[NEW] Star Frontier Adventure [IC]

Axel pulls the hood up and follows the others off the ship. He watches as most of the guards eyes slide right past him as if he was not there. He pulls his coat tighter due to the cold and looks over the Chief Administrator. He hoped that there was someplace warm that they could go and speak about this job. He waited for one of the others to speak first. Axel new he tended to rub folks the wrong way.

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With a glance at the rest of the team, Angel steps forward. "Angel Black," she offers, extending her gloved hand. She is already wearing the Regulator parka against the cold. "Nice to meet you. This is Marx, Axel, Echo, and Summer Knight," she continues, gesturing to each in turn. She pauses to give the administrator a chance to respond.


OOC: I'd likely wait until I have enough to level up before I spend any. So +10! A third of the way there!

Marx nods when introduced, tipping his hat. "Pleasure to be here," he says, trying to get a read on the Chief Administrator.


First Post
Smiling the man nods as each of the team members is introduced, adding "Excellent. Its great that you are all here. And a week early. This might really be an great opportunity to get ahead of the Bernards'. We believe they hit one of our outlaying mining camps. We have lost communications with the camp two days ago and while it might be nothing that has been their modus operandi in the past. We don't really have the security personal to go check it out and I was hoping that you would be willing."

He pauses as he continues to smile and look the team over as if evaluating your abilities. "I have one of our VTOL cargo transports standing by if you want to check the situation out for us. It might be nothing, but you might also get the jump on them if they are there..."

GM: Generally its not a great idea to fly the Junk-Scout around in the atmosphere. It not as maneuverable, extremely loud and easy to detect. BUT you can take it there if you want. Also you do have time to ask him questions. The mining camp went silent two days ago so its not like its in real time and Atos is not acting like its an emergency.


First Post
Marx nods when introduced, tipping his hat. "Pleasure to be here," he says, trying to get a read on the Chief Administrator.

There were no real strong emotions where coming off of Supervisor Atos... maybe a little agitation and stress but nothing like panic...He seemed to be glad to see the team though.


"If you think it's the Bernards, we'll check it," Angel affirms. She wishes there were time to consult the team rather than speaking for them, but the director has put them on the spot. Perhaps that was his intention. But her instincts both as a bounty hunter and a sheriff affirmed that it was best not to show hesitation in front of a client.

"But we'll need a briefing before we go," she continues. "Maps and a description of the facility would be a good start. Also information on the Bernards' latest actions - our information may have gone out of date while we were in transit."


December 6, 2321

With shut down procedures and post-flight checks, Summer is the last one off the ship. She sauntered down the exit ramp with a casual sway in her hips and shivered against the cold.

“Brrr… How do you stand this?” she asked the civilian man, zipping her coat up further and putting the hood up over her raven hair.

Angel seemed to be handling the negotiations just fine, so Summer considered the offer of the VTOL cargo hauler. Beggers couldn’t be choosers, she supposed.

“Sounds like the Bernards started the party without us,” Summer commented. “How rude. We also need a list of just what property was stolen so we can properly inventory and assess anything we retrieve,” she told Damion Atos.

[sblock=Character Tracker]
Summer Knight Character Sheet
Descriptor: A suave Human smuggler who can’t resist a pretty face.
Melee Defense: 18
Range Defense: 14
Mental Defense: 14
Vital Defense: 10
Health: 12/12
Luck: 3/3d6
Suave (1/day)
Seat of Your Pants: Replenish Luck an extra time per day.
  • Disruptor 20
  • Slugger rifle 20
    • Reload 20


  • Bring in Bernard family for the Chenzua Corporation on Corvus: Alexandre (father, dead or alive), Nicolette (alive), John (dead or alive), Ike (alive), William (dead or alive).
  • Retrieve Chenzua Corp stolen property.
    • Mobile Mine Processor
  • Register reward levels with UFA A.I. onsite.
  • Contact: Damian Atos (Chenzua general manager), Alpha City, Corvus[/sblock]

Xern Junk-Scout Type II Maranda
This is a longer range, updated junk-scout vessel used by the United Frontier Authority (UFA) for standard Regulator transports. It based on an older model Union Scout (at least a hundred years out of date) with various upgrades. It carries no weapons, but its range allow for Regulators to move about within the Reach with little difficulty. This ship is not suitable for patrol or anti-pirate work.
Weight: 429 tons; Cargo Units: 15 (0 available; capacity 0.2 tons)
Hull Class: 0-II (INIT +1d6)
Traits: none
Crew: 2 (cost 400cr/m); Passengers: 4 (standard)

Command & Control Systems
Computers: 1x Highwatch SM-1 Computer (CPU cycles 8; max FTL 8; checks +0d6)
Sensors: Chen-Collins SS-2 (range 4; checks +0d6)

Engine & Power Data
Subluminal: 1x Star Corporation SF-2 Fusion Reactor (power 12; Speed 11; fuel efficiency 1.2)
FTL: 2x Cui-Green Alliance SH-1 Hyperdrive (power 4ea; FLT-X 8.0; fuel efficiency 0.8)
Operational Range: 30 parsecs; Travel Increments: ​8 parsecs

Defensive Data
Superstructure: 6; DEFENSE 28; E-DEFENSE 10
Shields: 1x DayCorp Systems SSN-2 Navigational Shield Generator (power 1; SOAK n/a)

Luxury: 100% (adequate; +0d6)
Facilities: Brig (2), Double Cabins (3), Messhall (6)

General Systems
Fueling 2x Fuel Bay Alteration
Market Value: 48.2 MCr (used 24.1 MCr)[/sblock]


First Post
Supervisor Atos smiles and nods as he adds "Most excellent. And of course I have already collected most of the data you would need about the mining outpost as soon as I heard that you had arrived in system." He hands Angel a PDA with a large display. On the open page is a map is what appears to be a mining processor plant. "This is the underground section where the miners do most of their work. The main processor is actually the only part of the plant that extends above ground. The living quarters are on the top of this hab. The tunnel just about it leads to the mining pits. The processors refine the ore and separate out what we don't want and then the minerals and smashed into easily transported blocks."

[sblock=Map] MineUnderground.jpg[/sblock]

Turning towards Summer Atos says "I have included the basic items that we are seeking to recover. Of course the
Chenzua Zhua-class Mobile Mining Platform is the top of our lists of property that we are hoping to recover. The listed base price for a new model is 1.5 million credits. Its been registered with the UFA bounties office already with a 15% recovery reward depending on the damage it has sustained by the Bernard and we are still unsure how they were able to move it. To our knowledge they have no heavy atmospheric transports. Its possible it has been heavily damage and the recovery percentage would of course be lower if it is."

Pulling out another PDA from a front work shelve he continued "We also believe that the family has stolen at least half a million in ore with a recovery percentage of 10%. Then there are six Xin-Tosse Mark V Worker Robots. These models have minimum A.I. and programmed for moving and lifting. Each is worth 20,000 credits new. Standard recovery percentages of 15% each would be applied for all of these, again dependent on any damage. Then there are numerous minor equipment, gear and property along with the possibly illegal goods that I have included on the PDA I gave you. Recovery percentages are included with the entries but are generally listed at 10% or less. Go ahead and review that and register when you might find with us."

Scratching his beard and looks the group over "What else do you need from me or my people? We have a pilot if you want for the transport but if you want to pilot yourself you can. Its not like you can take it off planet if you wanted to steal it". He then chuckled at his own joke.

GM: You can assume the PDA has a bunch of random minor miscellaneous gear listed that one might find in a mining operation. Also personal gear and some various heirlooms lost by miners. Any illegal drugs or gear there is no reward offered by Chenzua Corporation but the UFA does offer then. It depends on what it is, etc.


December 6, 2321

“Excellent!” Summer said with a smile when Atos handed over the tablet with the map and the recovery percentages. “Thank you for being so prepared. We won’t need the pilot. I think I can more than handle the freighter. Do you have any information on the Bernard’s loadout? What sort of firepower we might be facing? Any vehicles or ships they’re using?”

[sblock=Character Tracker]
Summer Knight Character Sheet
Descriptor: A suave Human smuggler who can’t resist a pretty face.
Melee Defense: 18
Range Defense: 14
Mental Defense: 14
Vital Defense: 10
Health: 12/12
Luck: 3/3d6
Suave (1/day)
Seat of Your Pants: Replenish Luck an extra time per day.

  • Disruptor 20
  • Slugger rifle 20
    • Reload 20



  • Bring in Bernard family for the Chenzua Corporation on Corvus: Alexandre (father, dead or alive), Nicolette (alive), John (dead or alive), Ike (alive), William (dead or alive).
  • Retrieve Chenzua Corp stolen property.
    • Mobile Mine Processor

  • Register reward levels with UFA A.I. onsite.
  • Contact: Damian Atos (Chenzua general manager), Alpha City, Corvus[/sblock]

Xern Junk-Scout Type II Maranda
This is a longer range, updated junk-scout vessel used by the United Frontier Authority (UFA) for standard Regulator transports. It based on an older model Union Scout (at least a hundred years out of date) with various upgrades. It carries no weapons, but its range allow for Regulators to move about within the Reach with little difficulty. This ship is not suitable for patrol or anti-pirate work.
Weight: 429 tons; Cargo Units: 15 (0 available; capacity 0.2 tons)
Hull Class: 0-II (INIT +1d6)
Traits: none
Crew: 2 (cost 400cr/m); Passengers: 4 (standard)

Command & Control Systems
Computers: 1x Highwatch SM-1 Computer (CPU cycles 8; max FTL 8; checks +0d6)
Sensors: Chen-Collins SS-2 (range 4; checks +0d6)

Engine & Power Data
Subluminal: 1x Star Corporation SF-2 Fusion Reactor (power 12; Speed 11; fuel efficiency 1.2)
FTL: 2x Cui-Green Alliance SH-1 Hyperdrive (power 4ea; FLT-X 8.0; fuel efficiency 0.8)
Operational Range: 30 parsecs; Travel Increments: ​8 parsecs

Defensive Data
Superstructure: 6; DEFENSE 28; E-DEFENSE 10
Shields: 1x DayCorp Systems SSN-2 Navigational Shield Generator (power 1; SOAK n/a)

Luxury: 100% (adequate; +0d6)
Facilities: Brig (2), Double Cabins (3), Messhall (6)

General Systems
Fueling 2x Fuel Bay Alteration
Market Value: 48.2 MCr (used 24.1 MCr)[/sblock]

Axel clears his throat, this is an unconscious habit that he does to draw peoples attention to him before he speaks. Several of the guards almost jump as he does and their eyes focus on him for the first time. Axel draws in a little not comfortable with the added attention.

"Is it just the Bernard family or do they work with allies on these jobs?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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