OOC: The Enemy Within, using 4E


I am with Walking Dad. 4e has a very explicit built-in assumption that players of a certain level have a certain level of wealth. And while I have no problem with a low-magic, low-wealth game, there needs to be some mechanic in place to stabilize things so we aren't woefully underpowered.

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Dr Simon

I hear you, although I'm still not convinced that it's absolutely necessary. So far I've had to ramp up the encounters massively for them to even begin to be a challenge, and the campaign as a whole is as much about RP and mystery as it is combat. However, I'll see how things go by the end of Shadows Over Bogenhafen - if it looks like it got too tough for the PCs I'm happy to go with the DMG2 suggestions.


Well 4e combat is supposed to be rather easy. ;)

Seriously though, it probably depends on how high level we get. As I understand it, the problem gets worse the higher in level you get. At level 2 there isn't much of a curve for us to fall behind yet.

Dr Simon

Yeah, I'll keep an eye on that. As I've sketched out the "advancement points" in the campaign, I'm planning on finishing at some point just within the Paragon range, so 11, maybe 12, assuming we progress that far ;)


Guys and gals,

I'm not really doing anything in this game (my fault, I know, for not heading into the sewers). This seems an opportune time, then, to gracefully bow out. I've got to pare down my games here, anyway.

Good luck to all,


Dr Simon

Goodbye and good luck, Insight.

Losing Hans does present us with the loss of the "mistaken identity" subplot, to which I have three suggestions:

1) Actually, it was Garold all along who was the look-alike of Kastor Leiberung

2) Hans stays on as an NPC

3) We drop the subplot, which isn't vital to the campaign.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I vote for 1)

Hans was never really targeted specifically and only thing we need to change is the image.

Voidrunner's Codex

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