would be okay, and might even be advisable, I'm going to close the recruiting period very soon. Lou, being another old friend of mine, is invited to join us, as is Scotley (who has previously declined, so no further declination is necessary, but I thought I'd let you know that you're still welcome), Scott DeWar, and the rest of our group (you know who you are, and if you don't see this, you probably don't care anyway). I'm really not open to new submissions at this point, other than from the people I have mentioned.

Very tempting, but you have a good group and I really don't have the spare time to add meaningfully to your fun. I wish you great fun and success.

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Very tempting, but you have a good group and I really don't have the spare time to add meaningfully to your fun. I wish you great fun and success.

I totally understand. Again you underestimate your ability to add to my fun, my friend-and-almost-brother, but I do not wish to add to your pile of worries. The group does look like a good one, if a bit short of arcane casters. Perhaps someone will multiclass in that direction, if desired, or perhaps I will just write for the group that I have instead of the imaginary group that I would have chosen. There are also opportunities for rogues and fighters to progress in ways that lead to arcane powers....


Milestone xp is the pooops! Also Is it bad that I totally forgot about this char quicky went and looked... I'm now hyped as :):):):) to play my unlikely hero.

I'm glad that you are hyped, because you are, for the moment, the group's entire repository of arcane power.

Think Both the Bard & Warlock van fall into the 'arcane magic' group.

I have been toying with possible Multiclass ideas but cant think of anything that would fit the character So :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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