Now that 4e is out, are you into it or sticking with a prior edition?

Which edition, especially in response to 4e?

  • Gladly changing with the times--4e is for me

    Votes: 303 45.6%
  • Hesitantly changing with the times--I'll try 4e, but I'm not selling my Xe books yet

    Votes: 94 14.1%
  • I'm sticking with 3.5 (for whatever reason)

    Votes: 248 37.3%
  • I never changed from 3.0 to 3.5

    Votes: 40 6.0%
  • I never changed from 2e, or went back to 2e

    Votes: 22 3.3%
  • I never changed from 1e, or went back to 1e

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Advanced D&D? faw! Basic all the way

    Votes: 22 3.3%
  • OD&D, baby!!!

    Votes: 16 2.4%


First Post
Garnfellow said:
4e looks like a fun game that may fix many of 3e's problems, but after 10 months of "marketing" I remain unconvinced that 4e is so much better as to justify converting three existing and very enjoyable 3.5e campaigns.

On first readthrough, I'm a huge 4e fan, ready to get a game going ASAP. The advice I gave a buddy of mine who's on the fence about 4e is "don't convert your current campaign." 4e's a fine rulesystem, but it's very different from 3.x in some fairly fundamental ways - I think conversion in mid-stream is going to be far more of a headache than it's worth. Much better to play out the campaign in 3.x and then give 4e a try - it'll still be around in six months or a year.

So on the poll, I picked both the 4e and 3.x options - I like 'em both, and don't see them as mutually exclusive.

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Wisdom Penalty said:
Prove it.
I've got years of participating here back when it was friendly.

I think that pretty well proves it.

Suddenly it became the "in thing" to do for a certain segment of the posters to decree that the game this board was founded around was crap. And it got real unfriendly real fast. Despite that, I've been banned exactly zero times. How you doing on that count?


4E has actually inspired me to take a break from 3.5 and revisit my 1E/2E roots. I miss the days when not only were miniatures not required, they were barely hinted at in the rules. :)

Wisdom Penalty

First Post
BryonD said:
I've got years of participating here back when it was friendly.

I think that pretty well proves it.

Suddenly it became the "in thing" to do for a certain segment of the posters to decree that the game this board was founded around was crap. And it got real unfriendly real fast. Despite that, I've been banned exactly zero times. How you doing on that count?

I was asking you to prove your statement that you prefer these boards when they are "friendly" by, you know, being "friendly" yourself. Seems like as good a start as any. I bet if you dropped your bitterness at the door, and took away your negative posts, we'd see the "friendly" meter of the boards go up a couple notches.

Um, to your other point...I've been banned twice.

Since you have expressed your interest, I'll give you a multiple choice quiz as to why I've been banned in the past:

(a) Piratecat is a meanie.
(b) I like singling your posts out because I'm all about easy targets.
(c) I'm stupid.
(d) All of the above.

All of the above answers are partially correct (this is a British multiple choice test), but (c) is the most correct. If you answered (c), you're correct, but my feelings have been hurt.

Ah, who are we kidding? I'm sure I'll fall prey to some valueless, bitter post in the future and be booted. Again. And, yes, it'll probably be one of your posts.

You, sir, have got my number.

That's why they call me -
Wisdom Penalty*

* And the lesser used moniker - Stupid Fat Guy.


Slumbering in Tsar
Page said:
4E has actually inspired me to take a break from 3.5 and revisit my 1E/2E roots. I miss the days when not only were miniatures not required, they were barely hinted at in the rules. :)

Good times. :)

I too have been peeking lately at the old 1E/2E books as well.

Ah, childhood. :D


First Post
I have looked through the 4E PHB and I must say I am not impressed. It simply doesn't feel like D&D. I am an old-school dude/geek who played AD&D way back in high school. Hell, I still have my original copy of the 3-booklet boxed set (really old school!). I have rolled through three and a half editions, taking on each with some reluctancy (although the switch from 2 to 3.0 was a somewhat easy transition...).

Now as I look through my friend's 4E rules, it just feels wrong. Gone are all the intricacies and dynamics that made D&D the ultimate fantasy game. It has been completely scaled down and now resembles more of a computer-style RPG, similar to Diablo 2 or World of Warcraft. Wizards and those who seem to appreciate the change call it a streamlining to enhance the flow of play. The simpler rules are supposed to allow for fewer rules debates. You know, I kind of like the old rules lawyering sessions, it made for great, humorous conversations that actually took us deeper into the game.

I am not unwilling to try a session or two of the new game, but you won't see me buying any books. And my group is sticking with 3.X. We will not be rolling on to 4E. Our Dungeond and Dragons journey, at least for now, ends at 3.5.


First Post
I'm thinking that I don't have to buy any books to play 3.5 or AD&D as I have the ones I want already (and everybody already knows how to play). Anyway, i figure I can probably get more players in on an 1E AD&D game through nostalgia than anything else among my friends and once they agree to a campain, it sinks or swims on the game not the system. I might play 4E but the more I hear about it and read, the more it seems like a game I don't ever want to run.

Voidrunner's Codex

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