OOC: The Enemy Within, using 4E


Carry 10 daggers and make a point of collecting them after every fight :)
If necessary, that's what I'll do. However, I'll need a bit more than the 100gp I used to make my character in order to buy the extra daggers, and if that's what I'm doing, then I'll probably alter my feat progression so that I have Quick Draw to mitigate the action disadvantage and problems with Blinding Barrage. Encumbrance might also become an issue--I don't remember how close I was to 100lb of gear.


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Dr Simon

As far as I can remember there really isn't anything like a returning weapon in WH, so if that's the route you'll want to go that's probably what you'll have to do, unfortunately. However, so far no combat has lasted very long so it may not be such an issue.

I'm going to re-write the last post in the IC thread, since no-one has responded to the magistrate and introducing Lorena also allows me to introduce some other elements as well that should move the game along.


First Post
welcome aboard tiornys!

I'm playing a young warlord, essentially inexperienced, but thoughtful. He studied at University since he was too far down the line to inherit the family title and lands. He became bored and jumped at the opportunity to participate in an adventure.


I am still around, yes :)
I may not get around to posting today, but tomorrow starts my weekend this week, so I'll have plenty of time then.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As far as I can remember there really isn't anything like a returning weapon in WH, .

Any thrown magical weapon in 4th edition returns after being thrown. It's a feature of magical weapons since 4e appeared (and I believe the rules are in PHB 1)


[MENTION=21938]Dr Simon[/MENTION], are you willing to let me draw a stack of Shuriken (5) with a single minor action? From they way they are presented in the PHB, they look like a hybrid between thrown weapons and ammunition. For example, they are sold in sets of 5, and you can silver 5 Shuriken for the same cost as silvering 30 arrows or a single weapon. However, there are no explicit rules to support this.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
D&D 4 =l= Warhammer

I think it is a setting thing. There were always bearded dwarfs in D&D. But they are not in Darksun, for example.

By the same token, there was no returning weapons in Forgotten Realms except as specific enchantment...now in 4e that same Forgotten realms has all magic weapons return.

Unless there is specific something in WH that prevents that kind of behavior or DM houserules it, there is no reason no to use 4e rules.

Dr Simon

Tiornys, don't see why not for the shurikens, although they will be considered extremely exotic weapons in the Old World.

As for returning weapons, I have no problem with having magic weapons that return, but magic weapons are extremely rare in the Warhammer setting, not the kind of thing you can pick up as easily as the default 4e setting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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