TSR NuTSR Declares Bankruptcy

NuTSR, owned by Justin LaNasa, has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will liquidate the company's assets. NuTSR's gross revenue so far for 2023 is $621.93 according to the documents filed in North Carolina. This is balanced against total liabilities of just over $384,000. The company made the news over the last couple of years, emerging in 2020 when then-owners Justin LaNasa and Stephen...


NuTSR, owned by Justin LaNasa, has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will liquidate the company's assets.

NuTSR's gross revenue so far for 2023 is $621.93 according to the documents filed in North Carolina. This is balanced against total liabilities of just over $384,000.

The company made the news over the last couple of years, emerging in 2020 when then-owners Justin LaNasa and Stephen Dinehart registered the defunct TSR trademarks and launched the new venture with the involvement of Ernie Gygax, one of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax's sons. Over the following months, NuTSR generated controversy after controversy, attempted to sue D&D publishers Wizards of the Coast via a crowdfunding effort, and in March 2022 eventually found itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit from them.


As a consequence of the bankruptcy petition the current lawsuit between WotC and NuTSR is on hold, postponed until March 2024. NuTSR's website is still active.



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With respect, playing dictionary games to dodge the intent of the statement isn't a compelling argument.
Apologies if that’s how it came across. That wasn’t my intent.

I’m a language stickler at times and consequences is a word that often gets used in a negative context (as the word “negative” is normally just omitted), but the word itself is neutral.

Consequences are just what happens as a result of a decision or an action, so I just wanted to be clear that consequences in and of themselves aren’t necessarily a bad thing.

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In a way he was naively and innocently got caught in this mess. I mean, all of the grifting, fraud and copyright infringement is basically Lanasa's. However, he isn't innocent of his own bigotry.

Nobody wants bad consequences, but part of maturing requires about accepting them.
I still think you’re being too kind to Ernie. He can’t be that close to what’s going on and still remain unaware of how wrong he is, especially when several close friends have specifically stated that they told him why what he was doing was wrong.

He’s made a conscious choice to align with LaNasa and support him, despite all that. So he is equally guilty in my eyes.

I still think you’re being too kind to Ernie. He can’t be that close to what’s going on and still remain unaware of how wrong he is, especially when several close friends have specifically stated that they told him why what he was doing was wrong.

He’s made a conscious choice to align with LaNasa and support him, despite all that. So he is equally guilty in my eyes.

On a related note, we should be sure to note how much Jeff Leason has also made a conscious choice to align with Lanasa and support him through all the bigotry. I wouldn't want to short Leason the credit he's due.


I know some folks want to go all in with their pitchforks and torches, but I think it bear repeating again.

I've worked with enough domestic abuse victims over the years to see the clear red flags re: Leason. It's pretty textbook, actually.
  • Abuser acts all nice, friendly and complimentary to get in.
  • Abuser starts to take control. Minor things at first. Still lots of promises.
  • Abuser then begins to take all control. Things like a job, and housing. Friends. Niceness stops. Threats start.
  • Victim defends abuser. After all, they are a smart person, how could they ever let themselves get in this position in the first place? And the abuser was super nice before. Maybe they've had a bad day. They're under a lot of stress. A lot of things going badly for them. Yep, that's the reason.
  • Victim finds themself at the complete mercy and power of the abuser, realizes the abuse, but feels trapped. No way out. They don't dare speak out against them or they will face the wrath of the abuser. A person, by the way, who constantly reminds them of the power imbalance and how much the victim relies on them.

That is Justin and Ducks relationship to a T (at least publicly from what we've seen). I'm not saying that Duck has zero responsibility here, but ask yourself before saying he's just as bad. Do you blame the victims in domestic abuse situations for not leaving? Cuz that's what this is. Duck is 100% dependent on Justin. Job, housing, everything. Duck and Ernie are very different in this regard. Ernie isn't dependent on Justin at all, (with the exception of access to the house Ernie so desperately wants to be in). But Justin has very little actual control over Ernie, unlike Duck, who will be jobless and homeless at Justin's whim.

I'll admit my bias. Because I've worked with domestic abuse victims for years, and have very close ties to that subject myself, I get a little irritated when I hear people say or infer "if they don't like it, they can just leave." Those are phrases from people who have no idea what it's like to have someone have complete power and control over you. It's never that easy or simple.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
I still think you’re being too kind to Ernie. He can’t be that close to what’s going on and still remain unaware of how wrong he is, especially when several close friends have specifically stated that they told him why what he was doing was wrong.

He’s made a conscious choice to align with LaNasa and support him, despite all that. So he is equally guilty in my eyes.
I respect you wanting to do guilt by association, but I don't practice it. The guy is guilty of enough bad things we know of on his own.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Apologies if that’s how it came across. That wasn’t my intent.

I’m a language stickler at times and consequences is a word that often gets used in a negative context (as the word “negative” is normally just omitted), but the word itself is neutral.

All words are neutral. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

But then it follows that meaning lies not in the words themselves, but in the thought we use them to express - the word is merely a tool, and the thought is more important than the tool, or any particular linguistic prescriptivism or orthodoxy.


I respect you wanting to do guilt by association, but I don't practice it. The guy is guilty of enough bad things we know of on his own.
To be fair, he's associating with--and for all we know, actual friends with--people who are vocal bigots and, in one case, is an actual nazi. And he's not (publically) saying anything about it, not even a half-hearted "that's not cool, guys."


To be fair,

Well, what follows isn't exactly fair.
he's associating with--and for all we know, actual friends with--people who are vocal bigots and, in one case, is an actual nazi. And he's not (publically) saying anything about it, not even a half-hearted "that's not cool, guys."
There's no evidence Duck hangs out with, let alone is friends with, Dave Johnson. And he did publicly say something, to which Justin replied "We need to talk."

The guy who is the abuser in a classic abuse/victim relationship had threatened Duck with homelessness if he doesn't toe the line replied "we need to talk" the minute Duck did express disagreement. I don't think it's fair at all to made accusations that Duck is friend with nazis. Not only is that not necessarily true, but it ignores abuse/victim relationships. Add to that how I've frequently heard from people who know Duck personally, respectable people and not just Justin's circle, all universally say Duck is the nicest person in the world who has never expressed the rampant bigotry Justin has. All these things are important context IMO.

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