NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Update on Friday.

(note the lack of a question mark.)


Almost certainly not. I have been doing a lot of work, prepping illustrations for Ascension, working on Gods & Monsters and Version 6 of the CR/EL system as well as the website updates. But I haven't done as much to Ascension as I would like (or deem worthy of an update at this stage).

So as productive as I have been, you probably wouldn't see it in a new update.


First Post
Ah well. Fortune favors the brave.

Good luck with the illustrations; how is G&M coming along? How is Version 6? Will we actually see v6 before Bestiary III? That would be very welcome.


First Post
Pssthpok said:
Ah well. Fortune favors the brave.

Good luck with the illustrations; how is G&M coming along? How is Version 6? Will we actually see v6 before Bestiary III? That would be very welcome.

Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Ah well. Fortune favors the brave.

Good luck with the illustrations; how is G&M coming along?

Pantheon section is starting to shape up. I have 14 of the 18 monsters decided (I had the other four but realised they were gods not monsters). :\

Highlights will be the sections on Gigantes and Titans, lots of templates including a new Vampire called the Strigoi*, Bogeyman and Animal Tyrant (sworn enemies of the Animal Lords) - with Scorpion King and Serpent Queen examples. The Serpentine (epic) dragon is starting to look promising, with Typhon as the Great, Great, Great Wyrm. Section on Godslayers including Ma Yuan and one other I am still debating on. Then you've got Star Demons, Likho, Kalagni (a CR 1000 time lord chomper) and a few other surprises, not counting the four slots I still have to fill.

*Although I am sort of torn between making this Strigoi template EL +15 or EL +30. Nosferatu probably suits EL +15 better than the Strigoi. I'll have to think about that.

Regarding the gods I will be adding a new Notoreity table to each deities realm, so the more you mess about in their layers the more powerful the response will be.

Pssthpok said:
How is Version 6? Will we actually see v6 before Bestiary III? That would be very welcome.

SHould be hot on the heels of Gods & Monsters. Version 6 is more of a conversion than a full new document.

One of the highlights of version 6 will be a breakdown of all the core classes.

Upper_Krust said:
Kalagni (a CR 1000 time lord chomper)...
CR 1000? Isn't that a bit low? Time Lords are ECL 2000... Unless they are ment to be used in the same manner Piranha ghouls are. (Step 1: Swarm. Step 2: Paralize. Step 3: Eat. Step 4: Profit)

Though I think the write ups for all the Greater-God+ Monsters will be interesting. (Even if there are only a few) The universe can never have too many "horrors from beyond time."


The EN World kitten
Even if they're the piranhas that attack time lords, CR 1000 still seems woefully underpowered. I recall U_K writing that once a certain disparity in power is reached, it doesn't matter how many lower-level creatures attack a higher-level one, because said higher-level creature won't be threatened by them, and will dispatch them with virtually no effort.

So color me confused in regards to the kalagni. :confused:

With the recent increase in Timelord (and possibly the other ultra-dimensional beings') hit points, this seems to render some of the [Effects] useless.

Reasoning: By multiplying the deities hit points, you are essentially cutting the effectiveness of Effects by the same amount. Not that game balance matters to Timelords, but this could also apply to Elder ones and up, which are imminently playable to some degree.

Anti-matter effect now deals less damage than poisonous effect to a Timelord. Ultima effect it about as useful as dealing 20 damage/turn when used by timelords on timelords. Transcendant effect might be useful, but probably will do less than a scratch. Heck, Gravitic Effect becomes MORE powerful now. (About 1000x more effective on timelords!)
In order to deal any appreciable damage to beings with such high hit point totals, you would need to apply the Telluric, Vengeful, Quantum, and Talismanic Effect multipliers to your effects just so the opponent doesn't laugh as hard while they punch you to death.
Of all the Transient Effects, only Omega Effect and Astro Effect even matter in many cases. Any deity taking Ultima, Antimatter, or Transcendent effects is wastering their time. (Unless they want to blow 36 divine slots on a power useable only on mooks)

Solution: Perhaps a Transcendent Effect multiplier that just flat out multiplies the hit dice of the deity for the purposes of [Effects]. (perhaps by 10?)
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First Post
Intersting point, LS, but NO!!! No duct-taping!! If the system keeps proving to be inaccurate, go back to the root of the problem and see what's going on...

...ah, there we are. Virtual Size Categories. Ditch that, and damage falls back into a safer place, you won't need hit point multipliers except for the Godly Realm thing (x2 while at home is a good rule), and then you won't need to keep boosting the power everywhere else to keep up with the hit points (which, incidentally, have only been increased because VSCs allow such high damage outputs).

Make VSCs an optional variant, scrap them in official builds, and stop all the duct-taping!

Well, the easiest fix is simply to count divine bonuses as *non-natural* bonuses to strength, so they don't count towards VSCs. (And neither would Legendary Strength, Total Strength, Strength-Domain-esque powers, or anything of the sorts. Great Strength Epic feat would be fine though)

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