Stuff about the wizard I noticed:
While arcane recovery does indeed have a spell level limit.
I've noticed they've actually boosted the damage on many arcane spells, Meteor Swarm actually does 20d6 bludgeoning + 20d6 fire damage now!
Permanency and that 20th level evoker ability from the playtest has been replaced with spell mastery and signature spell.
The champion fighter is really hard to kill at 18th level and gets a half prof bonus to all non-prof con, dex, and str checks.
Divine strike seems to have been moved to a domain ability, instead of something common for all clerics.
Sneak attack is now back to the 3e progression.
Rogues get blindsense, which actually does allow a rogue the ability to sneak attack someone in the dark. It was an issue brought up about the Rogue before.