OOC: The Enemy Within, using 4E

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Dr Simon

I've finally gotten round to noting down the character details for my folder o' games, and there were a few powers I couldn't find. @walkingdad, I can't see Bludgeon Expertise feat anywhere, and [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] I can't find Rousing Assault power. I'm sure I've seen them before so I could be overlooking them somewhere simple.

[MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION], re: comment in the IC thread, I've noticed that this campaign does, as written, have a few sections where the PCs play a bit of a passive role. I've tried to iron those out wherever possible, as well as allow for a bit more PC freedom. I think that largely investigative scenarios can get a bit bogged on PbP due to the time lag, and players forgetting clues which wouldn't happen so much in face-to-face.

Also a prolonged period for me with patchy internet access doesn't help, but it looks like things are moving along still.

Walking Dad

First Post
Bludgeon Expertise is from Heroes of the Fallen Lands, but I would actually like to change it to Two-Handed Expertise from Heroes of the Feywild (same benefit as Spear Expertise, but the feat applies to all two-handed weapons).


First Post
Rousing Assault (looking at the old character builder) came from the PH Heroes: Series 1 source. I don't own it, I just still have the old CB downloaded on my laptop. I know they kind of restated the warlord class recently, so if you want me to retrain it, I can.

Dr Simon

I don't mind, as long as you can give me the details for anything I don't own. For the record I can access Players Guide 1-3, Martial Power 1-2 and the Eberron, Forgotten Realms and Dark Sun settings (plus others, but those are the most relevant).

Voidrunner's Codex

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