NG vs. NE: Neutral Evil is Victorious!

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PJSlavner said:
Jurathor bites Bud (rolled 37) for 18 points of damage. Bud has 54 HP remaining after healing.

This was in the post just before round 149. The healing was applied before Bud's action. I remember better when I report fast healing and regeneration just before a combatant's turn, but if that is confusing, I can report it when I report the result of the combatant's actions.


First Post
Whichever way you're more comfortable. :)

A man-sized humanoid walks lithely into the arena to 115n80e. Once there, Proteus casts a spell and disappears from view. Before he disappears, however, you see that he had bright red skin pulled taut over a skinny body, two long antelope-like horns atop his head, and really long claws like Lady Deathstrike.
[sblock] greater invisibility [/sblock]


Round 151

Proteus does not get shredded by the whirling blades, although he does get knocked down by the wind (16 Fort save) when he enters the arena. Proteus is prone at 115N115E. Is his standard action the same as before?

Either way, Jurathor's action (position, at the very least) will change.


No Trouble at All
Does the wind have any particular direction?
Namely, from Jurathor's experience moving in it before, what's his feel for it.
He doesn't want to get swept out of the arena or into the blades, after all...


No Trouble at All
Jurathor swoops down and lands, facing into the wind, and blows a wave of sonic power directly into Proteus's position

MEA from 45n40e40z to 95n95e0z
STD breath weapon (sonic) into 115n115e

So jurathor will be at 95n95e:110n110e if I have this right.
Jurathor will take AoO attempts (from standing, spell-casting) as biting Grapples

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