• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Oh yes!


actually while I'm here were there any new Trailers for anything dropped at the premiere?

The only two trailers I recall were "Captain America: Civil War" (which was noteworthy because the 3D was out of focus), and "Star Trek Beyond". Both of which I saw here first.

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What is this Star Wars thing your talking about, wasn't that something Reagun wanted to do...

In actual fact, US President Ronald Reagan wanted to further what he called a "Strategic Defense Initiative," or SDI, but which a determinedly hostile, left-wing press insisted on calling "Star Wars."

Years after Reagan's term of office, George Lucas got eternal revenge on two Republicans, namely Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich, by giving one of the instigators of "The Phantom Menace" the very allusive name of "Nute Gunray" -- with the eternality of the revenge being dependent, of course, on getting people to admit they ever watched "The Phantom Menace."


Star Wars VII Shatters Opening Day Record

Per Box Office Mojo, "The $120.5 million opening day for Star Wars marks the largest Friday, opening day and single day records previously held by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 at $91 million. In just its opening day, the film has also broken the previous December opening weekend and single day records, . . ."

That's one successful movie in terms of money -- and the reports from both critics and fans tell us it's one successful movie in terms of content that appeals to movie-goers, as well.


I crit!
I've seen it three time now. Once in imax 3d. Um not usually a movie goer, and I usually hate 3d, but this was good, maybe the imax made the difference for me with the 3d. Anyway a vendor got us tickets as a marketing tool.

My spoiler-free review:

While I overall liked the movie, there were a few things that, in my opinion, could have been handled better narratively.

The bad: It was Episode 4...it really was. That's not necessarily a terrible thing, and I completely understand the reasoning for why it so strongly echoed Episode 4...but it felt a little heavy handed at times.

The revelation Kylo Ren's backstory could have been handled a little better. I think it would have added more of an emotional impact if the revelation would have happened on the bridge near the end...my opinion of course, and it's a minor gripe.

The scene between Han and Leia was too short for me...it's been over 30 years since we've seen them together, and considering what was to follow, the scene lacked emotional gravity for me.

The long, drawn out scene where Kylo Ren was using the force to interrogate his prisoner....that could have been easily reduced by a couple of minutes.

I understand the idea behind the First Order...I'm fine with that. But if the New Republic is the current ruling body of the galaxy, and the First Order is effectively a terrorist organization fighting against the New Republic...why is there a resistance? I supposed I shouldn't think too much about it...the logic behind Star Wars politics can be mind melting (an elected queen who should be under the age of 15 comes to mind...). There were a few times when I had to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the movie...but that isn't a negative thing, necessarily.

The Good: While the movie was 2 hours and 15 minutes long, it didn't feel that long. It was action packed, and with a few exceptions, very little of the screen time was wasted.

Harrison Ford was magnificent, as usual. The interplay with him and Chewie was spot on!

Speaking of Chewie...he stole the movie for me. Even though he really had no "lines" per se, his personality was quite evident. All throughout Episodes 4, 5, and 6, it was mentioned never to make a Wookie angry, and in this episode, you finally see why. And oh, is it glorious!

I think the most important validation for my review was that I didn't want the movie to end.

Voidrunner's Codex

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