D&D 5E New survey from WotC about boxed sets

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Perhaps this is a hint about an Forgotten Realms campaign box, like the old Grey box, but for 5e. It did ask about campaign setting maps and campaign setting themed DM screen.


Book-Friend, he/him

Thank you for the link.

FWIW, I would like a boxed set (as in new stuff, not just a re-skinned beginners' box, or collecting the previously-published books).

Something like the ... wait for it ... GREYHAWK BOXED SET.


Guides, maps, that would be cool. Especially maps. Big maps. BIG COLOR MAPS.

Dude, for real.

It strikes me that a colorful, flashy campaign in a box might be perfect for the "shopping for my Middle Schooler at Target" crowd that they have signaled is so important...


Perhaps this is a hint about an Forgotten Realms campaign box, like the old Grey box, but for 5e. It did ask about campaign setting maps and campaign setting themed DM screen.

Eh I'm not sure if that's the case. Both the current Starter's Box and the upcoming Essentials box are for FR. Obviously WotC could make another FR box (FR has such a long published history that WotC could launch content for it until the end of time), but it wouldn't add too much incremental value over what already exists for 5e.

I think Lowkey13 is more on the mark about what they're working on. Greyhawk for a boxed set makes complete sense to me for a starter's set, and would be picked up by people who already own the current starter's set but also want Greyhawk 5e content.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
I think it's more likely that they have a lot more tie-in Starter Sets planned (a la Stranger Things and Rick & Morty), and they want to make sure that those sets are as good as they can be.


I think it's more likely that they have a lot more tie-in Starter Sets planned (a la Stranger Things and Rick & Morty), and they want to make sure that those sets are as good as they can be.

You don't need campaign setting maps, campaign setting DM screens for that, so if it was for starter sets, why ask about that? It's because this is for Campaign Settings, not starter sets. Also why ask if it should have a basic rules booklet if it's intended for started sets, without that it's not a starter set, so there would be no reason to ask that.

Wizards doesn't need a survey on starter sets, they have a ton of sales data and they know the basic requirements of starter sets by now.

Plus they have four starter sets right now, four. R&M starter set, Stranger Things Starter Set, Starter Set, amd Essential Starter Set. How many do you think they need? Anymore more things can they tie into?


Forgotten Realms box set would rock

I agree 100% instant buy for me. But what should be in it? A Campaign Guide, a large detailed Map of the Forgotten Realms, at minimum Faerun, but bonuses for Kara Tur and Zakhara, super duper bonus for Maztica, Osse, Katashaka, Archome, and super duper mega ultra bonus for having a map of Abier (or the Shadowfell or Feywild) on the flip side.

Voidrunner's Codex

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