D&D 5E New 5E Game


Have fun is right! As long as you are not trampling on someone else's fun, I say, more power to you! Thanks for understanding, @Scary, I wasn't trying to say that you were wrong. Rather that my experience turned sour and colors my view of 3.5/Pathfinder. I meant no offense. :)

EDIT: I probably could have phrased the previous post better.

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41st lv DM
Have fun is right! As long as you are not trampling on someone else's fun, I say, more power to you! Thanks for understanding, @Scary, I wasn't trying to say that you were wrong. Rather that my experience turned sour and colors my view of 3.5/Pathfinder. I meant no offense. :)

EDIT: I probably could have phrased the previous post better.

If you & Scary want to discuss various editions & whatnot, start a new thread. THIS thread is all about Liefs game.


If you & Scary want to discuss various editions & whatnot, start a new thread. THIS thread is all about Liefs game.

Thanks, but it's LEIF not what you said. And that rhymes with "chief," by the way. I generally am not too draconic about discussions of other games/systems. I figure if they're talking about that stuff in my game then that says something about where their loyalties truly lie.

And while we're on the subject, I don't know how much of the 1980's and 90's you children recall, but back then there was a plethora of add-ons to 1E AD&D, to the point where the game became unweildy. This led to 2E, which led to 3E, 3.5E, etc., etc. And now Pathfinder finds itself in the exact same position as its predecessors, where the tweaks and add-ons have taken precedence over the game. I see 5E as a re-set to simpler values -- ROLEPLAYING not character gimmicks.
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:) Shall we also use the starting equipment from the class and background, @Leif?

EDIT: BTW, I am a child of the 80s, though I was never quite introduced fully to the game until '92. :)


I like the starting equipment from class and background, but I'm willing to consider another option if there are strong feelings about it. I'm not guaranteeing that I will allow another option, but I will consider it, if it is roughly similar in resulting equipment/funds/goods.


EDIT: BTW, I am a child of the 80s, though I was never quite introduced fully to the game until '92. :)

I graduated high school in 1985, and graduated law school in 1992. Started playing D&D with the Holmes Basic Box in about 1980 and was fully addicted [to 1E AD&D] beyond any hope of recovery by 1983.
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