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[OT] 10 Things Wrong With Star Trek


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Mark said:

You forgot the animated series... :p

Are you kidding? The animated series was great! And here are five reasons. :cool:

5) Harry Mudd
4) More tribbles!
3) Spock as a kid with his pet
2) Kzinti!
1) Lt. M'ress. *purrrr* :D

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First Post
Nightstorm said:
The real problems with Star Trek:
2. NO gay people in the future? On a show that is suppose to be all inclusive?

This came up once elsewhere and my reply "All the shows are based on military crews. Even in Year Whatever, they still don't have gays in the military!"


Rotten DM
good on every thing except the money thing.
Think only Johnny Luke harped on there being no money.
Think some more. The final show has Johnny sitting down at Rikers poker table for the very first time. I guest the Captain finally paid off his other debts.
Kirk had credits
Picard had no money
DS9 had gold press latium
Hmmm. Picard was only bald because he could afford Rogain.
I wonder how much his artifical heart cost?

As the doors are smart they open only when need. No need to break the beam except in the cartoon where Kirk used a bobby pin.

Kirk remember when you would see theories of him being the eternal hero. Why was he always want to in space travel to the far frontier? Alimony and child support payments.

Data the only robot except for his daughter, mother, father, brother.

And the Doctor from voyager hmm He malfunctions and runs pass his shareware evaluation time and he gets to write a book. The other copies have to swab the deck or something. Hello can't you code a better program to swab the deck or a machine to do it.

voyage 70 years to earth hmm what happen to transwarp from movie three. I guess Kirk drop the plans on the deck when he left the ship and no one made back ups.

borg. pull their tube they all fall down. Shoot them with bullets they all fall down. Shoot them with the funny light beams only one fall down. Hello did not Picard make note from his movie. bullets kill. I guess no one in Star fleet can get a gun permit. Yeah you can have two phaser cannons but a shot gun. Hey that can kill people.


First Post
Nightstorm said:
The real problems with Star Trek:
1. Rehased plot lines and recylced character concepts.
2. NO gay people in the future? On a show that is suppose to be all inclusive?

In the first season of TOS there was no Checkov, and the Russians complained. After all, the Russians had done as much as anyone in space exploration, and it was an insult not to include them!

So go back and look at Checkov's lines: "The garden of Eden? That was in Russia!" "Lysenko was the father of modern genetics! He discovered recombinant DNA..." He's a mockery of Soviet propaganda.

Absolutely fabulous stuff.



First Post
durath said:

It's kind of funny this came up. Check out the deleted scenes on the Star Trek:Nemesis DVD which was just recently released.

I believe it is the final deleted scene where Picard is inspecting his new Captain's chair. The eager officer who installed it tells him to push a certain button and *ta-da* a seatbelt pops out of the thing to restrain him.

I believe Captain Picard's line when the seatbelts came out was "about time". I guess they cut that scene because it broke the no seatbelts tradition of the show.


First Post
jasper said:

voyage 70 years to earth hmm what happen to transwarp from movie three. I guess Kirk drop the plans on the deck when he left the ship and no one made back ups.

borg. pull their tube they all fall down. Shoot them with bullets they all fall down. Shoot them with the funny light beams only one fall down. Hello did not Picard make note from his movie. bullets kill. I guess no one in Star fleet can get a gun permit. Yeah you can have two phaser cannons but a shot gun. Hey that can kill people.

Now prepare to FEAR MY GEEKINESS...

This is what happened to transwarp technology.

Voyager fitted one to a shuttle (funny how we never saw the Shuttle Queen that kept spawning those things, though). When Paris came back from the test flight he turned into this weird future amphibian man, abducted the Captain, turned her into one of him, and they had alien babies that they left behind on some jungle planet after they reversed the process.

Apparently Starfleet did something right and banned the idea.

I'm not making this up. Weirdest ep, but it does explain a few things...

Anyway, memory betrays me, but I think personal borg shields are proof against energy weapons only. Static shields like internal forcefields on their vessels, however, those are standard forcefields that block anything. Apparently in the future everyone uses weapons of the same approximate size and function of an electric razor, and the borg built their technology to resist these.

And Deep Space 9 was my favourite Trek.

One more for the road: Ever try getting a seatbelt around Kirk? Cheap shot, I know. It was late and I was tired.

(Since I am not the only geek here, I can trust to post a bit to this matter :) )

Oh, in the last season of DS9 there was a projectile weapon, but it was extremely improved: It used a transporter to beam the projectile to anywhere within the reach of the transporter and than hit a target...
Apperantly, it was a Starfleet Design they abondened later, though I cannot remember the reasons for it. (Maybe because it is obviosuly an assassination weapon, nothing Starfleet or the Federation could really tolerate?)

Maybe everybody prefers using energy weapons because the colateral damage is not so high - energy weapons might damage the hull of a ship, but at least there are no bullets that bounce uncontrolled through the ship...
Phaser do have a stun setting, but they can also be used to penetrate steel plates. You might be able to do one of these two jobs with a "conventional" firearm, but not both...
Energy Weapons do need Energy, which most worlds seem to be able to produce quite easily. No Bullets to carry with you -
Phaser energy zero? Hell, get to the next electric conduit and reload!

Oh, and it seems as if energy weapons are highly efficient against body armor, since few seem to wear it, unless they also expect melee combat. (Klingons and many typical non-Starfleet guards seem to carry protective clothes...).
Without armor, people are lighter and can concentrate more on stealth and ambushes...

Mustrum Ridcully


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Oh, in the last season of DS9 there was a projectile weapon, but it was extremely improved: It used a transporter to beam the projectile to anywhere within the reach of the transporter and than hit a target...
Apperantly, it was a Starfleet Design they abondened later, though I cannot remember the reasons for it. (Maybe because it is obviosuly an assassination weapon, nothing Starfleet or the Federation could really tolerate?)

Maybe because transporters won't work (or aren't supposed to work) through shields? At least that's the way I've always seen them limit how transporters work.

Nightstorm said:
The real problems with Star Trek:
2. NO gay people in the future? On a show that is suppose to be all inclusive?

What do we need to add Bob the engineering ensign who frequently cruises 10 Forward for a new piece of you know what? :rolleyes:

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