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[PbP] The Rising of a God

Deepwinter 7

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"Why are you leaving" I say to the dandy human next to me. "Well I'm staying. I turn to the house and yell: "I'm staying and if anyone tries to exit I'll arrest him or her"

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serves Gnome Master
Making absolutely certain noone is near, and asking Argos to detect magic just in case someone is spying by magical means or invisibly, Dweldan speaks:

"As I stopped one of the nobles of the victim's family, I think his name is Alirelin, he seemed to be possessed by something, a strange ghostly apparition seemed to be in his eyes. Someone wants this war; nevertheless, having the Dwarves stand in front of the gate is a good thing, as it creates a stalemate, and hence will stall the situation somewhat. But I have trouble deciding what to do next..."

Deepwinter 7

First Post
"Yes it's obvious that at least someone would want this war, for no things happen without reason. The question of course is who and another yet more important question would be whether we would one to get too much involved in all this. We have to be very careful here and try not to make enemies with those too powerful for us.

The dwarves will make a good stalemate and will provide us with some time to investigate this Alirelin guy. Let us go to one of the temples to ask a priest what he makes of this, maybe this particular noble is under the influence of a spell which can be dispelled or removed. Pray come with me, my desert companion"
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serves Gnome Master
"I am just as home in the forest, swamps or the mountains as I am in the desert. I've done a lot of travelling, and I learn fast. In any case, I agree with you. A temple of Pelor?"


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Grumbling to myself: "Hmmmpf, I hope the everlasting one and the human return quickly. I don't like to wait and do nothing."

Returning to my good mood I ask one of the dwarves who talked to me earlier about the wedding of my old friend. I also ask him about my parents, mainly trying to find out if I hurt them by leaving the Dwarven lands to look for adventure elsewhere.


First Post
When Eoward sees the human and the elf leave, he yells after them "Run cowards!".

He then turns toward the dwarven mob and yells "Leave the vicinity of our mansion at once. This is private property. If you are reluctant to do so, my men will make you." That said he signals towards the men on the parapets, who nod and menacingly target their bows downwards.

Meanwhile Dweldan and Argos are on their way to the Great Temple of Pelor. Walking about the city, they sense that there is an ongoing civil unrest. People clutter around on the streets talking of the assassination attempt and some even talk about war. As always, the story soon has numerous different versions, and Argos overhears a man shouting about a Hydra coming from within the dungeons of the Palace, eating the whole city elite.

After about 15 minutes they arrive at The Enlightened Square, which is filled by an enormous crowd, seeking the protection from their church and God. The two have a difficult time maneuvering through the fast crowd but finally make it to the church entrance where they are rudely stopped by defenders of the church. "Sorry the church is closed for public at the moment. Please move along." one of the guards explains to Dweldan's inquiry.

OOC: I fast forwarded Dweldan and Argos. They have a half hour gap with the rest...
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First Post
"We are here to help, you hard headed human. If you can't understand that, then you must be a fool." I look at the other brother and yell: "Stand up to your brother, You know that your brother is innocent. If the townspeople find him first, you know he will hang from the highest tree. And it won't be long for it is your turn, How long can you hold out here if the whole town is against you."

With each word spoken more loudly and angrier then the one before Gurd makes for a barbaric sight.

"Now let us in, or the dwarves will come and get you. And we will turn your home into a pile of stones."

And with a determind walk I move towards the gates.
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serves Gnome Master
"Revered Son, I am not part of the general public. I have information about these occurences, and perhaps know of a first step to quench the unrest. It would be in the town's best interest if you would let me and my companion enter."
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The guard looks in doubt, but says after some time "I'm sorry but I can't let you pass..." although Argos can hear a slight tremor in the guard's voice.

On the other side of town Eoward listens to the words spoken by Gurd, but he does not seem impressed. He replies in a calm voice "Give it your best shot, dwarf, this mansion is a fortress. We can survive for months if need be. You will just be held responsible for the deaths of your kin when you try and enter the premises....", that said the archers release two arrows, which land in front of Gurd in the ground.

Voidrunner's Codex

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