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D&D (2024) New leak looks real bad

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  • AI DMing? I've been predicting they'll try for that since WotC announced the 3D VTT, whether it comes in in 2024 or 2028 or whenever and whether it's remotely a good experience for people who actually like RPGs is the question.

There is no way they can replicate the kind of games I play with an AI DM. In TTRPGs most of the game is off script. Not some of it or a significant portion but most.

You need to get into a house with 2 guards standing at the front door. There are probably scripted responses if you try to sneak past the guards, bribe the guards, quietly take out the guards maybe even if you teleport to the second story balcony or cast disguise self to look like the homeowner. There is not a scripted response for "I go down to the bar at the end of the street and pay a couple sailors to stage a fight to get the guards to leave their posts." Now a DM might rule they don't leave their posts, but might give you advantage on your stealth to sneak past them or the DM might have them do an insight check and if they succeed they realize it is staged and are extra alert so stealth is at disadvantage or not possible. These are the kinds of things a DM does that AI will not be able to do for a long, long time.

Even in combat there are tons of improvised actions and they are used very often in the games I play, not every round or even every combat, but at least every adventuring day if you are having 6 combats. I misty step up to the flying dragon and grab on to him as my action. I cast command and say "land" to the flying Dragon (both actual in game examples from the last month). The command spell in particular can be any verb in the dictionary and the AI DM needs to figure out how to rule on this. In addition to "land" I have personally used the following in game for command - "surrender" (my response when an enemy asked me to surrender during a standoff) - "daydream" (to make someone stop concentrating) - swim (made someone get in the water and start swimming).


Staff member
Mod Note:

Let’s also be careful about spinning scenarios one way or another unless & until there’s solid information on what exactly is happening. Speculation in the context of this leak or that gets dicey pretty quickly. At least one screenshot posted in this thread has been discredited, according to other mods.

So…deep breaths. Minimize prognostications.


Write a scenario for the following D&D situation: You need to get into a house with 2 guards standing at the front door. There are probably scripted responses if you try to sneak past the guards, bribe the guards, quietly take out the guards maybe even if you teleport to the second story balcony or cast disguise self to look like the homeowner. There is not a scripted response for "I go down to the bar at the end of the street and pay a couple sailors to stage a fight to get the guards to leave their posts."

As you approach the house, you notice two guards standing at the front door. It's clear that they are not going to let you pass without some sort of explanation or authority. You consider your options and decide that the most subtle approach would be to go down to the bar at the end of the street and pay a couple of sailors to stage a fight.

You make your way to the bar, where you spot a group of rough-looking sailors sitting at a table. You approach them and make your offer: you'll pay them a small sum of gold to create a distraction at the front of the house, allowing you to slip past the guards unnoticed. The sailors agree, and you hand over the gold.

You wait a short while, and then you hear shouting and the sound of a scuffle coming from the front of the house. The guards, distracted by the commotion, leave their posts to investigate. You seize the opportunity and quickly slip past them, unnoticed.

You find yourself inside the house, and you can't help but smile to yourself. Your plan worked perfectly, and you were able to get inside without being detected. Now it's time to find what you're looking for and get out of there before the guards realize what's happened.


"Stop destroying the environment" has a gift card?
I think its ironic that the generation that walked to school, opened the windows to cool the house, mowed the lawn with a push mower, used wind to dry their clothes, solar to heat their water and had almost nothing made of plastic are the ones "destroying the environment".

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